To be a kind person, to seek happiness for the people

  • 1、Why can't forget, is that he was not cruel enough, or feel stupid enough.
  • 2、你可以念旧,但别期盼一切如旧。
  • 3、Later, as long as I have news about you, I will keep an eye on it everywhere, but I have never met you again.
  • 4、When you are in pursuit of happiness, happiness is always escaping from you; but when you avoid it, happiness is always with you.
  • 5、In fact, we have never forgotten the truth. It's just that we're going to lie more and more.
  • 爱与不爱、永远只在一念之间。
  • 6、爱与不爱、永远只在一念之间。
  • 7、过去的一页,能不翻就不要翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。
  • 8、We are not aware of their own happiness, because we don't know some pain, disappointment, grief at separation and joy in union is happy.
  • 9、Why can't forget, is that he was not cruel enough, or feel stupid enough.

  • 10、你的诞生带给我希望,而我希望带给你幸福。
  • 11、I believe in the fairy tale you wrote, and myself becomes the faint flower fairy.
  • 12、We are the most naive way to lose the most loved one.
  • 13、我相信了你编写的童话,自己就成了童话中幽蓝的花。
  • 14、We always give others hurt yourself, so a bit better to oneself, because no one will take you around the world.
  • 15、The most crazy thing in this life, is falling in love with you, the greatest hope, is that you accompany me crazy for a lifetime.
  • 16、属于我们的电影,重复的上演着伤害。
  • 17、Please don't take me as an idiot, dive under my nose and hide in my button.
  • 18、我只怕相遇时间太早,不能与你到老。
  • 19、真正幸福的人,即使有痛苦的时刻,他也知道痛苦过后依然指向幸福。

  • 20、习惯寂寞,选择一个人生活。
  • 不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。
  • 21、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。
  • 22、要看好人,自己就先做个好人。幸福从心开始。
  • 23、一分钟心动,一小时喜欢,一天爱上。忘记他,却是一辈子。
  • 24、Love and not love, always only in one thought.
  • 25、The last page, can not turn, do not turn, turn off the dust will be lost in the eyes.
  • 26、I saw my reflection in the water, my blurred face, my fragmented appearance.
  • 27、Control your tears and don't let grief infect others.
  • 28、别在姐面前卖弄单纯,姐复杂得很。
  • 29、Your world, I just passing by the well-being!

  • 30、大概是孤独久了,谁来我都会习惯的推开。
  • 31、笔终收,人亦走,当真一别两宽,各生欢喜。
  • 32、我的眼泪触了你的眉,你的笑容抵不了我的泪。
  • 33、喜歡安靜的陪著妳,即使是在網絡裏麻木的聊天。
  • 34、不是不喜欢热闹,只是习惯了孤独。
  • 35、When you were away from me, I was afraid. I thought I would not care, but the tears could not deceive myself!
  • Everyone's life is like a piece of music, play, depicting the moon grief at separation and joy in union.
  • 36、Everyone's life is like a piece of music, play, depicting the moon grief at separation and joy in union.
  • 37、Lonely people always say that it does not matter, in fact, has been in the heart of snow!
  • 38、一分钟心动,一小时喜欢,一天爱上。忘记他,却是一辈子。
  • 39、When care and companionship into trouble, loneliness is the best salvation.

  • 40、年轻的我们一起哭,只因为我们不敢笑。
  • 41、Everyone's life is like a piece of music, play, depicting the moon grief at separation and joy in union.
  • 42、There is one person, he will accompany you to smile, but you can not be enduring as the universe.
  • 43、有时候,我们等的不是什么人、什么事,我们等的是时间,等时间,让自己改变。
  • 44、他对你视而不见,你何必苦苦相念。
  • 45、Tears, tears are my experience, the taste of growth; tears, tears flowing through countless nights, the taste of heartache.
  • 46、A truly happy person, even if there is pain in the moment, he also knows the pain after the still point to happiness.
  • 47、Walk the same street and return to two worlds.
  • 48、When the pain to the limit, tears can not make up the broken heart.
  • 49、鸟儿美在羽毛,人们美在勤劳。

  • 50、You can read the old, but don't expect everything to be the same.
  • 如果血液可以刹车,那么他的心脏里到处都是轮胎摩擦的痕迹。
  • 51、如果血液可以刹车,那么他的心脏里到处都是轮胎摩擦的痕迹。
  • 52、世界上其实根本没有感同身受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多痛。
  • 53、如果血液可以刹车,那么他的心脏里到处都是轮胎摩擦的痕迹。
  • 54、爱与不爱、永远只在一念之间。
  • 55、用心聆听,深深呼吸,烟花雨,梨花月,寄一缕风的香魂,远离喧嚣。
  • 56、走完同一条街,回到两个世界。
  • 57、Your world, I just passing by the well-being!
  • 58、别在姐面前卖弄单纯,姐复杂得很。
  • 59、Perhaps only from far, to once walk that day, see most clearly the most authentic.
