
  • 1、轻轻地,不惊你梦;只愿你,梦中有我。
  • 2、你是我生命最美的点缀,这样的美好像要保留一辈子。
  • 3、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动。
  • 4、手牵手,坐在满满枫叶的椅子上,看着太阳升起,享受彼此给予的浪漫。
  • 5、The happiness of love, is the world's most beautiful expectations. And we are walking towards it.

  • 6、谁的爱情宫殿是用美德奠基,用财富筑墙,用美丽发光,用荣耀铺顶,谁就是最幸福的人。
  • 7、天各一方又如何,我在这里,你在那里,我们远远的相恋就是了。
  • 8、You said I was Murmansk, North Atlantic, you should be tight, I have come to the top of the wind.
  • 9、你在我身旁,你就是一切;你在别的地方,一切都是你。
  • 10、When you lean into my heart, and then fat, they stuck in the inside out.
  • 11、我希望结婚戒指是为你而戴的,我已经偷偷存钱存了很久。
  • 12、Casual encounter, casual leave, life is always like this, very helpless.
  • 13、The missing lover, in fact, never really belongs to you, no need to regret.
  • 14、如果你从未在世上出现,我可能已经成了一个和尚!
  • 15、Has tried one thousand times to forget you, but one thousand and one times to think of you.

  • 16、只要身边有你,无论富贵与否,我都是世上最幸福的人。
  • 17、Everyone who says he doesn't want to fall in love has an impossible person in his mind.
  • 18、这位帅哥,你宛如我下一任男友。
  • 19、Every night when the stars fall, I count my loneliness again and again.
  • 不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱!
  • 20、不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱!
  • 21、Every night when the stars fall, I count my loneliness again and again.
  • 22、As natural as eating and sleeping every day, I'm used to having you every day.
  • 23、我的婚礼上会有你穿着婚纱走过红地毯。
  • 24、Every night when the stars fall, I count my loneliness again and again.
  • 25、之所以会念念不忘,是因为自知此生再也拥有不了。

  • 26、认识你愈久,愈觉得你是我人生行路中一处清喜的水泽。
  • 27、我还是会相信爱情,只是不会再相信爱情能永远。
  • 28、今夜没有你,一切都是那么冷清,有一种心境属于你,那就是孤独;有一种失落陪着我,也是孤独。
  • 29、If I have you in my future, I'm not afraid of anything else.
  • 30、听我的就是,问那么多干嘛,我在你身边,你还走错路!
  • 31、Everyone is an arc, can just make a circle, is a pair.
  • 32、Gently, don't startle your dreams; only wish you had me in your dreams.
  • 33、只要身边有你,无论富贵与否,我都是世上最幸福的人。
  • 每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。
  • 34、每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。
  • 35、你是我生命最美的点缀,这样的美好像要保留一辈子。

  • 36、As long as you, whether rich or not, I am the happiest person in the world.
  • 37、不经意的邂逅,不经意的别离,人生总是这样,很无奈。
  • 38、听我的就是,问那么多干嘛,我在你身边,你还走错路!
  • 39、总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。
  • 40、The more you know for a long time, I felt that you are a joy in my life the way clear water in.
  • 41、Even if you are a piece of shit, I would not hesitate to rub into pills, warm boiling water down.
  • 42、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动。
  • 43、I wish I was playing, are you rooting for me in the side, I sweat.
  • 44、One day you and I sit in front of the court, old age, flowers fall, a life time.
  • 45、Every day heartbeat for you, every moment is touched by you.

  • 46、Let's prepare for our future, OK?
  • 47、我心都放你那里了,你还在乎我这个人干什么。
  • Heart tired to a certain extent, even angry and the strength of comparison.
  • 48、Heart tired to a certain extent, even angry and the strength of comparison.
  • 49、爱上一个人是美好的,是快乐的,是温暖的,无论外面多么寒冷,爱上了你,我的全身都是温暖的。让我们彼此温暖着,一起度过这个冬天!
  • 50、爱你才会和你一起拼搏,不然何苦拿青春赌明天。
  • 51、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。
  • 52、每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。
  • 53、不需言语,让我用行动告诉你,什么叫爱!
  • 54、像每天要吃饭和睡觉那么自然,我已经习惯每天有你。
  • 55、让我们一起为我们的未来做准备,好吗?

  • 56、I am not so strong, I will be afraid of losing you.
  • 57、如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中。我将毫不保留。