
  • 1、我没那么多力气对每个人都微笑
  • 2、不如清了这杯浊酒散了这场老友.
  • 3、慢慢的长大了却感觉变沉默了,懂得多了却不快乐了。
  • 4、The heart of a man should be solid, but the heart of fire should be empty.
  • 5、不怕不知味,就怕后反劲。

    Our story is so short, so short that I remember every detail.
  • 6、Our story is so short, so short that I remember every detail.
  • 7、My youth will, I'm opening day will.
  • 8、Men never know, the woman said to break up just to let him stay.
  • 9、My youth will, I'm opening day will.
  • 10、Lingering hope not to wear, the fate of reincarnation, that the other side of my call, you have heard.
  • 11、有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否真的值得拥有。
  • 12、If the bell does not ring, one cannot learn.
  • 13、女人都是飞蛾,天生擅长不怕死的扑火。
  • 14、Sad not to tell others, because others do not care.
  • 15、My heart began to sink, in the face of those in the population is not.

  • 16、Diet is precious, exercise is precious.
  • 17、我知道我该放弃,只可惜心上长不出手指,抓不住什么,也放不开什么。
  • 18、如果我强大到能包容你的所有你会不会愿意与我白头
  • 19、If you want to live and be happy, you have to work hard.
  • 20、清水入喉像*胃的烈酒说要留下的人都早已远走.
  • 吃饭莫过饱,饭后莫快跑。
  • 21、吃饭莫过饱,饭后莫快跑。
  • 22、不使无缰耕牛,不乘无叉跑马。
  • 23、九里雪大,伏里雨大。
  • 24、不如清了这杯浊酒散了这场老友.
  • 25、什么时候,我们喜欢上了安静,却又很怕寂寞。

  • 26、你不抓紧我珍惜我我是会逃走的别后悔.
  • 27、你永远都不会知道,为你胡思乱想的人有多么爱你。
  • 28、Don't eat too much, don't run after dinner.
  • 29、刻在记忆里的那个夏天,是我们一起在阳光下流下的泪水。
  • 30、经过多少孤单,从来无人陪伴。
  • 31、如若她为你青丝换白发也不枉我只身走天涯
  • 32、A man is anxious to forget his shame, and a dog is anxious to look at the wall.
  • 33、宁可折断骨头,不可背弃信念。
  • 34、九里雪大,伏里雨大。
  • 35、刻在记忆里的那个夏天,是我们一起在阳光下流下的泪水。

    Are the people as a father, would be rather baffling vexatious.
  • 36、Are the people as a father, would be rather baffling vexatious.
  • 37、用情深至无情,人未老心苍茫。
  • 38、When did we fall in love with quiet, but we are afraid of loneliness?
  • 39、A man is anxious to forget his shame, and a dog is anxious to look at the wall.
  • 40、牵牛要牵牛鼻子,打蛇要打七寸里。
  • 41、人要脸,树要皮,不要脸的没法治。
  • 42、Three hundred and sixty rows, row out the first prize.
  • 43、Love, your words are my food, your breath is my wine.
  • 44、As soon as I saw him, I forgot everything about my favorite surname.
  • 45、You never know who you love how you make blind and disorderly conjectures.

  • 46、要想感冒少,常洗冷水澡。
  • 47、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。
  • 48、Don't be afraid of being insipid, just be afraid of backlash.
  • 49、我要告诉全世界,我是为你而来。不管你在哪里,我都能走到你的面前。在你难过的时候,给你每个人都有梦每个人都有爱。让我们把爱献给所有需要爱的人,愿他们永远幸福美好!
  • 50、我无法控制自己的眼睛忍不住要去看他就像口干舌燥的人明知水里有毒却还要喝一样
  • Only in the lonely time, will think of the most familiar with you.
  • 51、Only in the lonely time, will think of the most familiar with you.
  • 52、Better break a bone than betray faith.
  • 53、终究以后的路不是我陪你走
  • 54、饮食贵有节,锻炼贵有恒。
  • 55、Some words, for rotten in the heart, some pain, soundless and stirless forget.

  • 56、我从不指望任何人心疼我,没关系,天塌下来,我自己扛....
  • 57、牵牛要牵牛鼻子,打蛇要打七寸里。
  • 58、爸爸的快乐你想象不到。
  • 59、是我太任性,是我太执着,还是我太自信。