
  • 1、我不是冷血,更不是慢热。我只是害怕,投入太多,离开的时候会难过。
  • 2、With a glass of pure water, in the face of the complexity of a lifetime.
  • 3、Is a symbol of vitality, vanity is a young mark.
  • 4、My heart is with you、我的爱与你同在。
  • 5、Love lives in life, but always in love.
  • You are single not because you are not good enough, but that there is no one worthy of you.
  • 6、You are single not because you are not good enough, but that there is no one worthy of you.
  • 7、我们并不是因为幸福才笑,而是因为笑了才幸福。
  • 8、Slowly, learn a person silently bear all, don't let people see through. Learn to hide every heartache, in the crowd is strong.
  • 9、I walked along our path for a period of stay, a section of love, the rest of the.
  • 10、Originally, there are some things to remember for a long time, or the same sad.

  • 11、Ten thousand lights shine warmly, and I am in exile at night.
  • 12、孤独饮酒烂醉街头,没有人问我要往哪里走。
  • 13、明明灭灭的人生,我原作一盏灯,温暖你的寒冷,关照你的一生。
  • 14、Don't say love easily, promises are debts!
  • 15、When a person who does not love the time, you can fall in love with any one of the people around him.
  • 16、世界上有一半的人听不懂你说什么,剩下的一半根本不想听。
  • 17、徘徊在过去,你让我好累。
  • 18、Why is there a lot of things, always turn around on the reincarnation?
  • 19、原来,有些事过得再久,想起来的时候还是一样的难过。
  • Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

    20、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

  • 21、You are my pen to hide for years, writing news.
  • 22、我们没有说再见,只是很默契的不再打扰对方。
  • 23、我沿着我们的轨迹走了一段,停留了一段,爱剩下一片。
  • 24、人们都说失去后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去比什么都痛。
  • 25、当初说没有了对方会活不下去现在你死了吗?
  • 26、Time seems to come to endure, and finally make me a person who is not easy to say love.
  • 27、Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced.
  • 28、我的付出你看不到,我爱你你却装作无所谓。
  • 29、累了,疲倦了,不会在爱你了。
  • 30、那些伤害过我的人,谢谢你们,在我最自以为是的青春里,让我明白人间冷暖。

  • 31、我不喜欢主动联系别人,但绝不是不在乎。
  • 32、正因要生存,我开始学习并领悟放下。
  • 33、有些路,只能一个人走;有些人,只能边走边忘。
  • 最怕的是,明明已经很久不再想念你,你却悄悄跑到我梦里来。
  • 34、最怕的是,明明已经很久不再想念你,你却悄悄跑到我梦里来。
  • 35、When I was seventeen and eight, met a group of bad guys, they accompany me through this life only a youth.
  • 36、生活看似简单,生活起来却是这么的难。
  • 37、Sometimes, just want to have someone to hug me, until I feel really good.
  • 38、是否现在你不懂我的眼泪,看不见我眼中匿藏的信息。
  • 39、为何泪流成河,因为放弃你是我从未作的选择。
  • 40、Now we only have the tacit understanding, is quietly lying on the other side of the friends list, or their live.

  • 41、The bright and extinct life, I used to be a lamp, warm your cold, take care of your life.
  • 42、我不喜欢主动联系别人,但绝不是不在乎。
  • 43、当初说没有了对方会活不下去现在你死了吗?
  • 44、正因要生存,我开始学习并领悟放下。
  • 45、Fate is the book, inadvertently will miss, read too seriously will shed tears.
  • 46、曾经的天长地久,曾近的山盟海誓,只不过是你曾经的甜言蜜语,那我算什么?
  • 47、爱情怎么能容许介入,心酸怎么能说清楚。
  • And I just how hard my parents don't joke.
  • 48、And I just how hard my parents don't joke.
  • 49、I don't like to contact other people, but I don't care about it.
  • 50、用一杯水的单纯,面对一辈子的复杂。

  • 51、We do not say goodbye, just a tacit agreement no longer disturb each other.
  • 52、In this young age, who ever had a vow or eternity.
  • 53、People who say they forget often remember.
  • 54、陪我们走到最后的人,也许算不上是最爱,但会是最合适的。
  • 55、你说要保护我,后来的大风大浪却也都是你给的。
  • 56、We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time.