
  • 1、Rose in full bloom time ends, you smile silhouette, is the only watch quiet glow.
  • 2、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。
  • 3、多谢你的不在乎、知道了我的自作多情。
  • 4、人到情多情转薄,而今真个不多情。
  • 5、Not only the tears, only on behalf of sad, and not only you, just represent love.
  • Happiness is when I am lost, you are like an angel.
  • 6、Happiness is when I am lost, you are like an angel.
  • 7、:在你坚持不住的时候,记得告诉自己,再坚持一下。
  • 8、You have been sitting on the sofa, you love the music stopped, I wait for you and so on.

  • 9、“你做过最昧良心的事是什么?”“帮着学校骗教育局。”
  • 10、The only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.
  • 11、Touched your persistent, the heart of your care, in the wandering of the closed cabin, only your name, bright and transparent.
  • 12、Thank you for your care, I know the way.
  • 13、The sweet time I've had with you, I'll never forget it all my life.
  • 14、I'm probably a bird. Full of vigilance, not easy to stay. So keep flying.
  • 15、The sun, so warm, but burned, moonlight, so quiet, but cold.
  • 16、你是不是喜欢一个人,喜欢到现在都还没放弃。
  • 17、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。
  • 18、One is a gorgeous and short dream, one is a cruel and long reality.

  • 19、你感觉到隔膜,前提应该是你有沟通的愿望,你对那些你不曾想到要与之沟通的人是不会感觉到隔膜的。
  • 女人伪装幸福,只是害怕被男人发现她伤心。
  • 20、女人伪装幸福,只是害怕被男人发现她伤心。
  • 21、Do not love you, I am afraid to lose the whole world, love you, I am afraid to lose myself.
  • 22、Love is blending with each other rather than a single love, love is not all sweet.
  • 23、在尘世每个欢乐明亮的时刻,我总那么轻易的就想起你。
  • 24、飘飘雪花,悠悠情思,望穿了秋水,望断了天涯人的归路。
  • 25、I was so silent, with a little bit of a clumsy. Just like your lost, never ever gave to me.
  • 26、With his hand to beat the chest, so the heart will not be so painful.
  • 27、She's a left-handed. We can hold hands for dinner!
  • 28、:在你坚持不住的时候,记得告诉自己,再坚持一下。

  • 29、我不会把心画在沙滩,因为海浪会带走,我不会把心画在天空,因为风会带走,我不会把心画在春天,因为时间会带走,亲爱的,请让我把心画在你的心中,让生命带走。
  • 30、我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。
  • 31、My choice is to love you or love you more, your choice is to love me or not love me.
  • 32、The sun, so warm, but burned, moonlight, so quiet, but cold.
  • 33、只要喊了她媳妇,就要拿了命去珍惜。
  • I can't forget your smiling face, more can't get rid of the entanglement of memory.
  • 34、I can't forget your smiling face, more can't get rid of the entanglement of memory.
  • 35、你不仅毁了我的人,我的心,还有那份忠贞的情。
  • 36、我是你的风筝,线在你手上,可陪伴我的只有风。
  • 37、Happiness is when I am lost, you are like an angel.
  • 38、I wait for you, until I no longer love you, I miss you, until I no longer sad.

  • 39、爱是不死力量是疲惫生活中的英雄梦想
  • 40、My choice is to love you or love you more, your choice is to love me or not love me.
  • 41、你若安好,便是晴天,你若幸福,便是终点。
  • 42、:在你坚持不住的时候,记得告诉自己,再坚持一下。
  • 43、假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。
  • 44、没有什么不公平只要动了情你就别想赢
  • 45、With his hand to beat the chest, so the heart will not be so painful.
  • 46、As long as she shouted her daughter-in-law, she would have to take his life to cherish it.
  • 47、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。
  • 爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。


  • 49、我与我尸骨未寒,你与她一世长安。
  • 50、我大概是一只鸟。充满了警觉,不容易停留。所以一直在飞。
  • 51、生活有进有退,输什么也不能输了心情。
  • 52、I'm probably a bird. Full of vigilance, not easy to stay. So keep flying.
  • 53、Forever too long, love you to the day I leave the world.
  • 54、世上最重要的事,不在于我们在何处,而在于我们朝着什么方向走。
  • 55、Time after all is more powerful than love, it is not difficult to forget anything.
  • 56、I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze.
  • 57、Life has a back, lose what can not lose the mood.