
  • 1、He was born than a fool, the world without love.
  • 2、Life will not be lovesickness, only to Acacia, then harm the Acacia.
  • 3、当爱情承载更多的希望,它也会幻灭得更快。
  • 4、Love is light love, love is deep love.
  • 5、Believe in love, even if it brings you sorrow, you must believe in love.
  • Maybe I am making a monkey business, but I am very good at coaxing.

    6、Maybe I am making a monkey business, but I am very good at coaxing.

  • 7、不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。
  • 8、思悠悠,恨悠悠,恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。
  • 9、There will always be people who'll hurt you, so you need to continue trusting, just be careful.
  • 10、I do not know where the lover is, only looking up to the distance. I do not know whether it is in the southeast, or far in the northwest. In any case, we must go to that place.
  • 11、距离使两颗心靠得更近。
  • 12、When drunk, we know that wine is strong and love is important.
  • 13、我透过时间看透了所有,你终究不属于我。
  • 14、我要捧起雪儿的脸庞,让她永远不再受伤。更要留住石榴的芳香,伴我回归爱的故乡。
  • 15、一再的隐忍,一再的退让,却换来了盛宴上的谎言。
  • 16、Many times, too much exposure makes us unhappy.

  • 17、美人卷珠帘,深坐颦蛾眉。
  • 18、培育爱情必须用和声细语。
  • 十字路口,我们分着走。你走我的泪,我走你的恨。
  • 19、十字路口,我们分着走。你走我的泪,我走你的恨。
  • 20、See the courthouse blossom, Rongrubujing; hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, has no intention to stay! Love is love, love is love, dream long t.
  • 21、我爱少年至深是我年少之时。
  • 22、当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有。
  • 23、你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!
  • 24、Strange dialogues, the most familiar people.
  • 25、A lady's eyes are the bright stars of love.
  • 26、在这,守候着你,谁会了解,我的孤独。

  • 27、直缘感君恩爱一回顾,使我双泪长珊珊。
  • 28、当我沮丧时你拉拔我。
  • 29、The snow covered the world, just as you are.
  • 30、雪覆盖了这个世界,纯洁的如同你一样。
  • 31、看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊;望天上云卷云舒,去留无意!情是情非情,情非情是情,梦长酩。
  • 不知情人在何方,只能抬头望远方。不知是在东南方,还是远在西北方。无论如何在何方,都要赶去那地方。
  • 32、不知情人在何方,只能抬头望远方。不知是在东南方,还是远在西北方。无论如何在何方,都要赶去那地方。
  • 33、喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢。
  • 34、The more ardent and sincere love is, the more implicit it is.
  • 35、我透过时间看透了所有,你终究不属于我。
  • 36、I was born for you, and you for me.

  • 37、哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。
  • 38、Equinox flower, flower leaves, Ye Sheng flowers, read, but not meet.
  • 39、A man has already forgotten the memory of one's own mind.
  • 40、有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。
  • 41、渴望我是火,忘记我是雪,看见我流泪,不知道我在为你心伤。
  • 42、明月不谙离恨苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。
  • 43、一再的隐忍,一再的退让,却换来了盛宴上的谎言。
  • 44、感冒原本是一种很伤感的病。
  • Love needs no expression.
  • 45、Love needs no expression.
  • 46、Anything for love at any time will not be wasted.

  • 47、情敌的彼此思念,比情人的彼此思念还要多。
  • 48、明月不谙离恨苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。
  • 49、离别使爱情热烈,相逢则使它牢固。
  • 50、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
  • 51、At the crossroads, we are separated. You walk my tears, I walk your hate.