2023-04-30 12:14:17
- 1、Eat raw food and make fat roots.
- 2、没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。
- 3、When filial piety is tried, loyalty is exhausted.
- 4、Eating in Guangzhou, living in Suzhou.
- 5、If words fail, men lose.
- 6、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。
- 7、恒心搭起通天路,勇气吹开智慧门。
8、If you are not afraid of it, you will not be afraid of it.
- 9、Deeds can be done, and modesty can add wisdom.
- 10、庸人费心将是消磨时光,能人费尽心计利用时间。
- 11、In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.
- 12、枝上花开能几日,世上人生能几何。
- 13、事事留心,到处安身。
- 14、娶妻莫恨无良媒,书中自有颜如玉。
- 15、In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.
- 16、长江一去无回浪,人老何曾再少年。
- 17、I'm always afraid of one day. Even if the relationship does not change. You and I are meeting after meeting.
- 19、No risk of three points, it is difficult to practice bravery.
- 20、Cut off your head and interrupt your bones.
- 21、Learn to seek in pain, and practice in diligence.
- 22、宁为有瑕玉,不做无瑕石。
- 23、不要因为自己还年轻,用健康去换去金钱,等到老了,才明白金钱却换不来健康。
- 24、见强不怕,遇弱不欺。
- 25、Flowers bloom again.
- 26、Flowers bloom on branches for several days, and life can be geometric in the world.
- 27、To read the book of life, to try.
- 29、Take care of everything and stay safe everywhere.
- 30、Count your words, and do your work thoroughly.
- 31、Eating people's mouth is soft, and it's short for human beings.
- 32、Paper makes no flowers, but wax does not make fire.
- 33、读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思。
- 34、I'm always afraid of one day. Even if the relationship does not change. You and I are meeting after meeting.
- 35、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。
- 36、Willing to cut the whole body, dare to dismount the emperor.
- 37、虎瘦雄心在,人穷志不短。
- 39、海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。
- 40、Do not know the season to see flowers and grass, do not know the air to see five wood.
- 41、人生在世,最重要的不是自己处境如何,而是你如何看待自己的处境。
- 42、如切如磋,如琢如磨。
- 43、莫等闲、白了少年头,空悲切。
- 44、If you are not afraid of it, you will not be afraid of it.
- 45、事业或学业的成功在于奋发努力,勤勉进取。太贪玩,放松要求便会一事无成;做人行事,必须谨慎思考,考虑周详才会有所成就。任性马虎随便只会导致失败。
- 46、If the grass does not germinate, people will not work hard.
- 47、Time is like the flowing water of the East.
48、The Spring Festival is worth a thousand dollars, and the flowers are fragrant and the moon is cloudy.
- 49、常用的铁不锈,常练的人不病。
- 50、人若是把一生的光阴虚度,便是抛下黄金未买一物。
- 51、Perseverance set up the all day road, and courage opened the door of wisdom.
- 52、Learn to seek in pain, and practice in diligence.
- 53、对人要宽,对己要严。
- 54、世上最累人的事,莫过於虚伪的过日子。
- 55、Time is like the flowing water of the East.