Their slow Xu poo abdomen, we know not reading book。 -- Zhang Yuelou

  • 1、Love the doping and unrelated to its own calculations, it is not true love。
  • 2、用进步回报父母的期待,用良知回报老师的辛苦。
  • 3、Love makes people longing to perfection into the environment。
  • 4、Hold your hand and grow old together with you。
  • 5、人之相识,贵在相知;人之相知,贵在知心。
  • Honesty is the capital of a man, and a man without integrity is a loser.

    6、Honesty is the capital of a man, and a man without integrity is a loser.

  • 7、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。
  • 8、诚信,让心灵无瑕,让友谊长存,让世界美好!
  • 9、The true love, in giving up the inpidual's happiness can produce。
  • 10、用我的想法和你们的钱,我们会做得很好。
  • 11、言必诚信,行必忠正。
  • 12、When you have no feeling for a person, you will find a lot of reasons not to love him。
  • 13、不宝金玉,而忠信为宝。
  • 14、怨言是上天得到人类最大的供物,也是人类祷告中最真诚的部分。
  • 15、诚取天地正气问人间暖凉,法引规矩方圆律世间万象。
  • 16、Love is not who sacrificed for who, who do what, once love become so, this is not love。

  • 17、诚实者既不怕光明,也不怕黑暗。
  • 18、诚实人说的话,像他的抵押品那样可靠。
  • 失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自己。
  • 19、失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自己。
  • 20、失去了真,同时也失去了美。
  • 21、Hold your hand and grow old together with you。
  • 22、Love is always hidden in the heart。
  • 23、Can stimulate people's feelings, love can purify people's hearts。
  • 24、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。
  • 25、The wind blows unease of flower, and you become the most beautiful ornament。
  • 26、失足,你可能马上复站立,失信,你也许永难挽回。

  • 27、靠山山会倒,靠水水会流,靠自己永远不倒。
  • 28、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。
  • 29、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,无法预知明天。
  • 30、Love makes people longing to perfection into the environment。
  • 31、Because of loneliness to love, will often fall into deeper loneliness in the past hope。
  • 别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,无法预知明天。
  • 32、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,无法预知明天。
  • 33、你若不想做,会找一个或无数个借口;你若想做,会想一个或无数个办法。
  • 34、实话可能令人伤心,但胜过谎言。
  • 35、When a person is suffering, it will be remembered that he had been a pain in the past。
  • 36、信达于诚,方能勤政。法精于治,方能谐民。

  • 37、与朋友交,言而有信。
  • 38、Meet, not hate, hate is back。
  • 39、Can stimulate people's feelings, love can purify people's hearts。
  • 40、如果要别人诚信,首先自己要诚信。
  • 41、行动不一定带来快乐,而无行动则决无快乐。
  • 42、只有不完美的产品,有挑剔的客户,要有好的灌溉,才有好的结果!
  • 43、诚实是科学家的主要美德。
  • 44、难听的实话胜过动听的谎言。
  • When a person does not love, he can fall in love with anyone around him。
  • 45、When a person does not love, he can fall in love with anyone around him。
  • 46、最狡狯的谎言会在最单纯的事实前无地自容。

  • 47、Don't say love, the promise is a debt owed!
  • 48、诚挚坦然的态度要比处处防范他人的态度有益得多。
  • 49、Do not want to hear, you fall in love with who。
  • 50、If a long time later, you will not blame me, like ordinary old friends, or you will love me。
  • 51、We often neglect those who love us, but love those who ignore us。