
  • 1、Once owned, do not forget. Can not get, but also to cherish. Belong to you, don't give up. Has been lost, for the memories.
  • 2、彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。
  • 3、I always want you, without you I can not eat, sleep well, where are you!
  • 4、成熟是给陌生人看的,傻逼是给小伙伴看的,幼稚是给喜欢的人看的。
  • 5、感冒发烧却从来不说只为不让你着急。
  • Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.

    6、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.

  • 7、我想健健康康活蹦乱跳的活下去
  • 8、一辈子那么长,我都给你
  • 9、You want to enjoy happiness, also have the courage to bear the sadness behind.
  • 10、一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。
  • 11、每一个在深夜来到海边的人,灵魂是脱去衣服的孩子。
  • 12、我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。
  • 13、Once owned, do not forget. Can not get, but also to cherish. Belong to you, don't give up. Has been lost, for the memories.
  • 14、我有时候也想换个名字换个身份改掉臭脾气和你重新认识
  • 15、[隐居的梦境,渐渐清晰地绍痛了,瞬间的落寞。]
  • 16、旋转木马是这世上最残酷的游戏,彼此追逐却永远隔着可悲的距离。

  • 17、请相信上天的旨意发生在这世界上的事情没有你永远是主角、因为你更懂得讨好、我看着就好、坐在角落的我、比较容易沉默…
  • 18、请相信上天的旨意发生在这世界上的事情没有你永远是主角、因为你更懂得讨好、我看着就好、坐在角落的我、比较容易沉默…
  • 19、我有时候也想换个名字换个身份改掉臭脾气和你重新认识
  • 一生不愿将就死不悔改的人都有胡闹般的深情
  • 20、一生不愿将就死不悔改的人都有胡闹般的深情
  • 21、A sad thing in life is when you meet a very important person to you, he is all of you. However, you have no way to keep him.
  • 22、A sad thing in life is when you meet a very important person to you, he is all of you. However, you have no way to keep him.
  • 23、旋转木马是这世上最残酷的游戏,彼此追逐却永远隔着可悲的距离。
  • 24、Talk about a love, learn patience, always someaccidents, will let the person injure.
  • 25、谈一场恋爱,学会了忍耐,总有些意外,会让人受伤害。
  • 26、我想健健康康活蹦乱跳的活下去

  • 27、Time is not cruelty. Just for it we are too fragile.
  • 28、回忆是慢性毒药,让迩痛到死一直折磨迩。其实只是不甘心罢了,无论所有的舍得、舍不得.可能真的只是不甘。
  • 29、Sorrow is hard enough, let alone hide sorrow.
  • 30、Time is not cruelty. Just for it we are too fragile.
  • 31、都怪当初奋不顾身抓住你的手,看见了轮廓就当做宇宙。
  • 32、请相信上天的旨意发生在这世界上的事情没有你永远是主角、因为你更懂得讨好、我看着就好、坐在角落的我、比较容易沉默…
  • 33、你想要享受快乐,也就要有勇气承受背后的悲哀。
  • I always want you, without you I can not eat, sleep well, where are you!
  • 34、I always want you, without you I can not eat, sleep well, where are you!
  • 35、前路不论怎么砍坷也要走下去,因为来路何必让回忆比经历还长,何必让自己人们都说喝酒要喝想尽办法去钻进生命最有趣的部分,正是它没有剧本、没有彩排、不能重来。
  • 36、There will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership, or even ask you to love me. But in my most beautiful years, to meet you.

  • 37、I love you not because of who you are, but for who I am before you.
  • 38、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那心有多大,舞台就有多大。
  • 39、鱼对水说:你看不见我的眼泪,因为我在水里。水说:我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。
  • 40、因为想要把你忘记真的好难,好舍不得。我是铁了心的爱你。
  • 41、一般别人问我忙不忙,我都会说忙,根据我的经验,如果你说不忙,那对方十有八九会让你忙起来。
  • 42、[隐居的梦境,渐渐清晰地绍痛了,瞬间的落寞。]
  • 43、回忆的时候,有一瞬间是疼痛的,无奈的,绝望的。
  • 44、Do you know the taste of missing a person, just like drinking a glass of ice water, then use a very long time to flow into tears.
  • 45、我想健健康康活蹦乱跳的活下去
  • 46、我很难过不准难过丢掉难过快点振作@

  • 47、时光并不残忍。只是对于它来说我们太脆弱。
  • 慢慢地我将不会再去奢求什么。
  • 48、慢慢地我将不会再去奢求什么。
  • 49、凡事不要想的太复杂,想多头疼,想通心疼。手不要握的太紧,东西会碎,手会疼。
  • 50、人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。
  • 51、The memories of the time, a moment is pain, helpless, despair.
  • 52、If we give love, we get love. Even in the most difficult times, this is the truth.
  • 53、你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。
  • 54、悲伤已经够难受了,更何况是隐藏悲伤。
  • 55、There will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership, or even ask you to love me. But in my most beautiful years, to meet you.
  • 56、Sometimes the end must have life, life in no time it.

  • 57、每一个在深夜来到海边的人,灵魂是脱去衣服的孩子。
  • 58、慢慢地我将不会再去奢求什么。