
  • 1、一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝,四个和尚斗地主,五个和尚可以去扮福娃了。
  • 2、老天,你让夏天和冬天同房了吧?生出这种鬼天气!
  • 3、Uncle, laugh when I remember Wu mouth Oh, be careful of your teeth.
  • 4、宅男宅女标准:在床上以电脑为圆心,以胳膊长为半径拿取物品活动。
  • 5、把头扎高,把零食丢掉,把手机放下,把眼泪擦干,别折腾自己,姑娘你还有未来。
  • Next life I also look for you, because in addition to me, you are the most stupid.
  • 6、Next life I also look for you, because in addition to me, you are the most stupid.
  • 7、我是个冷性子,对于你我却热的不得了。

  • 8、If I use the badger who will, I will.
  • 9、世界上最幸福的事情莫过于,在想哭的时候还有人逗你笑。
  • 10、原以为自己挺恶的,认识了他才知道比我还善的人几乎不存在。
  • 11、I am not the RMB, how can let everyone love me?
  • 12、我的精神分裂好了,我和我都很好。
  • 13、You're a real person, you really understand!
  • 14、老天,你让夏天和冬天同房了吧?生出这鬼天气!
  • 15、曾经只是一场骗局,他让我们都伤的很深。
  • 16、你那副正经的样子,貌似真的听懂人话呐!
  • 17、My spirit is good, I'm fine with me.

  • 18、衷心祝我们老死不相往来,今生不复相见,再无联系。
  • Grow like that, don't act like a spoiled child, easy to have the pregnancy reaction.
  • 19、Grow like that, don't act like a spoiled child, easy to have the pregnancy reaction.
  • 20、The streets so many people wear so dangerous, but so safe!
  • 21、直到有一天你会发现,真正爱你的人独自守着伤悲。
  • 22、不要说我胖,不然我会认为你在嫉妒我比你吃得好。
  • 23、卖花的小姑娘拉着我,说道:大哥哥,买花吧,一看就知道你是花心的人。
  • 24、信你一成,双目失明;信你两成,无期徒刑。
  • 25、现在我学会了顺其自然,不想再挽留什么,我相信该在的不会走。
  • 26、The man is so lazy that nothing is left.
  • 27、If I use the badger who will, I will.

  • 28、Do you know well? It's OK to play a video, when it's your home TV, one by one.
  • 29、I scold you even, than I hit you, just know me but.
  • 30、等你老了我也走不动了,我会咧着嘴扯着皱纹告诉你,你看,我喜欢了你一辈子。
  • 31、God, you let the summer and winter building? Give birth to this kind of weather!
  • 对沵,何止一句喜欢,那是一生的依赖。
  • 32、对沵,何止一句喜欢,那是一生的依赖。
  • 33、大叔,笑的时候记得捂嘴巴哦,小心您的假牙。
  • 34、愚人节表白算什么,清明节表白才是王道,因为,如果失败了,你就说鬼附身了!
  • 35、Money like dirt, but all the people are scrambling to do dirt collector.
  • 36、Grow like that, don't act like a spoiled child, easy to have the pregnancy reaction.
  • 37、这个人很懒,什么都没留下。

  • 38、衷心祝我们老死不相往来,今生不复相见,再无联系。
  • 39、我千不该万不该最不该的,就是在不懂爱的年纪爱上你。
  • 40、愚人节表白算什么,清明节表白才是王道,因为,如果失败了,你就说鬼附身了!
  • 41、每个口中说减肥的女生,都有一张能吃的嘴。
  • 42、When it thunders, standing under a tree, for God said, I also want to cross!
  • 43、别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。
  • 44、下辈子我还找你,因为除了我,你是最傻的。
  • The rich are afraid of other people know that he has money, no money of people afraid of others know that he did not have money.
  • 45、The rich are afraid of other people know that he has money, no money of people afraid of others know that he did not have money.
  • 46、The thought that he was very evil, and know him better than I know that there is almost No.
  • 47、我的精神分裂好了,我和我都很好。

  • 48、别撕开嘴的笑,在撕你都不会有酒窝。
  • 49、大叔,笑的时候记得捂嘴巴哦,小心您的假牙。
  • 50、起那么早干嘛?夜总会还没开门呢!
  • 51、Lonely is a person's Carnival, carnival is a group of people alone!
  • 52、I'm not familiar with Wu Bai, his brother was familiar with me two hundred and fifty.