
  • 1、每个口中说减肥的女生,都有一张能吃的嘴。
  • 2、The streets so many people wear so dangerous, but so safe!
  • 3、钱在我的手里一无是处,就像垃圾,但我却用它买到了最卑微的爱情。
  • 4、Time is right, the address is right, and the feeling is right!
  • 5、我用尽一生一世来将你供养,只期盼你停住流转的目光。
  • 谁若对我使用美人计,我就会将计就计。
  • 6、谁若对我使用美人计,我就会将计就计。
  • 7、Most people only do three things: a lifetime of self deception, deceptive, be bullied.
  • 8、在埃及,一个男人可以娶四个老婆,那得多累啊,还是中国好。
  • 9、Believe that you are a blind eye.

  • 10、The girl is precious, our price is higher, if there is rich in two can throw.
  • 11、折磨一个人,最好的方式莫过于,拿他最喜欢的东西去挥霍。
  • 12、我在梦里参加了你的婚礼,结果变成了那个新娘的葬礼。
  • 13、A monk fetching water and drink, two monks carry water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, four monks landlords, the five monks can go to dress up as Fuwa.
  • 14、不要说我胖,不然我会认为你在嫉妒我比你吃得好。
  • 15、Don't say I'm fat, or I'll think you're jealous I'm better than you.
  • 16、把男人的话就当放屁吧!无色、无味、但是能中毒身亡。
  • 17、把头扎高,把零食丢掉,把手机放下,把眼泪擦干,别折腾自己,姑娘你还有未来。
  • 18、Indoorsman Indoorswoman standard: in bed with computer as the center, with long arms as the radius of taking goods activities.
  • 记忆底层的、伤感和孤独,只是需要你来读懂。


  • 20、No things don't look for me, something more don't need to find me.
  • 21、Thought and moral is not passed, better than not good.
  • 22、The thought that he was very evil, and know him better than I know that there is almost No.
  • 23、你说你活在自己的世界里谁也不爱,还是心里爱着一个人却始终无法向爱靠近。
  • 24、Remember when I was a little more than a word, I do not play with you.
  • 25、Time is right, the address is right, and the feeling is right!
  • 26、把头扎高,把零食丢掉,把手机放下,把眼泪擦干,别折腾自己,姑娘你还有未来。
  • 27、人世间最蛋疼的事儿,正在做美梦呢被尿憋醒。
  • 28、The little girl took me, said: big brother, flowers, see that you are the person.
  • 29、The streets so many people wear so dangerous, but so safe!

  • 30、我的精神分裂好了,我和我都很好。
  • 31、宅男宅女标准:在床上以电脑为圆心,以胳膊长为半径拿取物品活动。
  • 衷心祝我们老死不相往来,今生不复相见,再无联系。
  • 32、衷心祝我们老死不相往来,今生不复相见,再无联系。
  • 33、Don't tear the mouth smile, you will not have dimples in the tear.
  • 34、呀!我不小心把我爱你误发给你了。如果你接受那就储存起来,如果你不接受,就把这三个字返发给我。
  • 35、Next life I also look for you, because in addition to me, you are the most stupid.
  • 36、现在我学会了顺其自然,不想再挽留什么,我相信该在的不会走。
  • 37、我蹲在这里不走等你找到我好不好,你快来呀我都要长蘑菇了。
  • 38、Thought and moral is not passed, better than not good.
  • 39、少女诚可贵,少妇价更高,若有富婆在,二者皆可抛。

  • 40、第三者的介入,才能检验出你的男人可靠不可靠。
  • 41、世界上最幸福的事情莫过于,在想哭的时候还有人逗你笑。
  • 42、老天,你让夏天和冬天同房了吧?生出这种鬼天气!
  • 43、Waking is one thing, getting up is another.
  • 44、别撕开嘴的笑,在撕你都不会有酒窝。
  • Remember when I was a little more than a word, I do not play with you.
  • 45、Remember when I was a little more than a word, I do not play with you.
  • 46、在埃及,一个男人可以娶四个老婆,那得多累啊,还是中国好。
  • 47、Uncle, laugh when I remember Wu mouth Oh, be careful of your teeth.
  • 48、才发现爱与不爱只差一字,但会让我失去自己。
  • 49、God, you let the summer and winter building? Give birth to this ghost weather!

  • 50、The day just fell asleep, received a message: the sleeping position, heavy sleep.
  • 51、不要说我胖,不然我会认为你在嫉妒我比你吃得好。
  • 52、A monk fetching water and drink, two monks carry water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, four monks landlords, the five monks can go to dress up as Fuwa.