

  • 2、余生不吹温柔风,不饮烈酒,不等不归人。
  • 3、Two love long, a blessing in every morning and evening!
  • 4、每一个不敢再爱的女人,一定很深的爱过。看起来好象百毒不侵,其实早已百毒侵身。
  • 5、有些话我宁愿放在心里埋起来再痛也都不要说出来.
  • Eyes are raining for her, but for her umbrella, this is love.
  • 6、Eyes are raining for her, but for her umbrella, this is love.
  • 7、不要坐等爱情的到来,因为你将会等待一生。
  • 8、This whole life, I need not much, a bowl of rice a cup of tea, but I hope the rice is what you do, the tea is your bubble.
  • 9、我走得不快,但决不走回头路。
  • 10、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.
  • 11、不用跟我介绍车,我是来看车模的!

  • 12、打过,吵过,骂过,笑过,哭过,走过,哄过,不是没有他就不能够生活,但一条人生路上,可以有个人牵手相伴,幸福同享,苦难同当,实在是上天的美意,怎能不珍惜!愿执子之手,与子谐老!
  • 13、哪里有爱,哪里就有奇迹。
  • 14、把你蒙在鼓里有什么意思蒙在被窝里才好
  • 15、我走得不快,但决不走回头路。
  • 16、你我注定是平行的轨迹,天涯之处,各不相依。只是彼此,聆听过生活的碎片,遗落在陌生的脚印,匆忙的呼喊。
  • 17、每时每刻在看着你我总觉得看不够,天天呆在一起我还觉得呆不够,总想把你搂在怀,将你融化在我的爱里。
  • 18、那年青丝绕梁你说待你坐拥天下定许我一世芳华如今你后宫三千对我了无牵挂
  • 19、如果世界上只剩下我们两个人,那我便是你唯一的选择,多好。
  • 我想你了,我真的真的好想你!
  • 20、我想你了,我真的真的好想你!
  • 21、My love, you are like a flower, so sweet and pure and fair.

  • 22、When I wake up in the morning, I see only you; when I think of you, you make me happy. You are everything I want. I look at you, you know, you are everything to me.
  • 23、你我注定是平行的轨迹,天涯之处,各不相依。只是彼此,聆听过生活的碎片,遗落在陌生的脚印,匆忙的呼喊。
  • 24、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!
  • 25、爱,是我没有带铅笔时,同学把铅笔借给了我。
  • 26、If you know me, maybe you will forgive me now.
  • 27、Don't wait for love to come, because you will be waiting for a lifetime.
  • 28、A commitment in the most needed time is not cash, that is sold, and later to honor, there is no meaning.
  • 29、那年青丝绕梁你说待你坐拥天下定许我一世芳华如今你后宫三千对我了无牵挂
  • 30、幸福的家庭是相同的,不幸的家庭各有各的不同。幸福的珍惜保持让爱住我家;不幸的努力改变化腐朽为神奇!国际家庭日,愿你家和万事兴,幸福长相依!
  • 31、自从和你在一起,便发现苦竟是没有极致的

  • 32、车如潮,人如海,上班一族排成排。朝九点,晚五点,两点一线赶时间。工作忙,职场累,拼搏事业很疲惫。上班族,工薪族,平平安安就是福。
  • 33、A commitment in the most needed time is not cash, that is sold, and later to honor, there is no meaning.
  • This whole life, I need not much, a bowl of rice a cup of tea, but I hope the rice is what you do, the tea is your bubble.
  • 34、This whole life, I need not much, a bowl of rice a cup of tea, but I hope the rice is what you do, the tea is your bubble.
  • 35、昨天参加市里的放鸽子比赛,结果就我一个人去了……
  • 36、Each section of love to the end, if u look back, along the way or flowers, delicious, you will find flowers and sorrows, and initially was always enamored.
  • 37、乌云蔽月,人迹踪绝,说不出如斯寂寞。
  • 38、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened。
  • 39、现实中遇到的爱情,不是甜的发腻,就是苦得心酸,而我更渴望平平淡淡。
  • 40、If a person cannot learn to forget, it will be a very painful thing, don't bother, the pain to forget things.
  • 41、Don't wait for love to come, because you will be waiting for a lifetime.

  • 42、在你未来老公还没找到你之前,记得善待自己,给他一个最好的你.
  • 43、把你蒙在鼓里有什么意思蒙在被窝里才好
  • 44、亲爱的,他们都说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,但是,如果我们不结婚的话,那我们的爱情就死无葬身之地了,所以,你还是委屈求全,嫁给我吧!
  • 45、眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。
  • 46、You I am destined to be parallel to the track, the place of the world, each not to depend on. Just listen to each other, fragments of life, lost in the footsteps of a stranger, a shout.
  • 47、如果世界上只剩下我们两个人,那我便是你唯一的选择,多好。
  • 你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。
  • 48、你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。
  • 49、春天到百花开,满园的芬芳,把世界点缀得多姿多姿;你的事业之春也在这百花盛开中悄然降临,祝你的事业开出更绚丽的花朵,让你的人生更精彩!
  • 50、You I am destined to be parallel to the track, the place of the world, each not to depend on. Just listen to each other, fragments of life, lost in the footsteps of a stranger, a shout.
  • 51、如果真的融化不了你,我也不想再固执下去了,身体内所剩温暖不多了,怕自己都要冰冷了。

  • 52、我的爱人,你就像一朵鲜花,那么甜蜜、纯洁而秀雅。
  • 53、难免有分离,说声再见,便各奔东西,却永远把你小心珍藏在甜蜜的记忆,到有一天再相聚,品味着友情的珍惜,却发现,原来从没有忘记。
  • 54、李炜知道我们《一见钟情》,何维健为我们谱写《爱的故事》,你常说我是你的《最佳男朋友》,《我最亲爱的》,我们结婚吧,也许我不够完美,不够优秀,但是相信我,我可以为你带来幸福!
  • 55、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。