
  • 1、原来,寂寞时是自己的手指数脚指;原来,思念时是连呼吸也会心痛;原来,一个人就是一辈子。
  • 2、原来,寂寞时是自己的手指数脚指;原来,思念时是连呼吸也会心痛;原来,一个人就是一辈子。
  • 3、True friendship is like sound health, it is not valuable to know it when it is lost.
  • 4、友情是两心相交,友情是不求回报,友情是没有烦恼,友情是温暖拥抱,友情是相伴到老。友情是你我快乐的微笑!
  • 5、Whatever habrbrened in the brast is gone, the best is always yet to come、
  • To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved、
  • 6、To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved、
  • 7、不知道是该难过还是该释然也不知道心里的感觉是空还是满
  • 8、Friendship is the most invincible, love there are too many uncertainties.
  • 9、没有你在我身边,我会比你过得更好。

  • 10、人世间的每一分温暖和友情,朋友间的每一个牵挂和祝福,都是心灵与心灵的交融!
  • 11、我们现在的状态是分手前的最后的矜持。
  • 12、True friendship is a plant that grows slowly.
  • 13、We work with this piece of land, sweet taste astringent fruit half points. In order to enjoy the sweet life together, we need to struggle and friendship.
  • 14、Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
  • 15、你的自尊能和我的倔强和好如初吗?
  • 16、最后转眼流逝的 绝不仅仅是时光而已。
  • 17、朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁!
  • 18、My heart is like a lion, loud, proud and fearless、
  • No matter how many links, as long as the heart to stay with each other's piece of the sky, then occasionally a sound asked Hou will bring a knowing smile.

    19、No matter how many links, as long as the heart to stay with each other's piece of the sky, then occasionally a sound asked Hou will bring a knowing smile.

  • 20、原来,寂寞时是自己的手指数脚指;原来,思念时是连呼吸也会心痛;原来,一个人就是一辈子。
  • 21、真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。
  • 22、人与人的友谊,把多数人的心灵结合在一起,由于这种可贵的联系,是温柔甜蜜的。
  • 23、有好的旅伴,再远的旅程都不会嫌长。
  • 24、那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。
  • 25、当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候,睁大眼睛,千万别眨眼!你会看到世界由清晰变模糊的全过程,心会在你泪水落下的那一刻变得清澈明晰。盐。注定要融化的,也许是用眼泪的方式。
  • 26、友谊地久天长,友谊万岁,朋友,有你,我的生活才活得这么多姿多彩!
  • 27、Friendship is the most invincible, love there are too many uncertainties.
  • 28、想起你那句还是朋友,为什么我竟如此痛在心头。
  • 29、你有不爱的权利,我有等你的勇气

  • 30、Ten years later, I hope we are good friends, meet still can not be a joke.
  • 31、也许是眼里起了大雾越来越看不清路
  • 我们即将步入新的生活,前面的路还很长很长,让我们更加珍惜今天所拥有的青春和友谊,用真情去浇灌友谊的花蕾。
  • 32、我们即将步入新的生活,前面的路还很长很长,让我们更加珍惜今天所拥有的青春和友谊,用真情去浇灌友谊的花蕾。
  • 33、I want to forget you, forget about any of your memory
  • 34、友谊像婚姻一样,其维持有赖于避免不可宽恕的事情。
  • 35、“久违的熟悉感总能引起令人心酸的怀念”
  • 36、No matter how many links, as long as the heart to stay with each other's piece of the sky, then occasionally a sound asked Hou will bring a knowing smile.
  • 37、Whether it is sentimental verse, beautiful article, or the joy of leisure, nothing can replace the very close friendship.
  • 38、君子上交不诌,下交不渎。
  • 39、你有不爱的权利,我有等你的勇气

  • 40、人生结交在终结,莫为升沉中路分。
  • 41、衣不如新,人不如故。
  • 42、真正的友情,是一株成长缓慢的植物。
  • 43、开诚布公与否和友情的深浅,不应该用时间的长短来衡量。
  • 44、我不是天使,但我拥有天堂;我没有翅膀,但我俯视阳光;我没有三叶草,但我手捧希望,因为我有你,我的朋友!
  • 十年后,希望我们还是好朋友,见面了仍然可以毫无顾忌的开玩笑。
  • 45、十年后,希望我们还是好朋友,见面了仍然可以毫无顾忌的开玩笑。
  • 46、A friend is like a flower. Fragrant and elegant; friend is the autumn rain, delicate and full of poetry; December is a friend Mei, pure and stand proudly.
  • 47、陪我好吗坎坷平淡温暖都陪我过下去行吗
  • 48、Who gives us meet but not concurrently give us forever、
  • 49、友情是两心相交,友情是不求回报,友情是没有烦恼,友情是温暖拥抱,友情是相伴到老。友情是你我快乐的微笑!

  • 50、Whether it is sentimental verse, beautiful article, or the joy of leisure, nothing can replace the very close friendship.
  • 51、Friendship is the two heart, friendship is not in return, friendship is not trouble, friendship is a warm embrace, friendship is accompanied to the old. Friendship is the smile that you and I are happy!
  • 52、We work with this piece of land, sweet taste astringent fruit half points. In order to enjoy the sweet life together, we need to struggle and friendship.
  • 53、朋友就像一把雨伞,无论晴天或雨天,都会永远陪伴在你身旁!