
  • 1、从此以后,雪儿的名字,进驻我的心房。从今生起,石榴的模样,就是雪儿的脸庞。
  • 2、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is But I feel happy every day for this.
  • 3、人生就是要能珍惜自己所拥有的,耐心等待将要得到的。
  • 4、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.

  • 5、余生还很长,别把一切都提前交代了,一边走一边欣赏风景,一切都要慢慢来。
  • 冬天,我想给你那片下雪的蓝天。
  • 6、冬天,我想给你那片下雪的蓝天。
  • 7、他们想把我埋了,却不知道我是一个种子。
  • 8、别否定自己,你特别好,特别温柔,特别值得。
  • 9、下雪了,这点雪白不了头,只会冻成狗。
  • 10、Love shouldn't fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand.
  • 11、还记得那一场雪,陪着我的温柔下了一夜,盼不到花开的季节,把所有热情埋藏在这冰冷雪夜。
  • 12、雪,像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般的雪在空中舞,在随风飞。
  • 13、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
  • 14、一场雪,有多少心里想着希望有人可以陪她看雪。

  • 15、雪,像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般的雪在空中舞,在随风飞。
  • 16、When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.
  • 17、还记得那一场雪,陪着我的温柔下了一夜,盼不到花开的季节,把所有热情埋藏在这冰冷雪夜。
  • 18、忽然下的一场雪飘的那么纯洁,在一瞬间曾经所有的梦都幻灭,冰封了爱的期限却让痛成为永远。
  • 不管你在哪,我们看到的都是同一轮明月,晚安,好梦。
  • 19、不管你在哪,我们看到的都是同一轮明月,晚安,好梦。
  • 20、一场雪,有多少心里想着希望有人可以陪她看雪。
  • 21、我从没觉得孤独,说的浪漫些,我完全自由。
  • 22、我探出头,看见窗外那纯洁的雪花飘落,又是一场轮回的结束,一切又回到远点,开始……
  • 23、晶莹的小雪花落在我的手掌心上,看上去是透明的,慢慢地,它融化了。
  • 24、I don't know what to sayI was just thinking of her a lot at that moment.

  • 25、Wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!
  • 26、When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.
  • 27、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.
  • 28、To the same word, is both miss, is also missed“miss”
  • 29、不管你在哪,我们看到的都是同一轮明月,晚安,好梦。
  • 30、Love means never having to say you are sorry.
  • 31、别慌,月亮也正在大海某处迷茫。
  • 一念花开,一念花落。这山长水远的人世,终究是要自己走下去。
  • 32、一念花开,一念花落。这山长水远的人世,终究是要自己走下去。
  • 33、Love shouldn't fall in love with the people, but the helpless put not hand.
  • 34、每个人,都有命运赋予自己要走的路。这条路有时候宽阔,有时候狭窄。不过,只要平心静气,满怀希望地走下去,必然有一条路为你敞开。

  • 35、I don't know what to sayI was just thinking of her a lot at that moment.
  • 36、无人做你的光芒,就自己照亮远方。
  • 37、When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn't take away the world that belongs to you.
  • 38、每个人,都有命运赋予自己要走的路。这条路有时候宽阔,有时候狭窄。不过,只要平心静气,满怀希望地走下去,必然有一条路为你敞开。
  • 39、Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like lovepure without any defect. However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love.
  • 40、雪,像柳絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英一般的雪在空中舞,在随风飞。
  • 41、如果有一个属于我命中注定的人的话,真希望那个人就是你。因为再也没有人比我更喜欢你了,只希望你能看穿这一点。
  • 42、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is But I feel happy every day for this.
  • 43、生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。
  • 44、轻柔的小雪花飘飘悠悠地落下来。渐渐地,小雪花变大了,变厚了,密密麻麻的。

  • 45、你说下第一场雪的时候会陪我如今你在哪里?你的身边又是谁?
  • 46、他们想把我埋了,却不知道我是一个种子。
  • 47、余生还很长,别把一切都提前交代了,一边走一边欣赏风景,一切都要慢慢来。
  • 48、秋天到了,夏天的不甘该通通放下了。
  • 49、一路坎坷的人,以后的幸福亦是理所应当。
  • 50、你站的方向风吹过来都是暖的。
  • 51、你说下第一场雪的时候会陪我如今你在哪里?你的身边又是谁?
  • 52、从此以后,雪儿的名字,进驻我的心房。从今生起,石榴的模样,就是雪儿的脸庞。