2023-02-11 14:49:41
- 1、Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work.
- 2、Athletes must have a horse, horse athletes.
- 3、生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞。
- 4、When you can dream, don't give up the dream.
- 5、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。
- 6、生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞。
- 8、Success is a simple thing to do.
- 9、理科生要重文,文科生要重理。文要天天看,理要天天练。
- 10、站在新起点,迎接新挑战,创造新成绩。
- 11、冲刺拼搏,在前进中寻找乐趣。
- 12、如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们真会叫自己大吃一惊。
- 13、理科生要重文,文科生要重理。文要天天看,理要天天练。
- 14、能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。
- 15、今天多一份拼搏、明天多几份欢笑。
- 16、If you do not because he is liu xiang, you look down upon which to participate in the national fitness.
- 18、快马加鞭,君为先,自古英雄出少年。
- 19、我自信,我拼搏,我出色,我成功。
- 20、Touchstone is a could turn any common metal into pure gold a small pebbles.
- 21、Again cold stone, sit three years will be warm.
- 22、男人多情而不专一,女人专一而绝情。
- 23、胸有成竹进考场,先易后难答试题。
- 24、试金石是一块能够把任何普通金属变成纯金的一种小鹅卵石。
- 25、冲刺拼搏,在前进中寻找乐趣。
- 26、One point one points to progress, not for you.
27、Adjust the exciting period, learning a wave of high waves.
- 28、看清楚,想透彻,答准每道题。
- 29、You naive eyes, feel your lovely teacher.
- 30、In the face of opportunities, do not hesitate; in the face of choice, not a loss; in the face of a decisive battle, not afraid!
- 31、意志坚强的人,他的世界充满着无限的可能性。
- 32、自信是你成功的基石,沉着是你飞翔的翅膀。
- 33、不要为小事遮住视线,我们还有更大的世界。
- 34、自信是你成功的基石,沉着是你飞翔的翅膀。
- 35、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。
- 36、The potential is not to do, can not enjoy the blessing, cheap is not ideally, smart is not exhausted.
- 38、积少成多,争取每天进步一点。
- 39、When there is no pursuit of the eyes is Xinrusihui when.
- 40、妒忌是完全沉浸在偶然性机遇得失之中的人们潜在的绝望心理。
- 41、成功者之所以成功,第一个是因为他做别人不愿意做的事情。第二个他做别人不敢做的事情。
- 42、计划要细,动手要早,落实要准。计划与目标行动一致。
- 43、拼命去争取成功,但不要期望一定会成功。
- 44、Again cold stone, sit three years will be warm.
- 45、学会宽容,要有一颗宽容的爱心!
- 46、The cause of mental achievement, attitude is everything.
- 48、All the victories, compared with the conquest of their own, are insignificant.
- 49、别再自己摸索,问路才不会迷路。
- 50、The brow of sweat and tears under the eyebrows, you have to choose the same!
- 51、我努力,我坚持,我一定能成功!
- 52、Talent work, and genius to create.