
  • 1、The friends of the countless to chemistry is preferred; The friendship of the world is endless, as for yue; The world infinite love, companion as expensive; The world of love, put right first! I wish you a yuanxiao family, all the best!
  • 2、汤圆,月圆,祝你亲朋团团圆圆;官源,财源,祝你事业左右逢源;人缘,机缘,祝你好运缘缘不断;心愿,情愿,祝你理想天随人愿!祝元宵节圆源缘愿!
  • 3、Frontal white round timid appearance, affectionate heart sweet as honey, skin beautiful beautiful body very red, green, tender sweet candy to my obsession, fifteen lamp night kiss you eat you! Don't be nervous, I said is yuanxiao! Happy Lantern Festival!

  • 4、Season's greetings and best wishes, wish you have a bright and happy New Year。
  • 5、元宵节到了,希望你今年赚的尽是美元;吃的尽是美食;喝的尽是美酒;生活尽是美满;出门尽是美差;看的尽是美景,娱乐尽是美妙;好事美不胜收!
  • 新年过后又上元,离家郎君几日还,今夕玉盘银光满,渴望围炉品汤圆。元夜明镜照人间,邻家笛笙未曾眠,敢问明月向我诉,天地情人可团圆。祝快乐元宵节!
  • 6、新年过后又上元,离家郎君几日还,今夕玉盘银光满,渴望围炉品汤圆。元夜明镜照人间,邻家笛笙未曾眠,敢问明月向我诉,天地情人可团圆。祝快乐元宵节!
  • 7、人世间一切荣华富贵都不如一个知心朋友,朋友,在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝你一切都好!
  • 8、Season's greetings and best wishes, wish you have a bright and happy New Year。
  • 9、元宵节到了,希望你今年赚的尽是美元;吃的尽是美食;喝的尽是美酒;生活尽是美满;出门尽是美差;看的尽是美景,娱乐尽是美妙;好事美不胜收!
  • 10、敬爱的老师,您的引领,使我从小插上理想的翅膀。从心底说声:谢谢您对我的培养和关怀!祝您元旦快乐,新年快乐!
  • 11、Dynamism wish what good? My best wishes to the earliest! No matter how last year, believe that you will have a greater efforts this year return! The most important of all, wish you health and happiness happy! I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 12、Time proves to come inthe warmth of friendship has been left bottom of the heart, the thousand ten thousand kinds of best wishes to your views, concentrate wish good luck to all in your hand。 I wish a happy New Year!
  • 13、正月十五闹花灯,万家灯火齐通明,明月生辉度佳节,烟花璀璨耀全城,五福齐天乐融融,团团圆圆享人生。祝元宵佳节顺心顺意!

  • 14、额圆面嫩外表白皙,多情含蓄心甜如蜜,肤靓美体蕊红艳绿,温柔甘饴令我痴迷,十五灯夜吻你吃你!别紧张,我说的是元宵!元宵节快乐哦!
  • 15、In the world all splendor riches and honour than a bosom friends, friends, in this new day, wish you everything goes well!
  • 16、New Year's day, the mood to take a vacation。 Escape from trivial worries, happy smile to carry, and busy, avoid pressure, quietly into the greeting。 I wish you a happy and comfortable New Year's day!
  • 17、温暖的,除了太阳,还有我的关怀!圆圆的,除了月饼,还有元宵汤圆!深情的,除了爱意,还有我的祝福!元宵节祝你快乐,注意不要贪食哦!
  • 18、The Lantern Festival is coming, wish you earn this year are $; All food to eat; Drink with wine; Life is happy; Go out with plum assignment; Look at the full beauty, entertainment is wonderful; Good beautiful!
  • 19、Season's greetings and best wishes, wish you have a bright and happy New Year。
  • 20、Dynamism wish what good? My best wishes to the earliest! No matter how last year, believe that you will have a greater efforts this year return! The most important of all, wish you health and happiness happy! I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 新年的祝福乘风破浪,带着思念的行装,携着牵挂的秘方,波涛中快速飞翔,只为来到你的身旁,说声新年快乐,事事吉祥!
  • 21、新年的祝福乘风破浪,带着思念的行装,携着牵挂的秘方,波涛中快速飞翔,只为来到你的身旁,说声新年快乐,事事吉祥!
  • 22、You fat rattan cane, my foot shock vibration, we bought pork to worship, to eat the pork change life of god, and said the short message? I wish you the Lantern Festival eat joss-stick, a happy work!
  • 23、New Year's day is the beginning of the New Year, New Year's day is the first day of the New Year, wish on the first day of the New Year started, I am the first person to bless you! A happy New Year and happy!

  • 24、人世间一切荣华富贵都不如一个知心朋友,朋友,在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝你一切都好!
  • 25、新年的祝福乘风破浪,带着思念的行装,携着牵挂的秘方,波涛中快速飞翔,只为来到你的身旁,说声新年快乐,事事吉祥!
  • 26、元旦快乐!这四个字虽然只花了我1毛钱,但却相当于5吨的祝福砸在你身上,收好,快乐,天天,好心情,无限。
  • 27、元旦当空照,幸福对你笑,财运点点头,福运扭扭腰,开心拍拍脸,顺利跺跺脚,平安握握手,吉祥微微笑。元旦快乐哦。
  • 28、元旦跨年夜温馨的氛围:烟火、钟声、灯影以及我这小小的祝福;传达着节日的讯息:快乐、和谐、平安。
  • 29、人世间一切荣华富贵都不如一个知心朋友,朋友,在这辞旧迎新的日子里,祝你一切都好!
  • 30、New Year's day happiness! These four words although it only took me ten cents, but the equivalent of 5 tons of blessing to hit on you, good, happy, every day, good mood, is infinite。
  • 31、在关爱中让友情更深,在牵挂中让亲情更暖,在诚实中让心底更静,在简单中让生活更美,在问候中让祝福更好,在祝福中让元宵节更快乐!
  • 32、献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年。
  • 33、New Year's day happiness! These four words although it only took me ten cents, but the equivalent of 5 tons of blessing to hit on you, good, happy, every day, good mood, is infinite。

  • 34、敬爱的老师,您的引领,使我从小插上理想的翅膀。从心底说声:谢谢您对我的培养和关怀!祝您元旦快乐,新年快乐!
  • 35、去年元宵夜,赏明月,观花灯,我伴你!今年元宵节,花灯下,明月下,我想你!月圆圆,汤圆圆,我在元宵日里祝福你:幸福高乐高,快乐百分百!
  • 愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限。
  • 36、愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限。
  • 37、元旦是新一年的开始,元旦也是新年的第一天,愿在新年开始的第一天,我是第一个祝福你的人!新年快乐,心想事成!
  • 38、The fifteenth day of the lantern, qi lights lit, the bright moon brightness degree of festival, bright fireworks yao city, wufu monkey for pleasure, pandas enjoy life。 I wish Lantern Festival was great!
  • 39、You fat rattan cane, my foot shock vibration, we bought pork to worship, to eat the pork change life of god, and said the short message? I wish you the Lantern Festival eat joss-stick, a happy work!
  • 40、下之友无数,以投缘为佳;天下之谊无尽,以适己为悦;天下之爱无穷,以知音为贵;天下之情无量,以称心为重!祝您元宵阖家欢乐,事事如意!
  • 41、去年元宵夜,赏明月,观花灯,我伴你!今年元宵节,花灯下,明月下,我想你!月圆圆,汤圆圆,我在元宵日里祝福你:幸福高乐高,快乐百分百!
  • 42、New Year's day happiness! These four words although it only took me ten cents, but the equivalent of 5 tons of blessing to hit on you, good, happy, every day, good mood, is infinite。
  • 43、元宵节到了,希望你今年赚的尽是美元;吃的尽是美食;喝的尽是美酒;生活尽是美满;出门尽是美差;看的尽是美景,娱乐尽是美妙;好事美不胜收!

  • 44、The elder brothers, I wish you smooth sailing, two dragons boom, three Yang kaitai, four seasons peace, five blessings, lucky, seven stars shining, eight party to wealth, Yang concentric, perfect。
  • 45、New Year blessings through wind, with the missing things, with his obsession with the secret recipe, the waves in the fast fly, only to come to your side and say happy New Year and good luck in everything!
  • 46、Dumplings, moon, wish your family reunion; The official sources, financial resources, and wish your business be able; Popularity, chance, wish you good luck the geopolitical; Wish, rather, meant to ideal day to you! I wish the Lantern Festival round like
  • 47、The Lantern Festival is coming, wish you earn this year are $; All food to eat; Drink with wine; Life is happy; Go out with plum assignment; Look at the full beauty, entertainment is wonderful; Good beautiful!
  • 48、Warm, in addition to the sun, and I care! Round, in addition to moon cakes, and yuanxiao dumplings! Affectionate, in addition to love, and my blessing! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival, be careful not to gluttony!
  • 49、正月十五闹花灯,万家灯火齐通明,明月生辉度佳节,烟花璀璨耀全城,五福齐天乐融融,团团圆圆享人生。祝元宵佳节顺心顺意!
  • 50、The friends of the countless to chemistry is preferred; The friendship of the world is endless, as for yue; The world infinite love, companion as expensive; The world of love, put right first! I wish you a yuanxiao family, all the best!
  • 敬爱的老师,您的引领,使我从小插上理想的翅膀。从心底说声:谢谢您对我的培养和关怀!祝您元旦快乐,新年快乐!
  • 51、敬爱的老师,您的引领,使我从小插上理想的翅膀。从心底说声:谢谢您对我的培养和关怀!祝您元旦快乐,新年快乐!
  • 52、我用我的祝福包裹甜蜜,我用我的问候包裹快乐,正月十五借一点节日的温火,用团圆的水煮一碗元宵送给你,希望你快快乐乐,平平安安。
  • 53、Dumplings, moon, wish your family reunion; The official sources, financial resources, and wish your business be able; Popularity, chance, wish you good luck the geopolitical; Wish, rather, meant to ideal day to you! I wish the Lantern Festival round like

  • 54、你肥藤藤,我脚震震,我们买了猪肉去拜神,吃了猪肉变寿神,就说看短信息的?愿你元宵节吃嘛嘛香,工作愉快!
  • 55、Dynamism wish what good? My best wishes to the earliest! No matter how last year, believe that you will have a greater efforts this year return! The most important of all, wish you health and happiness happy! I wish a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 56、HuanHuanLeLe yuanxiao sweet, dazzle bright fireworks, pandas were a beauty, zhongtian joshed month, wishes xu again, the rich chang m Ann。 I wish a happy Lantern Festival。
  • 57、Sky as New Year's day, happy smile to you, money nodded, twisting, waist, and good fortune happy pat on face, tap them smoothly, safe shake hands, propitious smiles。 New Year's day happy, oh。
  • 58、愿你的新年充满温馨,祥和,与亲人团聚的快乐,祝乐陶陶,新年乐无限。
  • 59、元宵祝啥好?我的祝福最早到!不管去年如何,相信今年你努力会有更大回报!最重要的是,愿你健康幸福乐逍遥!祝元宵节快乐!