
  • 1、人的一生注定会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月。
  • 2、A person's life is bound to encounter two people, an amazing time, a gentle years.
  • 3、I always thought, I did not sorry to anyone, but now I know, I am sorry, is my own.
  • 4、以前只是一种经历与感觉,而不是证据,不需要为以前的喜欢付出现在或以后的责任。不要揪住以前的事情不放。现在的事实比以前的回忆更有实效性与说服力。
  • 5、"Like you" is no doubt the absolute truth.

  • 6、爱情、孩子和工作是增加个人与世界接触的主要源泉。在这三者当中,爱情,按时间而论,当居首位。
  • 7、当眼泪溢出眼眶,我才知道自己已彻底受伤。
  • 8、Happiness is as long as the hand, even if lost sense of direction, but still not afraid.
  • 9、从青梅竹马能一直顺利地走到花前月下,简直是奇迹。就像当初打算从北京走路去广州,一路上总有**的声音:上车吧。你的脚很难再一往无前。
  • 10、I am waiting for someone who can accompany me for a long time.
  • 11、If you were a cactus, I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.
  • 12、有些爱,注定一世缄默,有些人,注定终会错过。
  • 13、我在等一个人,一个可以陪我很久很久的人。
  • 14、Sir, your day, even on the streets, we still be bald. You are happy.
  • 15、We walked slowly, even happiness are worried.

  • 16、我之所以活到现在的全部意义,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。
  • 17、We may not be white, but can be beautiful very character.
  • 18、心若痛了,说明爱并未走开,仅仅是隐藏了起来。
  • 19、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他,怕失掉他。
  • 20、爱一个人不一定就要拥有,但拥有了一个人就应该好好的爱她呵护她。
  • We may not be white, but can be beautiful very character.
  • 21、We may not be white, but can be beautiful very character.
  • 22、何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。李商隐《夜雨寄北》
  • 23、云淡风高叶乱飞,小庭寒雨绿苔微,深闺人静掩屏帷。顾敻《浣溪沙云淡风高叶乱飞》
  • 24、There is no true love fool, only willing to do a fool.
  • 25、当眼泪溢出眼眶,我才知道自己已彻底受伤。

  • 26、心若痛了,说明爱并未走开,仅仅是隐藏了起来。
  • 27、If you were a cactus, I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.
  • 28、面貌的美丽当然也是爱情的一个因素,但心灵与思想的美丽才是崇高爱情的牢固基础。
  • 29、你躲我像瘟神,我又何必待你如爱人。
  • 30、Your reason is too far fetched, no feelings.
  • 31、心里有了你,再好的我都没兴趣了,想想你自己是有多么迷人啦。
  • 32、一场寂寞凭谁诉。算前言,总轻负。柳永《昼夜乐》
  • 33、Your reason is too far fetched, no feelings.
  • 34、Love the wind into the same memories, the pain was blown away, love in the imperceptibly in the cold.
  • 35、不是我不爱了,只是你已触犯了我的底线。

  • 36、单纯的莪,总是为罘值得留恋的爱情而哭泣。
  • 37、何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。李商隐《夜雨寄北》
  • 38、有人为了守护幸福而存在,亦有人为了成全真爱而离开。
  • 39、You are not me, how could I know my trembling heart.
  • 40、Sir, your day, even on the streets, we still be bald. You are happy.
  • 41、Sometimes I hum up memories, memories of the is you hold me, hold me, kiss me, comfort me, is that you loved me.
  • 42、如果有个人对你特别好,记得千万别把那个人弄丢了。
  • 43、No matter how mediocre I am, I always feel that love for you is beautiful.
  • 44、Thank you I can not live in your eyes, to embrace your back.
  • 45、做个有气质的地痞,做个有层次的色狼,做个有知识的文盲!

  • 46、If you were a cactus, I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.
  • 47、Do not blame anyone, do not laugh at who, do not envy who, the sun is shining, the wind and rain in the running, do their own dream, go their own way!
  • 48、To his position in my heart, hope every day to wake up with his warm smiling face.
  • 49、你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。
  • 50、一旦你对某人有了感觉,那些感觉会永留心底,你也许不会再喜欢他们,但你始终在意。
  • 几乎没有任何活动、任何事业如同爱情一般;开始时充满着无限的希望与期待;而结束时却毫不例外地落空。
  • 51、几乎没有任何活动、任何事业如同爱情一般;开始时充满着无限的希望与期待;而结束时却毫不例外地落空。
  • 52、Do not blame anyone, do not laugh at who, do not envy who, the sun is shining, the wind and rain in the running, do their own dream, go their own way!
  • 53、我之所以活到现在的全部意义,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。
  • 54、We walked slowly, even happiness are worried.
  • 55、You are not me, how could I know my trembling heart.

  • 56、Do a temperament of the ruffians and do a level lady-killer, do a knowledge of the illiterate!
  • 57、我宁愿和你共度凡人的短暂一生,也不愿一个人看尽这世界的沧海桑田。
  • 58、为追求到我喜欢的人,我愿意放弃我所拥有的一切,可当我放弃这一切后,她还会接受我的爱吗?
  • 59、落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。晏几道《临江仙二首其二》
  • 60、爱情就像织毛衣,织的时候一针一线,很浪漫很完美,但拆的时候,只需轻轻一拉,然后什么都没了。