The chaos and reality, can let my thoughts as to write

  • 1、陷入你的世界,令自己遍体鳞伤,而我还不愿意逃。
  • 2、Fall in love with you is not wrong, wrong is that I did not let you fall in love with me.
  • 3、孤单,是一个人的狂欢。狂欢,是一群人的孤单。
  • 4、The wind blows like flowering years, and you become the most beautiful embellishment.
  • 5、人并不是美丽才可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。
  • I do not want to be sentimental, but I wish for a long time.
  • 6、I do not want to be sentimental, but I wish for a long time.
  • 7、有些人的灵魂会比他的物质要富足得多,因为自由。

  • 8、就在那一瞬间,我仿佛听见了全世界崩溃的声音。
  • 9、Look for your footprints along the track of memory.
  • 10、陷入你的世界,令自己遍体鳞伤,而我还不愿意逃。
  • 11、I pay for you all, please left intact back to me.
  • 12、We love life, life is still too short.
  • 13、The kingdom of love does not rule with swords.
  • 14、You always hide in the depths of my memory, a corner that even I can't touch.
  • 15、爱情是最奢侈的享乐,但结局往往悲伤。
  • 16、我想你,我念你,我爱你。
  • 17、The kingdom of love does not rule with swords.

  • 18、Love plays a silent melody, far more pleasant than an instrument.
  • 一个人在舞台上,快乐歌唱,悲伤舞蹈,虽然冷清,却分外妖娆。
  • 19、一个人在舞台上,快乐歌唱,悲伤舞蹈,虽然冷清,却分外妖娆。
  • 20、Watching you leave the back, my tears like rain, the last breath of air in your breath.
  • 21、Everything is not terrible, afraid that we resist recall.friendship.
  • 22、Love to a man's life a thing apart, but the whole life to women.
  • 23、Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
  • 24、初恋只是一分傻冒再加九分好奇。
  • 25、试问闲愁都几许?一川烟草,满城风絮,梅子黄时雨。贺铸《青玉案》
  • 26、也应惊问:近来多少华发。辛弃疾《念奴娇》
  • 27、Don't fade away, curtain rolls westerly, people are thinner than yellow flowers.

  • 28、爱情,一只脆弱华丽的蝴蝶。
  • 29、To think of a person, a voice. For the next place of acacia.
  • 30、When love is expressed in silence, it expresses the most love.
  • 31、异地恋真的好辛苦,可是为了我们的爱,我会坚持的。
  • 爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。
  • 32、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。
  • 33、Love you to ask how long, how long is the heartbeat is very long.
  • 34、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗?
  • 35、千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉。辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》
  • 36、Some people are doomed to wait for others, others are doomed to be waited for.
  • 37、奴为出来难,教君恣意怜。李煜《菩萨蛮》

  • 38、I want to say, I will love you a little bit more. Always on your side.
  • 39、Old love will never be forgotten, old love will never be forgotten.
  • 40、有些人的灵魂会比他的物质要富足得多,因为自由。
  • 41、Marriage is the most difficult love, because we must talk about it while eating bread!
  • 42、You are so fond of telling me how I don't love you.
  • 43、思量只有梦来去,更不怕,江拦住。黄庭坚《望江东》
  • 44、To cultivate love, we must use harmony and whisper.
  • 失恋不一定是坏事,可能是下一个幸福的开始。
  • 45、失恋不一定是坏事,可能是下一个幸福的开始。
  • 46、Love makes one forget time, and time makes one forget love.
  • 47、千古盈亏休问。王沂孙《眉妩》

  • 48、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。
  • 49、问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。李煜《虞美人》
  • 50、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。
  • 51、When poverty comes in through the door, love slips through the window.