
  • 1、真爱一个人,就要尽量让他开心,他开心了你就会开心,那么双方就有**了。
  • 2、Most, you go out of the wall one inch, I move one inch of the wall, you out one foot, I move a foot.
  • 3、Sometimes, not the other party don't care about you, but you take each other watch too important.

  • 4、其实喜欢很简单啊,或许是明天阳光太好,你的睫毛太翘,我想拥抱你!
  • 5、There is no true love fool, only willing to do a fool.
  • 爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他,怕失掉他。
  • 6、爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他,怕失掉他。
  • 7、I have heard that when you can't have it again, the only thing you can do is to keep yourself from forgetting.
  • 8、团扇,团扇,美人病来遮面。王建《宫中调笑团扇》
  • 9、Youth makes people miss, but they can't get it again.
  • 10、Time will tell us: simple like the most in the long run, in the ordinary company the most reassuring, know you are the most warm.
  • 11、你不是小竹竿吗,三十年前你不到一百磅,今天好像不止一百公斤啊。《富贵再三逼人》
  • 12、不要因为完结而哭泣,要为曾经发生而微笑。
  • 13、他武功的名堂呢,称之为九天十地,菩萨摇头怕怕,劈雳金光雷电掌!一掌打出,方圆百里之内,不论人畜、虾蟹、跳蚤,全部都化成了飞灰!《鹿鼎记》

  • 14、Actually very simple, like maybe tomorrow, the sun is too good, you too become warped eyelash, I want to hug you!
  • 15、Instead of plain life, it is better to invest in love once, even if it is a short one hour.
  • 16、It's a waste of time to spend more than perfect performance.
  • 17、一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。
  • 18、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看的太重要。
  • 19、爱情的代价就是如此,不能得到回爱’就会得到一种深藏于心的轻蔑,这是一条永恒的定律。
  • 20、有时爱情是朵含蓄的花,需要时间才会怒放。
  • 一场寂寞凭谁诉。算前言,总轻负。柳永《昼夜乐》
  • 21、一场寂寞凭谁诉。算前言,总轻负。柳永《昼夜乐》
  • 22、不管你们相爱的时间有多长或多短,若你们能始终温柔地相待,那么,所有的时刻都将是一种无瑕的美丽。
  • 23、A person's biggest weakness is not selfish, affectionate, savage, and capricious, but paranoid love a not love their own people.

  • 24、最多,你出墙一寸,我挪墙一寸,你出一尺,我挪一丈。
  • 25、I live up to the people who love me, but still dedicated to waiting for the one I love.
  • 26、Once you have the feeling to someone, those feelings will always leave a heart, you may not like them, but you always care about.
  • 27、Perhaps only in the furthest, ability once passed that day, see the most authentic most clearly.
  • 28、The most simple sound, happiness is very clear, just like you.
  • 29、我梦寐以求的爱,原来近在咫尺。
  • 30、I want to be with you, or a few days. Somewhere, sometime.
  • 31、或许只有在离得最远的时候,才能把曾经走过的那段日子,看的最真确最清楚。
  • 32、I don't need to attend every important moment of your life. I just know that every important moment you have me in your heart.
  • 33、长江巨浪征人泪,一夜西风共白头。宋琬《江上阻风》

  • 34、其实喜欢很简单啊,或许是明天阳光太好,你的睫毛太翘,我想拥抱你!
  • 35、几乎没有任何活动、任何事业如同爱情一般;开始时充满着无限的希望与期待;而结束时却毫不例外地落空。
  • 终日两相思,为君憔悴尽,百花时。温庭筠《南歌子四首其二》
  • 36、终日两相思,为君憔悴尽,百花时。温庭筠《南歌子四首其二》
  • 37、当你不能再拥有的时候,唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘记。
  • 38、Many times, when a person finds himself in love with a person, when he is separated from him, he suddenly fails to see the person. He knows he has been very attached to that person unknowingly.
  • 39、我们爱过不同的人,却很少真的爱自己。
  • 40、花落花开自有时,总赖东君主。严蕊《卜算子不是爱风尘》
  • 41、It's not how much I love you, but how much I can bear.
  • 42、If someone very good for you, remember never lost that person.
  • 43、Some love, destined to I of silence, some people, doomed to will be missed.

  • 44、我梦寐以求的爱,原来近在咫尺。
  • 45、团扇,团扇,美人病来遮面。王建《宫中调笑团扇》
  • 46、Most, you go out of the wall one inch, I move one inch of the wall, you out one foot, I move a foot.
  • 47、爱情是两个人的灵魂结合起来飞向上帝的天使,这个天使将把世上光辉带给上帝。
  • 48、爱情是一种奢望,只要心坚硬如铁,谁都伤我不得。
  • 49、你真正是谁并不重要,重要的是你的所做所为。《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》
  • 50、与其平淡过一生,不如投入爱一次,哪怕是短暂的一小时。
  • 唯将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。元稹《遣悲怀三首其三》
  • 51、唯将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。元稹《遣悲怀三首其三》
  • 52、基础决定高度。心态决定状态。《少年班》
  • 53、Sometimes, not the other party don't care about you, but you take each other watch too important.

  • 54、爱情离开了幻想,好像人没有粮食一样。爱情需要热情的培养,不管是生理上的爱情也好,精神上的爱情也好。
  • 55、Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.
  • 56、我很羡慕你,因为你可以选择接受或是拒绝,而我只能选择喜欢你或者更喜欢你。
  • 57、There were so many towns in the world, there were so many pubs in the town that she walked into me.
  • 58、当一个男人爱一个女人,而这个女人又爱这个男人时,天使便从天堂下来,坐在那家人家里,唱起欢乐之歌。
  • 59、如果你爱一个人,先要使自己现在或将来百分之百的值得他爱,至于他爱不爱你,那是他的事,你可以如此希望,但不必勉强去追求。