
  • 1、小妞儿,来跟大爷签个70年的约。
  • 2、Honey, you don't have to change for who you are, if you want to be a better person.

  • 3、花开一世纪,情漫天之心。
  • 4、你爱我,我会陪你;你不爱我,我给你自由。这就是傻傻的我,那个在乎你的我。
  • 5、安心的幸福莫过于三件事:有人信你,有人陪你,有人等你。
  • 花开一世纪,情漫天之心。
  • 6、花开一世纪,情漫天之心。
  • 7、There is no cold man in the world, but he is not you.
  • 8、真正的爱情像美丽的花朵,它开放的地面越是贫瘠,看来越格外的悦眼。巴尔扎克
  • 9、爱情是鸟,有两张翅膀,折了一张便会坠地。方克强
  • 10、所谓真爱,就是在爱到头破血流之后,依然能拿出一颗真心来待你。
  • 11、我喜欢那个,喜欢你的我。
  • 12、你站在那别动,我飞奔过去!

  • 13、我不想结婚但我只想嫁你。
  • 14、哪怕轻靠你的肩膀我都会哭着笑出来!
  • 15、决口不提过去,我们拥抱将来可好?
  • 16、我能想到最甜蜜的事,就是在喜欢你的每一天里,被你喜欢。
  • 17、The invisible man replied that he was not far away from you.
  • 18、我爱你:爱到天荒地老!爱到海枯石烂!爱到黄河泛滥!
  • 19、To love or to be loved, in fact, is a kind of joy.
  • 缘是爱的开始,情是爱的过程,就让我们共同在缘和情的海洋里寻找爱的结果吧!
  • 20、缘是爱的开始,情是爱的过程,就让我们共同在缘和情的海洋里寻找爱的结果吧!
  • 21、谁的爱情宫殿是用美德奠基,用财富筑墙,用美丽发光,用荣耀铺顶,谁就是最幸福的人。
  • 22、The so-called love is in love, still can come up with a head broken and bleeding after the heart to you.

  • 23、The one who really love you won't say much to love you, but will do a lot of things that love you.
  • 24、哪怕轻靠你的肩膀我都会哭着笑出来!
  • 25、The more you know for a long time, I felt that you are a joy in my life the way clear water in.
  • 26、I wish I was playing, are you rooting for me in the side, I sweat.
  • 27、The one who really love you won't say much to love you, but will do a lot of things that love you.
  • 28、Our story is always so beautiful.
  • 29、爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。泰戈尔
  • 30、I would never give up, and you will never change until death.
  • 31、爱情是一种脑力劳动,婚姻是一种体力劳动。
  • 32、这一夏的温晴,是你给我的最好诠释。

  • 33、美丽是幸福的,幸福是花,也是叶子。
  • The one who really love you won't say much to love you, but will do a lot of things that love you.
  • 34、The one who really love you won't say much to love you, but will do a lot of things that love you.
  • 35、It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of sweet, sweet, kind, which can't be expressed with any choice of words.
  • 36、对不起,你拨打的用户已结婚。
  • 37、I don't last forever, as long as you give me happiness.
  • 38、真正的爱情像美丽的花朵,它开放的地面越是贫瘠,看来越格外的悦眼。巴尔扎克
  • 39、想你,是一种甜美的哀伤,是一种苦楚的等待,一种幸福的惆怅,更是一种不想去想而又不能不想的事实。
  • 40、毫无经验的初恋是迷人的,但经得起考验的爱情是无价的。
  • 41、As long as the call to her daughter-in-law, you have to take life to cherish.
  • 42、这一生我只牵你的手,因为今生有你早已足够。

  • 43、I don't last forever, as long as you give me happiness.
  • 44、对不起,你拨打的用户已结婚。
  • 45、爱情有一千个动人的心弦而又各不相同的音符。
  • 46、初恋像柠檬,虽酸却耐人寻味;热恋像火焰,虽热却不能自拔;失恋像伤疤,虽痛却无法释怀。所以我们要懂得呵护爱情!
  • 47、华而不实的话语不如一些真实的行动!
  • 恋情是一种职业,爱好是爱的基业,想你是我的功课,爱你是我的事业,固然偶然也失业,但仍然坚稳重抄旧业!
  • 48、恋情是一种职业,爱好是爱的基业,想你是我的功课,爱你是我的事业,固然偶然也失业,但仍然坚稳重抄旧业!
  • 49、永不言弃,涐愿与伱至死不渝。
  • 50、我们的生活有太多无奈,我们无法改变,也无力去改变,更糟的是,我们失去了改变的想法
  • 51、真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,却会做许多爱你的事。
  • 52、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。

  • 53、My eyes must be a problem, because my eyes always have to move away from your side.
  • 54、我喜欢那个,喜欢你的我。
  • 55、谁敢把幸福搁在姐身上赌,姐就敢拿命不让他输!
  • 56、I like that, I like you.
  • 57、幸福是当我失落,你像天使给我快乐。
  • 58、I will not change even after years, I will still love you like I do now!