
  • 1、闲坐悲君亦自悲,百年多是几多时。元稹《遣悲怀三首其三》
  • 2、相思相见知何日?此时此夜难为情。李白《三五七言》
  • 3、I can't see you hurt, let alone wronged, even if that person is myself.
  • 4、啊,我是一座小城,
  • 5、是一座城,
  • 不管我本人多么平庸,我总觉得对你的爱很美。


  • 7、I, wait for you, believe that one day you will appear to touch my head and praise me.
  • 8、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。
  • 9、会游泳的鸟
  • 10、My heart is smiling because of you. In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.
  • 11、举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。
  • 12、言念君子,温其如玉,在其板屋,乱我心曲。《秦风小戎》
  • 13、若待得君来向此,花前对酒不忍触。苏轼《贺新郎夏景》
  • 14、Give me to you, along with deep love, in exchange for your life is not enough, if not enough, the next life will also give you.
  • 15、The whole point of living up to now is to meet you at this moment.
  • 16、相思已是不曾闲,又那得、工夫咒你。蜀妓《鹊桥仙说盟说誓》

  • 17、安安静静,
  • 18、许多人向往水晶般的爱情,晶莹剔透没有瑕疵。但更多人拥有的是玻璃般的爱情。
  • 19、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。元稹《离思》
  • 日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。李之仪《卜算子我住长江头》
  • 20、日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。李之仪《卜算子我住长江头》
  • 21、只要你明白珍惜爱与被爱,我愿意等待你给我的未来。
  • 22、你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。
  • 23、I would like to fly with you to the distant horizon, my sky wants to connect with you.
  • 24、小巷
  • 25、你笑一次,我会高兴好几天,你哭一次,我会伤心好几年。
  • 26、却不发一言

  • 27、一座最小的城。
  • 28、我宁愿和你共度凡人的短暂一生,也不愿一个人看尽这世界的沧海桑田。
  • 29、一座最小的城,
  • 30、My world will not allow you to disappear, no matter whether the ending is perfect or not.
  • 31、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。元稹《离思》
  • 32、只有一团薄雾,
  • 33、我的梦,
  • 一座最小的城。
  • 34、一座最小的城。
  • 35、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。
  • 36、还悄悄依恋着

  • 37、I would rather spend a short life with you than see the vicissitudes of the world by myself.
  • 38、What you love most is you, and what you like best is you too!
  • 39、I would like to fly with you to the distant horizon, my sky wants to connect with you.
  • 40、我的梦中人,
  • 41、没有众多的居民。
  • 42、嗟余只影系人间,如何同生不同死?陈衡恪《题春绮遗像》
  • 43、感谢你在我伤心时安慰我。
  • 44、我拿把旧钥匙
  • 45、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。元稹《离思》
  • 46、Living in one place all one's life, sleeping next to one person all one's life.

  • 47、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。李商隐《无题重帏深下莫愁堂》
  • I would like to fly with you to the distant horizon, my sky wants to connect with you.
  • 48、I would like to fly with you to the distant horizon, my sky wants to connect with you.
  • 49、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。曹雪芹《红豆词》
  • 50、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
  • 51、是一座城,
  • 52、世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。
  • 53、敲着厚厚的墙
  • 54、啊,我是一座小城,
  • 55、In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you.
  • 56、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。曹雪芹《红豆词》

  • 57、《小巷》