2023-02-11 05:48:46
- 1、Knowledge is the candle that leads life to the bright and real world.
- 2、I not only good luck, beriberi is good too!
- 3、什么叫作失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。
- 4、目标愈高,志向就愈可贵。塞万提斯
- 6、不要沉湎于昨天,不要等待明天,一切从现在开始。
- 7、一切活动家都是梦想家。詹·哈尼克
- 8、微笑了太久,一个哭泣的触点也会让自己垮掉。
- 9、In life, there is no forever pain, not in vain.
- 10、Set goals, and then refine the target for every step of the action.
- 11、不要无事自寻懊恼,这句老话充斥着精辟的哲理。
- 12、Whatever things sell, sell yourself first.
- 13、把过去抱得太紧,你会腾不出手来拥抱现在。
- 14、我是对的,给我们的生命创造了什么结果?
15、Do a happy person, happy to others see you will become happy.
- 16、不要无事自寻懊恼,这句老话充斥着精辟的哲理。
- 17、月高天涯路,林深梦追人。王昌龄
- 18、Don't judge others, in case you don't understand others.
- 19、月高天涯路,林深梦追人。王昌龄
- 20、涌进心头的是潮水,溢出眼眶的是眼泪。
- 21、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。
- 22、事业常成于坚忍,毁于急躁。萨迪
- 23、挚友如异体同心。亚里士多德
- 24、There are many people who are in youth happiness as the price of success.
- 26、目标愈高,志向就愈可贵。塞万提斯
- 27、择才不求备,任物不过涯。元镇
- 28、没有比害怕本身更可害怕的了。培根
- 29、勉强保持友谊是最难堪的。普劳图斯
- 30、在一切与生俱来的天然赠品中,时间最为宝贵。
- 31、如果迩偶尔的抬头,会看见一扇温暖的窗。
- 32、Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear.
- 33、一朝春夏改,隔夜鸟花迁。李世民
- 34、必须有勇气正视无情的真理。列宁
- 36、忆奴欲死,不知何计使还。李世民
- 37、默默地关怀和祝福别人,那是一种无形的布施。
- 38、Able to stay upright, insist on is seen, through the people are few and far between.
- 39、Life is alive. Awareness of life, is that a good living.
- 40、Between the person and the person sincere caring power called smile.
- 41、人生贵知心,定交无暮早。袁中道
- 42、梦境总是现实的反面。伟格利
- 43、If you borrow too much money to a person, you can make the person become bad guys.
- 44、Only after a hellish hone, can have the power to create heaven.
- 46、审天地之道,察众人之心。诸葛亮
- 47、Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear.
- 48、见贤思齐,见不贤而内自省。孔子
- 49、你信任人,人才对你忠实。爱默生
- 50、We learned to cherish happiness in pain.
- 51、Set goals, and then refine the target for every step of the action.
- 52、不患人之不己知,患不知人也。孔子
- 53、青年时光是最富于敏感性的。加里宁
- 54、理想很丰满,现实却很骨感。周立波
55、How much pressure you give others, others also give you much pressure!
- 56、读书贵神解,无事守章句。徐洪钧
- 57、生命在闪光中现出绚烂,在平凡中现出真实。