
  • 1、无条件的付出,没前提的信任,我所理解的深爱。
  • 2、Miss, is a man of war.

  • 3、有些朋友,曾经无话不说,现在无话可说。
  • 4、惯了软弱心也会逐渐软弱起来,习惯了依赖会渐渐忘记如何依靠自己。一旦眼泪失去效力,一旦陷入孤立无援的境地,如果变得软弱了该怎样去保护身边的亲人和自己?
  • 5、I want you to hold me, I want to be in your arms.
  • 当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有。
  • 6、当我们失去的时候,才知道自己曾经拥有。
  • 7、何必拿自己的柔情,换取你的绝情呢?
  • 8、没有永远的缘份,没有永远的生命,我们所能拥有的,可能只是平凡的一生。
  • 9、If I can not find you, I will stand in the most prominent place to let you see.
  • 10、很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已,遗忘就是给彼此最好的纪念。
  • 11、他们的信心是我给的,你们有什么问题吗?
  • 12、我们的爱情刚开始就已经结束,而我却丢失了全部。

  • 13、去去去,别糟蹋青春那两字了,你都已经立秋了。
  • 14、Unconditional love, unconditional trust, I understand the deep love.
  • 15、Do not see the elder sister is not beautiful, the elder sister still can not play you to find the north.
  • 16、Like my people, I will love you. Don't like me, I can't do it. I am not a panacea, not cute.
  • 17、如果我的名字是你拒绝别人的理由,那么我定会愿意为你放弃所有。
  • 18、恋你,是一种温馨的悲哀,是一种浪漫的情怀,是一种柔美的姿态,更是一种想去说而又不得不说的喜爱!
  • 19、我从来不知道,你爱我和想离开我时,竟然都会对我那么好。
  • 如果我的名字是你拒绝别人的理由,那么我定会愿意为你放弃所有。
  • 20、如果我的名字是你拒绝别人的理由,那么我定会愿意为你放弃所有。
  • 21、不要等谁来爱,人一定要学会首先爱自己。
  • 22、何必拿自己的柔情,换取你的绝情呢?

  • 23、不是我不爱你的过去,而是你的过去里没有我。
  • 24、There's her you, now you should be good!
  • 25、You had to say goodbye, but we do not see again.
  • 26、Time, it is the most fair thing in the world.
  • 27、原来我的心有空隙,还留着你的记忆。
  • 28、Love, never to meet. Noisy don't spread, scold not to go, is the true love.
  • 29、Some friends have no words, now have nothing to say.
  • 30、她说我的眼泪,是因为绝口不提的伤。
  • 31、如果说美貌是推荐信,那么善良就是信用卡!
  • 32、Love life all childish, disguise the love and innocence.

  • 33、打扮的再美,穿的再昂贵,那只是个幌子,用善良做的外衣才是真的美。
  • The first sentence of a man 's lie: I don't care about your appearance.
  • 34、The first sentence of a man 's lie: I don't care about your appearance.
  • 35、爱,从来不是迎合。吵不散,骂不走,才算是真爱。
  • 36、时间,它是世界上最公平的东西。
  • 37、你淡然的说再见,只是我们再也不见。
  • 38、If he loves you, you don't have to please him. If he does not love, more do not have to.
  • 39、即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。
  • 40、The first sentence of a man 's lie: I don't care about your appearance.
  • 41、缺席了你的从前,却不想缺席你的未来。
  • 42、Start to be particularly good for you, then you are getting worse and worse, the man is in love with you, start to do you get better and then the man who wants to marry you.

  • 43、Love you, is a kind of sweet sorrow, is a kind of romantic feelings, is a gentle attitude, is a kind of want to go and have to say love!
  • 44、一台单反,一个会拍照的爱人,一颗说走就走的心。
  • 45、You are not his girlfriend, he is a few sleep and he likes and you have no relationship with a dime.
  • 46、The first sentence of a man 's lie: I don't care about your appearance.
  • 47、You meet the awn crowd, maybe you and I really have fate. On this Valentine's day, I wish you a happy holiday, always have a bright smile.
  • 我跟伍佰不熟,他弟弟二百五跟我很熟。
  • 48、我跟伍佰不熟,他弟弟二百五跟我很熟。
  • 49、记得那时你说我比较坚强,所以才选择了他。
  • 50、I just want to reach old age together with you. Love is always in our hearts, in our eyes. Spend all your time with you! I love all your strengths and weaknesses!
  • 51、爱,从来不是迎合。吵不散,骂不走,才算是真爱。
  • 52、你一定不知道,我曾那样毫无指望的喜欢你。

  • 53、This world will not collapse because of any one person.
  • 54、爱情就像两个人在拉皮筋、受伤的永远是不愿意放手的那个。
  • 55、何必拿自己的柔情,换取你的绝情呢?
  • 56、我不要你的忽冷忽热,因为这样我会感冒的。