
  • 1、Sometimes, we fall in love is not he, but memories.
  • 2、她说我的眼泪,是因为绝口不提的伤。
  • 3、被在乎的人忽略,会很难过,而假装不在乎,会更难过。
  • 4、Is a symbol of vitality, vanity is a young mark.
  • 5、The wind is too with the pain you give is blown away。
  • A man who truly loves you, but he can see your pain in your eyes.
  • 6、A man who truly loves you, but he can see your pain in your eyes.
  • 7、爱,从来不是迎合。吵不散,骂不走,才算是真爱。
  • 8、Friends say I'm crazy, I answer: I was not normal.
  • 9、只要能够这样静静的陪着你,就够了。
  • 10、Love is like two people in bands, the injured is always reluctant to let go of that.

  • 11、Absent from your past, do not want to miss your future.
  • 12、消失的是记忆。而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆。
  • 13、恋你,是一种温馨的悲哀,是一种浪漫的情怀,是一种柔美的姿态,更是一种想去说而又不得不说的喜爱!
  • 14、The same can not withstand the ravages of time, emotion, to the time it will cool。
  • 15、曲终人散只有孤寂惆怅才是生活的原味。
  • 16、No man cool call back yesterday。
  • 17、Time, it is the most fair thing in the world.
  • 18、人生最痛苦的就是:明知要失去,但还没发生。
  • 19、开始对你特别好,后来越来越差的男人是在跟你谈恋爱,开始对你好后来对你越来越好的男人是想跟你结婚。
  • Between us are only separated by one step, and I can not move you。

    20、Between us are only separated by one step, and I can not move you。

  • 21、Friendship or love, there are always some people in the pack, I really want to say: I am very tired.
  • 22、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。
  • 23、牛粪终究是牛粪,上锅蒸了也不会酿成香饽饽。
  • 24、Love you, is a kind of sweet sorrow, is a kind of romantic feelings, is a gentle attitude, is a kind of want to go and have to say love!
  • 25、她说我的眼泪,是因为绝口不提的伤。
  • 26、最终还是被无情的遗忘,迷失了自己。
  • 27、只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。
  • 28、Feel that in this world, you are the most important person.
  • 29、爱情就像两个人在拉皮筋、受伤的永远是不愿意放手的那个。
  • 30、我从来不知道,你爱我和想离开我时,竟然都会对我那么好。

  • 31、朋友说我疯了,我答:我本来就没正常过。
  • 32、If my name is the reason why you refuse to others, then I will be willing to give up all of you.
  • 33、Your own taste, let my heart closely rely on。
  • Sometimes there is no way out exlep。
  • 34、Sometimes there is no way out exlep。
  • 35、芒芒人海中遇见了你,也许你我真的很有缘份。在这情人节到来之际,我祝愿你节日快乐,永远都有灿烂的笑容。
  • 36、朋友说我疯了,我答:我本来就没正常过。
  • 37、You are not his girlfriend, he is a few sleep and he likes and you have no relationship with a dime.
  • 38、任何值得做的,就把它做好。
  • 39、Sometimes, we fall in love is not he, but memories.
  • 40、You meet the awn crowd, maybe you and I really have fate. On this Valentine's day, I wish you a happy holiday, always have a bright smile.

  • 41、只要能够这样静静的陪着你,就够了。
  • 42、这个世界不会因为任何人,任何事而坍塌沦陷。
  • 43、Some people can be easily erased by time, like dust.
  • 44、风太带大你给的痛却吹不散。
  • 45、若相爱,请珍惜。
  • 46、当现实抬手给你一巴掌的时候你应该和他击个掌。
  • 47、The first sentence of a man 's lie: I don't care about your appearance.
  • Paper plane fly farther take away my heart。
  • 48、Paper plane fly farther take away my heart。
  • 49、Like my people, I will love you. Don't like me, I can't do it. I am not a panacea, not cute.
  • 50、Time won't let me forget you, but let I used to have no you.

  • 51、时间,它是世界上最公平的东西。
  • 52、她说我的眼泪,是因为绝口不提的伤。
  • 53、你知道的,失去你,我会失去活着的意义。
  • 54、有时候,我们爱上的不是他,而是回忆。
  • 55、Like my people, I will love you. Don't like me, I can't do it. I am not a panacea, not cute.
  • 56、幸福是生生不息,却难以触及的远。