

  • 2、失去了真,同时也失去了美。
  • 3、To buy his honesty, such a man sells his reputation.
  • 4、诚信,是一条流了五千年的河,流出了黄面孔,流出了黄土地。
  • 5、不讲诚信的人,是可悲的、可怜的、可恨的,也是可怕的。
  • 诚信,是一条流了五千年的河,流出了黄面孔,流出了黄土地。
  • 6、诚信,是一条流了五千年的河,流出了黄面孔,流出了黄土地。
  • 7、If you don't believe in it, you can't do it.
  • 8、人类最不道德订户,是不诚实与懦弱。高尔基
  • 9、知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
  • 10、Honesty is the virtue in everyone's heart. The world is more wonderful because of honesty.
  • 11、Of all moral qualities, the nature of goodness is the most necessary in the world.

  • 12、Lost the truth, but also lost the beauty.
  • 13、Yes, honesty is more valuable than gold, higher than mountains and deeper than water. So we have to preserve our integrity.
  • 14、理智要比心灵为高,思想要比感情可靠。高尔基
  • 15、君子不重,则不威;学则不固。主忠信。无友不如己者。过则勿惮改。
  • 16、你必须以诚待人,别人才会以诚回报。
  • 17、诚信是沟通心灵的桥梁,善于欺骗的人,永远到不了桥的另一端。
  • 18、知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
  • 19、诚信是一种财富,拥有诚信能使世界变得更美好!
  • 诚信,作为我们的立身之本,就像一棵大树的幼芽,直根于每个家庭,生长于每个人的心中。
  • 20、诚信,作为我们的立身之本,就像一棵大树的幼芽,直根于每个家庭,生长于每个人的心中。
  • 21、Honesty is a virtue that will make you more perfect.

  • 22、切勿丢掉诚信,当你回过头再去捡它的时候,它已失去了原有的色彩!
  • 23、Honesty is a kind of wealth. Having honesty can make the world a better place.
  • 24、言必信,行必果。
  • 25、老老实实最能打动人心。莎士比亚
  • 26、Honesty and habit from childhood will surely lead to nature, and trustworthiness from childhood to sunset.
  • 27、诚信是你价格不菲的鞋子,踏遍千山万水,质量也应永恒不变。
  • 28、Lost the truth, but also lost the beauty.
  • 29、The beauty of a word is worth a thousand dollars.
  • 30、诚实守信是无形的力量,也是无形的财富,在世上,如果失信,我们会走的很远,但我们却找不回家。
  • 31、没有伟大的品格,就没有伟大的人,甚至也没有伟大的艺术家,伟大的行动者。

  • 32、失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自己。莎士比亚
  • 33、君子养心,莫善于诚。
  • If a person does not believe, he will decline if he does not believe, and if a country does not believe, he will be in danger. One or two times sincerity is equal to one ton of wisdom. Honesty is an open mind.
  • 34、If a person does not believe, he will decline if he does not believe, and if a country does not believe, he will be in danger. One or two times sincerity is equal to one ton of wisdom. Honesty is an open mind.
  • 35、人无忠信,不可立于世。程颐
  • 36、诚信就是真诚、诚实,守信重诺。诚与信是分不开的,只有诚实可靠才能取信于人。
  • 37、Honesty and trustworthiness is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, which has already been integrated into the blood of our nation.
  • 38、1对自己的忠实,才不会对别人欺诈。莎士比亚
  • 39、如果习惯于说空话,最可敬的人也会失掉尊严。格言
  • 40、Honesty is a kind of power. It makes the humble and fake shrink back and the honest and kind strong.
  • 41、人背信则名不达。刘向

  • 42、You have to be honest with others before others will be honest in return.
  • 43、Of all the bad qualities of today's world, dishonesty is the most dangerous.
  • 44、走正直诚实的生活道路,必定会有一个问心无愧的归宿。
  • 45、The most immoral subscribers are dishonest and cowardly.
  • 46、少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。邓小平
  • 47、君子不重,则不威;学则不固。主忠信。无友不如己者。过则勿惮改。
  • 一个人的信用和其钱柜里的钞票是成正比的。
  • 48、一个人的信用和其钱柜里的钞票是成正比的。
  • 49、诚实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。
  • 50、是的,诚信比金子还要贵重,比山还要高,比水还要深。所以我们要好好保存自己那份诚信。
  • 51、言必信,行必果,然小人哉!

  • 52、A weak-willed person will never be honest.
  • 53、Honesty and trustworthiness is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, which has already been integrated into the blood of our nation.
  • 54、人类被予了一种工作,那就是精神的成长。列夫托尔斯泰
  • 55、当信用消失的时候,肉体就没有生命。大仲马
  • 56、在一切道德品质中,善良的本性是世界上最需要的。
  • 57、一个人的信用和其钱柜里的钞票是成正比的。