2023-05-13 17:43:54
- 2、虚伪永远不能凭借它生长在权利中而变成真实。
- 3、Bao jianfeng from honed out, plum blossom incense from the experience.
- 4、To learn that love yourself, because it is live for yourself.
- 5、自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。
- 6、道德是一种获得如同音乐,如同外国语,如同虔诚扑克和瘫痪没有人生来就拥有道德。
- 7、Every life is beautiful, even a small flower also won't refuse.
- 8、虚荣心很难说是一种恶行,然而一切恶行都围绕虚荣心而生,都不过是满足虚荣心的手段。
- 9、只有经历人生的种种磨难,才能悟出人生的价值。
- 10、If love, please love deeply; If not love, please leave.
11、The more lost for the future, the more I want to do more.
- 12、Adolescence is the search of the good times.
- 13、Attitude is everything. Detail decides success or failure, life habits achievements.
- 14、The dream of youth, is the real projection of the future.
- 15、失败对强者是逗号,对弱者则是句号。
- 16、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。
- 17、问心的道德胜于问理的道德,所以情感的生活胜于理智的生活。
- 18、As long as we can make good use of time, we always have time enough.
- 19、谁在平日节衣缩食,在穷困时就容易度过难关;谁在富足时豪华奢侈,在穷困时就会死于饥寒。
- 20、Not every dream will be realized, not everyone is always the same.
- 22、Love if you want it good, don't think too much the result of it.
- 23、没有伟大的品格,就没有伟大的人,甚至也没有伟大的艺术家,伟大的行动者。
- 24、一旦一个人停止寻求知识和信息,就会变得无知。
- 25、精彩完美的人生,是怀着感激的人生。
- 26、Although these three words seemingly ordinary, but to do must be in.
- 27、成长是场蓄谋已久的阴谋,错了便是错了。
- 28、To learn that love yourself, because it is live for yourself.
- 29、Attitude is everything. Detail decides success or failure, life habits achievements.
- 30、学习可以改变一切。行动可以解决一切问题。
- 32、没有什么是过不去的,就看你想不想过去而已。
- 33、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。
- 34、婆慈媳贤婆媳如母女,清茶淡饭清淡胜佳肴。
- 35、人类最不道德订户,是不诚实与懦弱。
- 36、It is better to do than to do celebrities, own the original.
- 37、对于道德的损害是出自于良心的完全麻痹。
- 38、Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow.
- 39、人不能象走兽那样活着,应该追求知识和美德。
- 40、Every dream, is the patience to achieve in reality.
- 42、有些事情无须争辩,表面服从,偷偷反抗。
- 43、一旦一个人停止寻求知识和信息,就会变得无知。
- 44、Self-esteem is the backbone of a person, is a fearless spirit.
- 45、A beautiful woman and pleasing to the eye, mature woman yue heart.
- 46、一个人必须把他的全部力量用于努力改善自身,而不能把他的力量浪费在任何别的事情上。
- 47、道德活动既受**长官支配,又受良心的制约。
- 48、Don't promise easily, agreed to do them.
- 49、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。
- 50、Not every dream will be realized, not everyone is always the same.