2023-02-09 17:24:20
- 1、人生来如风雨,去如微尘。
- 2、Better eat without meat than without soup.
- 3、Drink boiled water and eat hot meals, healthy and disease-free.
- 4、只要功夫深,铁尺磨成绣花针。
- 5、好话一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。
6、As long as the fire remains, even if the youth is gone.
- 7、雷公无雨先唱歌,有雨也不多。
- 8、Before the creator, first made man.
- 9、Lei Gong sang first without rain, and there was not much rain.
- 10、换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。
- 11、一夜相思,水边清浅横枝瘦。
- 12、Time is a great thing, can let fate displaced.
- 13、我还是很喜欢你,像风走了八千里,不问归期;我还是很喜欢你,像雨洒落在热带与极地,不远万里。
- 14、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。
- 15、耳不听不烦,眼不见不馋。
- 17、昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。
- 18、CHIGO as jcdecaux.
- 19、雷公无雨先唱歌,有雨也不多。
- 20、The stumbling block is stepping-stone.
- 21、相遇是春风十里,原来是你;相爱是山长水阔,最后是你。
- 22、不吸烟,不吃酒,病魔见了绕道走。
- 23、精诚所至,金石为开。
- 24、人各有志,自己的路自己走。
- 25、智慧源于勤奋,伟大出自平凡。
- 27、Different people have different aspirations., own way.
- 28、You can't hear, you can't hear, you can't see, you can't eat.
- 29、It is better to act immediately than to grieve inwardly.
- 30、没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。
- 31、皮之不存,毛将焉附。
- 32、我什么都没有,只有,一个不确定的明天,一个不知道的未来,还有一个你。
- 33、There are talented people everywhere.
- 34、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。
- 35、好狗不跳,好猫不叫。
- 37、欲望如海水,越喝越渴。
- 38、Man millennium, I have no life.
- 39、三百六十行,行行出状元。
- 40、易求无价宝,难得有心郎。
- 41、My love, you are like a flower, so sweet and pure and fair.
- 42、Where there is no skin, there is no hair.
- 43、The best attack is to attack yourself.
- 44、你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的一章节。
- 45、It is better to act immediately than to grieve inwardly.
46、Better to do, to do the best.
- 47、No smoking, no drinking, the disease saw a detour.
- 48、Faith moves mountains, mountains.
- 49、金章紫绶千馀骑,夫婿朝回初拜侯。
- 50、易求无价宝,难得有心郎。
- 51、宁可食无肉,不可饭无汤。
- 52、要打当面鼓,不敲背后锣。
- 53、我无法保证给你一段完美的感情,没有争吵、没有分歧,但我能保证只要你坚持,我定会不离不弃。
- 54、My love, you are like a flower, so sweet and pure and fair.
- 55、说到不如做到,要做就做最好。