
  • 1、Take learning as a play, don't think of it as a chore.
  • 2、天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。
  • 3、As long as you progress today than yesterday, then you are the first.
  • 4、忠实的朋友是菩萨的化身。拿破仑
  • 5、忍耐加和蔼就是力量。亨特
  • 困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。


  • 7、爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧。培根
  • 8、自我控制是最强者的本能。萧伯纳
  • 9、有志者事竟成。《后汉书·耿列传》
  • 10、Knowledge is like the spring water under the sand, more digging deeper water more clearly.
  • 11、万里不惜死,朝得成功。高适
  • 12、自己要懂得心疼自己,因为是为自己而活。
  • 13、Only experienced the hardships of life, can realize the value of life.
  • 14、我一贯力求思想不受束缚。达尔文
  • 15、有志者事竟成也。刘秀
  • 16、成功是结果,而不是目的。福楼拜

  • 17、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。
  • 18、Never open unbeaten flower, the good faith the Chinese virtue never faded.
  • 19、不患人之不己知,患不知人也。孔子
  • 闪电决不会在同一地方落两次。佚名
  • 20、闪电决不会在同一地方落两次。佚名
  • 21、Never open unbeaten flower, the good faith the Chinese virtue never faded.
  • 22、交心不交面,从此重相忆。白居易
  • 23、青春须早为,岂能长少年。孟郊
  • 24、As long as we can make good use of time, we always have time enough.
  • 25、真理是永远蒙蔽不了的。莎士比亚
  • 26、Do you think you stupid than people tend to be smarter than you.

  • 27、爱无所求,被爱无所累,便是真正的自在和幸福。
  • 28、我们自单行道以来,有几多梦飘散在时间的海。
  • 29、Stop the struggle, the rivers will become a backwater.
  • 30、耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。柏拉图
  • 31、Nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements.
  • 32、爱情不过是一种疯。莎士比亚
  • 33、Fail - is a comma to the strong, for the weak is a full stop.
  • Only a thankful heart, to experience the taste of happiness.
  • 34、Only a thankful heart, to experience the taste of happiness.
  • 35、脱离劳动就是犯罪。列夫·托尔斯泰
  • 36、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。

  • 37、As long as we can make good use of time, we always have time enough.
  • 38、人的天职在勇于探索真理。哥白尼
  • 39、谨慎的人眼睛也许永不闭上。爱默生
  • 40、Life is like clocks and watches, can return to the starting point, but has not yesterday!
  • 41、I'm sorry, I can't do for you, can only be myself.
  • 42、什么叫领导?领导就是服务。邓**
  • 43、The sun light up the road of life, and the moon light to the soul.
  • 44、忆奴欲死,不知何计使还。李世民
  • 45、Are contained in the difficult victory, failure breeds success.
  • 46、明者因时而变,知者随事而制。桓宽

  • 47、诚实是科学家的主要美德。费尔巴哈
  • 忠实的朋友是菩萨的化身。拿破仑
  • 48、忠实的朋友是菩萨的化身。拿破仑
  • 49、要认准自己的机会。皮塔库斯
  • 50、完美的谎言,骗得了别人,也骗不了自己。
  • 51、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。
  • 52、有些事情无须争辩,表面服从,偷偷反抗。
  • 53、每一个生命都是美丽的,再小的花也不会拒绝。
  • 54、不以言举人,不以人废言。《论语》
  • 55、Once a person stops, seek knowledge and information become ignorance.
  • 56、失败是坚韧的最后考验。俾斯麦
