
  • 1、You said the wind blew away and you should go away. Don't cry if you can't keep it.
  • 2、雪花跳着轻盈的舞蹈,顽皮地敲着家家户户的门窗。
  • 3、雪花飘落下来,落到脸上,像母亲温柔的抚摸。
  • 4、我默念着还不痛嘴上笑笑又从容
  • 5、与其卑微的奉承一段感情,不如孤傲的独善其身。

  • 6、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。
  • 7、风雪山神庙老天有眼
  • 8、I won't humble to ask a woman give me back my left my man.
  • 9、This life's smile, just for you, like the rainbow on a sunny day.
  • 10、冬天,像一个洁白如玉的姑娘。但大家都怪怨她使世界变得寒冷,使草木凋谢。
  • 11、雪天里的狼白吼叫
  • 12、十中国的放假原则,欠了的终归要还的。
  • 13、雪地里埋人久后自明;日后自明;总有一天要露出来;见不得太阳
  • 14、结婚九块,离婚十二块,傻子才离婚呢那么贵!
  • 15、爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。

  • 16、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
  • 17、你说风吹散了你该走了,挽留不住就别哭了。
  • 18、如果被等待是一种幸福,那么放手就是一种成全,双方的成全。
  • 19、我默念着还不痛嘴上笑笑又从容
  • 20、Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • 我忘了哪年哪月的哪分手后就得到了重新去爱的机会。
  • 21、我忘了哪年哪月的哪分手后就得到了重新去爱的机会。
  • 22、Love is not a charitable cause, so it can't be generous.
  • 23、Between trance and hear the sound of your similar first a quiver and stare blankly.
  • 24、We also hugged each other tightly and talked about love forever.
  • 25、所谓爱情就是有那么一个人,可以轻易控制你的情绪,前一刻让你哭,下一刻又让你笑。

  • 26、那年,我们在青涩中相遇、却在漠然中诀别。
  • 27、Feel do and cannot do, only between a read.
  • 28、Fault is a temporary regret, and missed is an eternal regret.
  • 29、愿我这不温柔的性情可以留住你的心.
  • 30、The so-called love is to have so a person, can easily control your emotions, make you cry, moments before the next moment, let you laughed.
  • 31、恍惚间听到和你相似的声音先是一颤然后楞了神。
  • 32、It's funny to suddenly find something to say at some time.
  • 33、生命太短,没留时间给遗憾。若不是终点,请微笑一直向前。
  • 34、Memory flows into a river, I pass by the bank, close my eyes, joys and sorrows intertwined.
  • 35、生活一定要五颜六色,但绝不能乱七八糟

    There is no sunshine flowers don't sweet, love life is not sweet.
  • 36、There is no sunshine flowers don't sweet, love life is not sweet.
  • 37、后来才明白,原来每穿着破旧的裙子,人们记住的是裙子;穿着优雅的裙子,人们记住的是穿裙子的女人。--可可•香奈儿
  • 38、没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。
  • 39、野心很大想做你的天下
  • 40、一个不经意,你的笑容就成了谁的整个世界。
  • 41、Without love life is suffering.
  • 42、老师:小明,学完这篇“皇帝的新装”后,你有何感想?小明:老师,我觉得那两个骗子一定是屌丝!老师:为什么这样说?小明:你想啊,骗皇帝有什么意思,要是我就骗公主,骗皇后……老师:滚出去……
  • 43、十我忘了哪年哪月的哪壹日我在哪面墙上刻下壹张脸壹张微笑着忧伤着凝望我的脸
  • 44、雪在叹息,留下了一片银白。
  • 45、一片片洁白的雪花在为冬天舞蹈,在向大地飞奔。

  • 46、Maybe is the day the sun just, the breeze no noise, you just laughed at, so I'm tempted.
  • 47、野心很大想做你的天下
  • 48、There is always a person, as long as you smile, you defeated.
  • 49、Wake up from your slumber. You can overcome everything that hurts you at a glance.
  • 50、Trust is also a kind of love. I love you, so I believe you.
  • Marriage nine pieces, twelve pieces, fool just divorce so expensive!
  • 51、Marriage nine pieces, twelve pieces, fool just divorce so expensive!
  • 52、我的世界从来没有光明。
  • 53、这辈子的微笑,只为你绽放,像那晴天的小彩虹。
  • 54、毕竟他是你关了灯才能拥有的梦.
  • 55、Love is the mist, you are in the fog rose, across the green yarn to see you, call me!

  • 56、We are like the sun and sunflower, each other is the life of each other.
  • 57、要学会自己咽下所有失望才会走的更远更长
  • 58、Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
  • 59、冬天,像一个洁白如玉的姑娘。但大家都怪怨她使世界变得寒冷,使草木凋谢。
  • 60、天冷致病,心冷致命。