2023-02-25 15:27:10
- 1、Knowledge is the wings of the sky.
- 2、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
- 3、学识太广反而憨头憨脑。
- 5、往者不可谏,来者犹可追。
- 6、时间等于金钱,知识就是力量。
- 7、Sunshine illuminates the world, knowledge illuminates life.
- 8、Sunshine illuminates the world, knowledge illuminates life.
- 9、信息不等同知识。
- 10、Knowledge can add a pair of eyes.
- 11、知识是治疗恐惧的药。
- 12、a little more effort will lead to more success.
- 13、Life is the search for new knowledge.
14、Knowledge keeps one from slavery.
- 15、积累知识,胜于积累金银。
- 16、博观而约取,厚积而薄发。
- 17、再多一点努力,就多一点成功。
- 18、加快发展,创新发展,科学发展,率先发展。
- 19、聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。
- 20、Knowledge is love, light and imagination.
- 21、Knowledge comes from our insight.
- 22、汗水换来丰收,勤学取得知识。
- 23、一日不读书,胸臆无佳想。
- 25、所有知识源自经验。
- 26、a knowledgeable person will gain the reputation of the world.
- 27、Life is the search for new knowledge.
- 28、知识是爱、光明和想象。
- 29、一日不读书,胸臆无佳想。
- 30、Knowledge is the activity of the mind.
- 31、读书如行路,历险毋惶恐。
- 32、人无常识,百事难成。
- 33、士欲宣其义,必先读其书。
34、Learning is the eye of the mind.
- 35、不当科技成果的享受者,要当科技探索的实践者!
- 36、博观而约取,厚积而薄发。
- 37、If a man has knowledge, he is powerful.
- 38、Knowledge is love, light and imagination.
- 39、Knowledge is spiritual food.
- 40、Not afraid to read less, but afraid not to remember.
- 41、不读书的人,思想就会停止。
- 42、Knowledge keeps one from slavery.
- 43、Not afraid to read less, but afraid not to remember.
- 45、书卷多情似故人,晨昏忧乐每相亲。
- 46、知识是心灵的活动。
- 47、Teachers lead in and learn art in themselves.
- 48、知识是智慧的火炬。
- 49、求实是我们的根本,创新是我们的动力。
- 50、Knowledge is the eye of the mind.
- 51、Life is the search for new knowledge.
- 52、有书堆数仞,不如读盈寸。读书虽可喜,何如躬践履。
- 53、all knowledge comes from experience.
54、Intelligence lies in diligence and genius in accumulation.
- 55、读书不趁早,后来徒悔懊。
- 56、黄金的宝藏比不上知识的宝藏。
- 57、玉不啄,不成器;人不学,不知道。