I hide my storm-like love in my heart just not to give you any pressure。 The more precious my love is, the more I cherish the love from others。我将暴风般的爱情藏在心底,那是为了不给对方任何心理压力,我的爱情越是珍贵,相对地,也越珍惜别人的爱情。

  • 1、Even if I have to leave for an hour, I will miss a few days.
  • 2、With the desire and vanity of Demiao, as in the past.
  • 3、Loneliness is heard a familiar name, do not think of some of the stories.
  • 4、风华是多少红颜悴,多少相思碎,唯留血染墨香哭乱冢。
  • 5、总有一天,你会遇到一个绚丽的人,让你觉得其他人都是浮云。
  • Don't be in contact because I can't hurt.

    6、Don't be in contact because I can't hurt.

  • 7、You praise me not, after you know what all not afraid in extreme grief.
  • 8、没资格吃的醋最酸,最先动心的人最惨。
  • 9、没见过什么大世面,这辈子我只爱你着一张脸。
  • 10、I always think of you, when you go to sleep.
  • 11、To give up is very simple, but to forget a person is very difficult.
  • 12、Later, I did not say that do not go this funny.
  • 13、Will be the memories of the spirits into the throat, no longer retain, no longer back.
  • 14、You know, I'll miss you very much. You don't know. I miss you every night.
  • 15、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃!
  • 16、谁能告诉我,恩恩后面该怎么回复?

  • 17、Step back is lonely, step forward is happiness.
  • 18、你有童年阴影?我想你不止童年有阴影,你少年、青年、年年你都有阴影。
  • 19、Red cherry, green banana, the old man cast time.
  • 20、十等你睡了我再睡,好久没有听过这句话了。
  • 你夸我百毒不侵,那你知不知道万箭穿心以后,什么都不怕。
  • 21、你夸我百毒不侵,那你知不知道万箭穿心以后,什么都不怕。
  • 22、没见过什么大世面,这辈子我只爱你着一张脸。
  • 23、我总会想你,睡觉的时候也没停止过。
  • 24、Go not into the world don't squeeze, which embarrassed others and humiliate himself!
  • 25、Lies is to say to the ear, but it is to let the eyes to tears.
  • 26、没见过什么大世面,这辈子我只爱你着一张脸。

  • 27、有些话,说与不说都是伤害;有些人,留与不留都会离开。
  • 28、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。
  • 29、幸福是一段铺满鲜花的旅程,痛苦是一段布满荆棘的旅程,我们不沉迷青山绿水,不惧怕风雨兼程,我们收纳各种风景,我们收获无穷的抗争和突破,我们毕生收获着不同的风景。
  • 30、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。
  • 31、其实不爱了真的没有关系只要没有谎言我便心存感激
  • 32、这是第九次分手,我最后一次让你走!
  • 33、Find a worthy hell-bent person, love.
  • 34、良家妇女也是妇女。
  • 35、理发师与妈妈都有一个共同点:理发师永远不懂一厘米的长度,妈妈盛饭时永远不懂半碗的深度。唯一的不同点是:前者让我们失望,后者让我们感动。
  • For you to shed a tear, the story will end in the end, I really pay is not your happiness.

    36、For you to shed a tear, the story will end in the end, I really pay is not your happiness.

  • 37、In fact, it's not that you don't miss, it's not that you don't miss, but you can never see each other.
  • 38、With the desire and vanity of Demiao, as in the past.
  • 39、十等你睡了我再睡,好久没有听过这句话了。
  • 40、I always think of you, when you go to sleep.
  • 41、Thereisnolovequeenoftheworld.女王的世界里没有爱情。
  • 42、As long as the mind turns, adversity can also be an opportunity, turning is also a way forward.
  • 43、不是圣人七情六欲怎会独善其身
  • 44、第一杯,祝你前程似锦白头偕老,第二杯,谢你曾真心待我快乐过,第三杯,祭从此世上再无我俩感情。
  • 45、你活着浪费空气.死了浪费土地。
  • 46、有些话,说与不说都是伤害;有些人,留与不留都会离开。

  • 47、When you want to cry, do not hold back, uncomfortable is their own!
  • 48、我也曾经很用心,只是后来失了热情。
  • 49、其实不爱了真的没有关系只要没有谎言我便心存感激
  • 50、为你落下一滴泪,故事到最后总会落幕,我真心的付出却不是你要的幸福。
  • I think you are very cold, the original you warm is not me.
  • 51、I think you are very cold, the original you warm is not me.
  • 52、拥有忧伤,珍视忧伤,人生路上,情感定会丰富多彩,生活定会精致而美丽!真的,有时,忧伤也是我独坐的四角天地,静享份安宁,指尖流淌着如烟的思绪,沉醉在那些不曾忘却的往事中,恍如隔世。
  • 53、你始终有千万种理由而我却一直跟随你的感受。
  • 54、Not being cherish affection, but fickle people miss.
  • 55、谁能告诉我,恩恩后面该怎么回复?
  • 56、但又不希望你向别人请教余生

  • 57、Flowers sometimes blossom and sometimes fall. Without nostalgia, the one who should go will go; without demanding, the one who should come will come sooner or later.
  • 58、Nowadays, who can see behind me, I can only laugh desperately.
  • 59、后来,我再也没有说不要走这种好笑的话。