
  • 1、要不是因为爱着你,怎么会夜深还没睡意;要不是因为爱着你,怎会不经意就叹息,全世界只有你不懂我爱你!
  • 2、如果可以,我宁愿是个孩子,空着双手站在你面前,期待你的怜悯;如果可以,我宁愿是个乞丐,从你的门前走过,我渴望,我的空碗能盛上你的爱。
  • 3、To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, and you sign a love contract! Otherwise, nobody wants me! I'm ready to halve my right and multiply my obligations.
  • 4、1我不会让我的爱,再与我擦肩而过了!现在我要大声的告诉你:真的爱你!

  • 5、There is no reason to love a person! Love needs two people to keep watering! We use our sincerity and efforts to irrigate our love tree together!
  • My eyes are gazing affectionately at your eyes, as blue as the sea, so pure that they cannot rub themselves into a small fine sand.
  • 6、My eyes are gazing affectionately at your eyes, as blue as the sea, so pure that they cannot rub themselves into a small fine sand.
  • 7、好好照顾自己我不想等到下辈子再来爱你!
  • 8、每次我感到失意时,都回忆起你的浅笑,你的鼓励,它们使我坚强的面对下去,谢谢你!
  • 9、Days in different space, miss in different times, regardless of how things change, you will always be my favorite.
  • 10、I love you selfish, but I will not close to you, can not snuggle up to you. Because you are the God in my heart, you are my soul! I want to protect you!
  • 11、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。
  • 12、想送你玫瑰可惜价太贵,想送你安慰可惜没学会,想送你戒指可惜还在保险柜,只好发个信息把你,追希望我们永不吹。
  • 13、The craziest thing in my life is falling in love with you, the biggest hope is to have you accompany me crazy for a lifetime.
  • 14、Leaving you, I only die!

  • 15、If you can change your life forever, you stay in my sight, I will not retain.
  • 16、There is no reason to love a person! Love needs two people to keep watering! We use our sincerity and efforts to irrigate our love tree together!
  • 17、Miss you too heavy, cut off the phone line, burned out the phone card, dig out the wallet bag, eat up sleeping pills, alas! But I still want to see you.
  • 18、Cupid told me that love is fate, love is moving, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifetime commitment!
  • 19、Want to send you roses, but the price is too expensive, want to give you comfort, unfortunately, did not learn, want to give you ring, but still in the safe, have to send a message to you, hope we never blow.
  • Want to send you roses, but the price is too expensive, want to give you comfort, unfortunately, did not learn, want to give you ring, but still in the safe, have to send a message to you, hope we never blow.
  • 20、Want to send you roses, but the price is too expensive, want to give you comfort, unfortunately, did not learn, want to give you ring, but still in the safe, have to send a message to you, hope we never blow.
  • 21、当清晨第一缕晨光散向人间的时候,我的爱也会随之来到你的身边,要记住!我的爱永远在你左右!
  • 22、离开了你,我只有死亡!
  • 23、Some people love with their mouths, and I love them with my heart. Maybe I will lose a lot, but I will not regret it.
  • 24、我自私的爱你,但我不会靠近你,更不能依偎你。因为你是我心中的神,你是我的灵魂!我要好好的保护你!

  • 25、有些人用嘴巴去爱,而我是用心去爱,也许我会失去很多,但我不会后悔。
  • 26、失望,有时候也是一种幸福,因为有所期待所以才会失望。因为有爱,才会有期待,所以纵使失望,也是一种幸福,虽然这种幸福有点痛。
  • 27、春水四泽是你的爱恋,夏云绕峰是你的缠绵,秋月扬辉是你的温柔,冬梅喜雪是你的情缘。
  • 28、这辈子最疯狂的事,就是爱上了你,最大的希望,就是有你陪我疯一辈子。
  • 29、如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中我将毫不保留。
  • 30、让快乐飞进你的窗,让好运降落在你身旁,让幸福与你相伴一生,让如意流淌在你的心,让我的信息写满真诚的话语,送去我最美好的祝愿。我真的爱你宝贝。
  • 31、对你,我已经无条件投降了,你就签下爱情合约吧!不然没人要我了!我已准备好将权利减半义务倍增了。
  • 32、爱神告诉我,爱是缘分,爱是感动,爱是习惯,爱是宽容,爱是牺牲,爱是体谅,爱是一辈子的承诺!
  • 33、当我决定和你度过下半辈子时,我希望我的下半生赶快开始。
  • 我很想对你说,在我心中你是我的全部,我不祈求你以同样多的爱对我,只想有你的安慰和理解。


  • 35、我自私的爱你,但我不会靠近你,更不能依偎你。因为你是我心中的神,你是我的灵魂!我要好好的保护你!
  • 36、永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。
  • 37、Some people love with their mouths, and I love them with my heart. Maybe I will lose a lot, but I will not regret it.
  • 38、遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。
  • 39、永不褪色的是对你默默的关怀,永不停息的是对你无尽的思念,永不改变的是对你深深的爱恋。
  • 40、有些人用嘴巴去爱,而我是用心去爱,也许我会失去很多,但我不会后悔。
  • 41、I hope you can give me a chance to take care of you. Take care of you. With you slowly grow old!
  • 42、如果没有你的爱,活著的目标将难复再!
  • 43、在人群之中寻觅著你,就彷佛在海边掬起所有的沙粒,急于发现你的踪迹,如果不从愿,但愿还有来生。
  • 44、我的世界只有你懂。

  • 45、日子在不同的空间流逝,想念在不同的时间来临,不管世事如何的变迁,你永远是我的最爱。
  • 46、这世界上也许有很多人比你更适合我,但我知道只有你最爱我。不管怎样,我要和你过完这辈子,下辈子,下下辈子。我要你要我!
  • 47、3 0、遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。
  • 我看到你,我怕触电;我看不到你,我需要充电。如果没有你,我想我会断电。
  • 48、我看到你,我怕触电;我看不到你,我需要充电。如果没有你,我想我会断电。
  • 49、I love you selfish, but I will not close to you, can not snuggle up to you. Because you are the God in my heart, you are my soul! I want to protect you!
  • 50、Love you for ten thousand years, is my pursuit; love you for one thousand years, is my desire; and kiss you once, is the happiest time of my life; promise me, marry me!
  • 51、收此信息你就是喜欢我了,删除你就是暗恋我了,回信息你就是想嫁我了,不回则答应嫁给我,修改就死都是我的人,储存则下辈子都归我。
  • 52、婚姻是看得的见的,爱情是看不见的;问候是看的见的,关心是看不见的,可是我爱你,却是显而易见的。
  • 53、Spring four Ze is loving you, you are the cloud around the peak summer autumn lingering, Yang Hui is your gentle, is the love you chionophilous dongmei.
  • 54、To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, and you sign a love contract! Otherwise, nobody wants me! I'm ready to halve my right and multiply my obligations.

  • 55、我渴望爱情,一个人的笑印在俩人的眼眸,一份泪由两颗来体味。如果今生的缘前生定我愿用一切换一份真诚。
  • 56、多彩的风信子,晃动着我的初恋。你晶亮的眼睛,引燃了我青春的热情。
  • 57、想你了,却不敢联系你!爱你了,却不敢告诉你!恨你了,却更忘不了你!这就是爱!
  • 58、我要你知道,这个世界上有一个人会永远等着你。无论是在什么时候,无论你在什么地方,反正你知道总会有这样一个人。