
  • 1、我喜欢爱笑的人,特别是我喜欢我喜欢的人笑。
  • 2、你的故事太多,我的酒仿佛不够喝。
  • 3、从前改变不了,现在不想改变。
  • 4、你们不要跟我讲道理,我又不是讲道理的人。
  • 5、我承认闭上眼睛,这样真的很安详。
  • 我们的爱只爱到一半,约好的幸福不能靠岸。
  • 6、我们的爱只爱到一半,约好的幸福不能靠岸。
  • 7、I like the people who like to laugh, especially I like the people I like to laugh.
  • 8、After separation, my hand will not touch your temperature.
  • 9、I'm so lonely without you.
  • 10、你是青春里最烈的酒,我真的认真醉过。

  • 11、怕永不相见,我也怕再次重逢。
  • 12、可是人生那么苦,我只是想要一点儿好风景。
  • 13、横溢的不只是才华,还有腰间的脂肪。
  • 14、我想只有天知道我有多爱你。
  • 15、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应当是坚强。
  • 16、不管世界怎样,请用微笑面对。
  • 17、The heart was deeply give a knife, can't heal.
  • 18、图什么不好,偏要图一个人对你好。
  • 19、When I need it, I can not, give me a point of view of care.
  • 我不允许任何人,抢走我在乎的人。


  • 21、生活本来就不容易,一路且行且珍惜吧。
  • 22、毕竟你是我的全世界,我怎么舍得放弃。
  • 23、We are all changing, why feel the past.
  • 24、很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐。
  • 25、当初的甜蜜,如今只能留着回忆,留着怀念。
  • 26、Gradually understand, the most care about that person, is often the most likely to make you cry.
  • 27、Some things are annoying, but also must smile.
  • 28、你已走远,可我还在慢慢习惯没有你的生活。
  • 29、I will accompany you to the wedding dress.
  • 30、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。

  • 31、有些伤痕就像大火,把心烧焦难以复活。
  • 32、She said, I'm a cactus for love.
  • 33、I think only heaven knows how much I love you.
  • Life is a lucid dream, a dream that can't wake up.
  • 34、Life is a lucid dream, a dream that can't wake up.
  • 35、请你一定要比我幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。
  • 36、Some things are annoying, but also must smile.
  • 37、俄相信俄们会在一起,生生世世不分离。
  • 38、俄相信俄们会在一起,生生世世不分离。
  • 39、I stood there, waiting for a long time, until the feet are frozen, haven't you come to me, I dare not go.
  • 40、情书写给山鬼,心事寄于西风。

  • 41、Male and female friends to indulge, drag more want to break up.
  • 42、所谓郁闷,就是灵魂失去了哄骗自己的能力。
  • 43、Not long for the blood drip into the red beans, endless Liu Chunhua full picture floor spring.
  • 44、Comfort depends on others, healing on their own.
  • 45、I'm so lonely without you.
  • 46、请你一定要比我幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。
  • 47、情书写给山鬼,心事寄于西风。
  • There is a kind of loneliness is inexplicable, there is no reason, there is no vent.
  • 48、There is a kind of loneliness is inexplicable, there is no reason, there is no vent.
  • 49、Without you, life will be the rest of my life.
  • 50、The occasional encounter, I have ignored the brilliant.

  • 51、生命里有很多定数,在未曾预料的时候就已摆好了局。
  • 52、没有了你,我真的很孤单。
  • 53、No matter what I do, sadness is sad, it can't be covered up.
  • 54、If the end is doomed to sorrow, I would rather choose to give up.
  • 55、Where you are, hell is heaven.
  • 56、隔墙有只耳朵,嘲笑你多难过。