
  • 1、你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的一章节。
  • 2、绊脚石乃是进身之阶。
  • 3、欲望如海水,越喝越渴。
  • 4、Wind takes the lane, rain takes the street.

  • 5、胜人者有力,自强者胜。
  • 人各有志,自己的路自己走。
  • 6、人各有志,自己的路自己走。
  • 7、Different people have different aspirations., own way.
  • 8、好汉护三村,好狗护三邻。
  • 9、只要热情犹在,哪怕青春消逝。
  • 10、不要自作聪明。
  • 11、孔明草船借箭有借无还(三国演义歇后语)
  • 12、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.
  • 13、It is better to act immediately than to grieve inwardly.
  • 14、欲望如海水,越喝越渴。

  • 15、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.
  • 16、诚知此恨人人有,贫贱夫妻百事哀。元稹《遣悲怀三首其二》
  • 17、武大郎跳井怂人到底了;熊到底了;怂人到底(水浒传歇后语)
  • 18、说到不如做到,要做就做最好。
  • 19、天早云下山,饭后天大晴。
  • 20、Love, why do you ask? The mature never ask the past, the wise never ask the present and the open-minded never ask the future.
  • Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.
  • 21、Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.
  • 22、月没云里走,雨在半夜后。
  • 23、星星水汪汪,下雨有希望。
  • 24、说到不如做到,要做就做最好。

  • 25、The sorrow of life is that when you meet someone who is important to you, he is everything to you. However, you have no way to keep him.
  • 26、A good drum rings as soon as it hits, and a good lamp turns on as soon as it hits.
  • 27、十年生死两茫茫。不思量,自难忘。千里孤坟、无处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识、尘满面,鬓如霜。苏东坡《江城子》
  • 28、It is better to act immediately than to grieve inwardly.
  • 29、Don't fancy.
  • 30、当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。
  • 31、不知魂已断,空有梦相随。除却天边月,没人知。韦庄《女冠子二首其一》
  • 32、当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。
  • 33、冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不老医生开药方。
  • 34、诸葛亮放盂获欲擒故纵(三国演义歇后语)

  • 35、My love, you are like a flower, so sweet and pure and fair.
  • 星星水汪汪,下雨有希望。
  • 36、星星水汪汪,下雨有希望。
  • 37、天乌地黑无风发,大水落得阔。
  • 38、要得惊人艺,须下苦功夫。
  • 39、不怕阴雨天气久,只要西北开了口。
  • 40、孔明草船借箭有借无还(三国演义歇后语)
  • 41、成功永远属于马上行动的人。
  • 42、Did you have a good? Hope the world is beautiful because of you!
  • 43、天上黄橙橙,无雨也起负。
  • 44、人生的悲哀是你遇上了一个对你很重要的人,他是你的一切。然而,你却没有办法留住他。

  • 45、相思相见知何日?此时此夜难为情。李白《三五七言》
  • 46、日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。李之仪《卜算子我住长江头》
  • 47、八戒做梦娶媳妇尽想好事(西游记歇后语)
  • 48、不经冬寒,不知春暖。
  • 49、念碎劈芳心,萦思千缕,赠将幽素,偷翦重云。吴文英《风流子黄钟商芍药》
  • 50、CHIGO as jcdecaux.
  • 人各有志,自己的路自己走。
  • 51、人各有志,自己的路自己走。
  • 52、If a man wants to rush, the horse needs to let go.
  • 53、A good dog does not jump, a good cat does not bark.
  • 54、周瑜打黄盖一个愿打,一个愿挨(三国演义歇后语)

  • 55、Life like rain, go as dust.
  • 56、只要功夫深,铁尺磨成绣花针。
  • 57、We should beat drums in front of us, not gongs behind us.
  • 58、Faith moves mountains, mountains.
  • 59、猪八戒拱帘子嘴先进(西游记歇后语)