
  • 1、别人的生离死别与我毫不相干,你眉头轻皱我就无法袖手旁观。
  • 2、会有人游去你的月球让你不用独自漫游
  • 3、When you think your life sucks, just think to yourself about how many people have it worse.

  • 4、会有人游去你的月球让你不用独自漫游
  • 5、生活要以快乐为基准爱情要以互惠为原则。
  • We never really grow up, we just learned to pretend in front of others.
  • 6、We never really grow up, we just learned to pretend in front of others.
  • 7、不要把别人的关心当成理所当然。不管他有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。人累了,就休息;心累了,就淡定。长大了,成熟了,这个社会就看透了。累了难过了,就蹲下来,给自己一个拥抱。因为这个世界上没有人能同情你,怜悯你。你哭了,眼泪是你自己的;你痛了,没有人能体会到。
  • 8、Anywhere, it is a good in the past, recall the number of times many, all would be light.
  • 9、Best case scenario: I love myself ; I enjoy living ; I smile because I’m happy not because I have to.
  • 10、房子消失了小船不见了火花也没了你我不要了
  • 11、别人的生离死别与我毫不相干,你眉头轻皱我就无法袖手旁观。
  • 12、The most painful goodbyes are the ones never said, but the heart already knows it's over.
  • 13、会有人游去你的月球让你不用独自漫游

  • 14、Not happy, is not the life out of the question, but the way you live out of the question.
  • 15、“千挑万选的内衣买回来之后才发现和之前最合身那件一模一样。我好像忽然就有点明白了为什么我会一直以同样的方式喜欢上同样的人伤完同样的心之后再同样的结束”
  • 16、生命赐予我们每个人的不一样,我们所能做到的就是接受,接受甜密,也接受酸苦;接受公正,也接受不平;接受,接受…
  • 17、When you feel like hope is gone,look inside you and search your soul.you will find a hero lies in you.dreams are hard to follow,but don't let anyone steal your dream.
  • 18、If you love life, life will love you back.- Arthur Rubinstein .
  • 不论伱喜欢与否,你只要知道我喜欢伱,就够了。
  • 19、不论伱喜欢与否,你只要知道我喜欢伱,就够了。
  • 20、夜雨染成天水碧。有些人不需要姿态,也能成就没有欢笑的青春是干涸的,没有拼搏的青春是残缺的。
  • 21、一个人爱不爱你,在不在意你,你是感觉得到的。不要骗自己,不要勉强自己。
  • 22、No one can take away what's trurly yours..so if they took it away, it wasn't yours. Something better is on its way!
  • 23、要不是老师说不能乱扔垃圾,不然俄早把你扔出去了

  • 24、倘若说分一次手就像咳一个嗽我又何苦在乎得不到的温柔
  • 25、我也知道,没有人会把我当做全世界。
  • 26、Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.
  • 27、希望你们今后的每一个夜晚没有痛苦没有孤独没有哭泣没有迷茫没有心酸
  • 28、When we stop complaining about the existing problems, and grateful to lucky some problems we don't have, is the happiness comes.
  • 29、We have all got our "good old days" tucked away inside our hearts, and we return to them in dreams like cats to favorite armchairs.
  • 30、Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay.
  • 31、It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.
  • We accept both the good and the bad, and without uttering a sound, we continue living.
  • 32、We accept both the good and the bad, and without uttering a sound, we continue living.
  • 33、喜欢有阳光的早晨好像什么事情都可以重新开始

  • 34、醒时捕光睡时捉梦不如遇见你三生有幸
  • 35、我拿你当命,你当我有病。
  • 36、下周你喜欢的人会开始更加喜欢你
  • 37、伤感英文语句带文字图片
  • 38、You must always have faith in who you are!
  • 39、Loneliness is a beautiful thought, and only in the thinking of the time, it looked so beautiful and lonely.
  • 40、一个人爱不爱你,在不在意你,你是感觉得到的。不要骗自己,不要勉强自己。
  • 41、Love alone could waken love!
  • 42、每个人心底都有那么我还是喜欢我自己游离的思绪伴随着悠长的黑夜莫名的恐慌起来。拉开窗帘,我希望有缕光芒透过窗户,直至我的内心,扫走我的孤寂。
  • 43、It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been losing until it arrives.

  • 44、闺密有了新闺密我不再是她的消愁工具
  • 我和你的区别就是:我当你是唯一。而你则把我当成是其中之一
  • 45、我和你的区别就是:我当你是唯一。而你则把我当成是其中之一
  • 46、读书的时候觉得不怎么擅长学习,放假以后发现原来玩也不太在行。
  • 47、Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
  • 48、The hardest part is being away from youthe best part will be when we're together again. Missing you, with all my heart.
  • 49、一个人爱不爱你,在不在意你,你是感觉得到的。不要骗自己,不要勉强自己。
  • 50、Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay.
  • 51、闺密有了新闺密我不再是她的消愁工具
  • 52、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I feel happy every day for this.