
  • 1、A little body often harbors a great soul。浓缩的都是精品。
  • 2、其实,无论是基础知识,阅读还是写作,提高能力的根本途径都是课外阅读。
  • 3、雄心是成功路上的指南,信心是永不放弃的召唤,热心是成功者的胸怀,耐心是驱赶困难的利剑,责任心是迈向成功的必然!愿五颗心伴你成功路上每一天!
  • 4、教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业。
  • 5、人生在世,不如意之事十之八九。然而,一个有修养的人,对于一切不如意的事,不求自己眼睛看不到,不求自己耳朵听不到,不求自己接触不到,但求自己不会被这些不如意的事所击倒,但求能够让自己以及相关的他人,都能履险如夷,并且免受负面的影响而产生困扰。
  • 有的时候你会感到绝望,但不放弃是对付困难的最好办法!


  • 7、The direction of the wind is determined by the tree, and the direction of man is determined by himself.
  • 8、A road of a thousand miles begins with one step。千里之行始於足下。
  • 9、Not so much as I have been a teacher all my life, but I have learned to be a teacher all my life.
  • 10、其实,无论是基础知识,阅读还是写作,提高能力的根本途径都是课外阅读。
  • 11、Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm。无热情成就不了伟业。
  • 12、More individual counseling, less overall preaching.
  • 13、Not so much as I have been a teacher all my life, but I have learned to be a teacher all my life.
  • 14、学如不及,犹恐失之。
  • 15、没有一个孩子不想学习好,没有一个孩子不想有一个美好的未来。
  • 16、风的方向是由树决定,人的方向是由自已决定。

  • 17、风的方向是由树决定,人的方向是由自已决定。
  • A silent tongue and true heart are the most admirable things on earth。缄默的嘴,真诚的心,是世界上最令人赞美的东西。
  • 18、A silent tongue and true heart are the most admirable things on earth。缄默的嘴,真诚的心,是世界上最令人赞美的东西。
  • 19、学如不及,犹恐失之。
  • 20、你受了欺负退一步海空天空时别人说你懦弱你要拼个你死我活时别人又说你鲁莽当别人指着你的痛楚大笑时你生气别人说你开不起玩笑你陪笑别人又以为你是个软柿子好捏所以千万别为别人而活你不可能让所有人满意你要有自己的思想和原则决定去做了就要坚持每个人都会长出自己的形状正是独特才好看。
  • 21、心中有多少恩,就有多少福;心中有多少怨,就有多少苦。
  • 22、Teachers are the most glorious profession under the sun.
  • 23、多个别辅导,少整体说教。
  • 24、Who has deceiv'd thee so oft as thy self?欺骗你的莫过于自己。
  • 25、The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recompence。太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。
  • 26、No child wants to learn well, no child wants to have a good future.

  • 27、人之过也,各于其党。观过,斯知仁矣。
  • 28、A rolling stone gathers no moss。滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。
  • 29、A sow,when washed;returns to the muck。江山易改,本性难移。
  • 风的方向是由树决定,人的方向是由自已决定。
  • 30、风的方向是由树决定,人的方向是由自已决定。
  • 31、Not so much as I have been a teacher all my life, but I have learned to be a teacher all my life.
  • 32、成功永远都是属于有毅力的人。成也风云,败也风云,从容的人生不孤独,淡定的人生不寂寞,再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达,年轻没有失败,别轻易放弃。
  • 33、A little body often harbors a great soul。浓缩的都是精品。
  • 34、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。
  • 35、Beauty is in the eye of the gazer。情人眼里出西施。
  • 36、其实,无论是基础知识,阅读还是写作,提高能力的根本途径都是课外阅读。

  • 37、Constant dropping wears the stone。滴水穿石。
  • 38、The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recompence。太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。
  • 39、Not so much as I have been a teacher all my life, but I have learned to be a teacher all my life.
  • 40、Misfortunes never come alone/single。祸不单行。
  • 41、Bread is the staff of life。民以食为天。
  • No child wants to learn well, no child wants to have a good future.
  • 42、No child wants to learn well, no child wants to have a good future.
  • 43、成功永远都是属于有毅力的人。成也风云,败也风云,从容的人生不孤独,淡定的人生不寂寞,再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达,年轻没有失败,别轻易放弃。
  • 44、Bread is the staff of life。民以食为天。
  • 45、A rolling stone gathers no moss。滚石不生苔,转业不聚财。
  • 46、Great minds think alike。英雄所见略同。

  • 47、No child wants to learn well, no child wants to have a good future.
  • 48、If you fail to learn, you are afraid of losing it.
  • 49、The direction of the wind is determined by the tree, and the direction of man is determined by himself.
  • 50、多个别辅导,少整体说教。