路漫漫其修远兮,壮士一去兮不复返! 江州司马青衫湿,宣城太守知不知。 后宫佳丽三千人,铁杵磨成绣花针。

  • 1、异地恋的重点是什么?不是你们可不可以把异地恋继续下去。重点是你们有没有一起努力,把异地变成同地。所有异地恋,最终要么分手,要么有人牺牲而变成同一地点,没有一辈子的异地恋。
  • 2、没有遇到你之前,我从来没想到自己会这样,毫无缘由的对着一个人傻笑。
  • 3、不要试图用另一段感情来掩盖自己的痛,如果你真的爱对方,因为这样只会让你自己更加的痛,同时还伤害了另一个人。
  • 4、亲爱的,我又走了几个城市,江边听江水,海边听海浪,扑簌簌的满脸热泪,我一直想,为什么该在你面前讲话的时候,我都倔强的仰着脸,让你觉得我并没有那么在意你。
  • 5、爱情应当山盟海誓,只有专一的、忠贞不渝的爱情,才是真正的爱情。
  • 一个人真爱的时候,甚至会想不到自己是爱着对方。


  • 7、我们把心给了别人,就收不回来了;别人又给了别人,爱便流通于世。
  • 8、Without you, there would have been no world. You are my world, my universe, all my.
  • 9、一个人真爱的时候,甚至会想不到自己是爱着对方。
  • 10、伤口就像我一样,是个倔强的孩子,不肯愈合,因为内心是温暖潮湿的地方,适合任何东西生长。
  • 11、我們沒有錯,錯的是我們在不合適的狀態下愛上了對方。
  • 12、You have a little bit of good to me, will shake my determination.
  • 13、Why is it that the better for a person, the less that person knows how to cherish?
  • 14、If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.
  • 15、Expect love, but do not force love, will not love, full of expectations waiting for you, in order to hope that the rest of your life is you.
  • 16、Like a person, is happy together; love a person, even if not happy, also want to be together.

  • 17、时间淡漠了记忆,储蓄了陌生,昔时撕心裂肺,却不如现时的安然置陌。
  • 18、一声问候一片心,一世承诺一生情。一点一滴存余韵,一枝一叶总关情!
  • 破碎带来快乐,可以不再绝望。
  • 19、破碎带来快乐,可以不再绝望。
  • 20、破碎带来快乐,可以不再绝望。
  • 21、The best friend is that you sit on the veranda, never say a word, when you walk away, still feel you have experienced a very wonderful dialogue.
  • 22、回忆的时候,有一瞬间是疼痛的,无奈的,绝望的。
  • 23、When the whole world is about to rain, let's get together in the heart clear.
  • 24、我说不爱你,那是假话;我说不在乎,那是假话;我告诉自己对你再不会有感觉了,那也是假话。
  • 25、Who picked up my glass shoes, looking for the lost glass shoes.
  • 26、这一生有知己的陪伴,有爱人在身边,有亲人的思念,幸福就会变的很简单,快乐就会停驻在心间。

  • 27、曾经,我想和你分享我的所有秘密,但现在,你成了我心底的秘密。
  • 28、不要等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。
  • 29、爱人和我说:到老的时候,你先死,爱人逝去的痛苦让我来承受。
  • 30、Why is it that the better for a person, the less that person knows how to cherish?
  • 31、人必须生活着,爱才有所附丽。
  • Love is a fickle guy. It longs for everything, but it is almost dissatisfied with everything.
  • 32、Love is a fickle guy. It longs for everything, but it is almost dissatisfied with everything.
  • 33、当全世界约好一起下雨,让我们约好一起在心里放晴。
  • 34、爱情是心中的暴君;它使理智不明,判断不清;它不听劝告,径直朝痴狂的方向奔去。
  • 35、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。
  • 36、Like a person, is happy together; love a person, even if not happy, also want to be together.

  • 37、Love is not a possibility, perhaps, perhaps, once in love, they are very clear.
  • 38、日里想着你,夜里念着你,梦里绕着你,眼里望着你,手里握着你,心里爱着你!如果我是你眼睛里的一滴眼泪,我会顺着你的脸庞轻轻的滑落在你的双唇之间,因为我好想吻你如果你是我眼睛里的一滴眼泪,我会今生都不哭泣,因为我怕失去你。
  • 39、当你离我远去的时侯,我很害怕,我以为我不会在乎,但流下的眼泪却骗不了自己!
  • 40、我是一棵树立路旁的树,千年守望着孤独。只为有一天,你会走过我跟前,能看一看我布满沧桑的脸!
  • 41、有时候,生命的确让人感觉空洞。
  • 42、Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.。
  • 43、I am a tree on the side of the road, watching loneliness for thousands of years. Only one day, you will walk through me and see my face full of vicissitudes.
  • 44、接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。
  • I like you, regardless of the wind and the moon. I wish you well, even if you have nothing to do with me afterwards.
  • 45、I like you, regardless of the wind and the moon. I wish you well, even if you have nothing to do with me afterwards.
  • 46、女人心是只盛水的玻璃瓶,明明已经装的满满的,却又好像什么都没有。

  • 47、美能激发人的感情,爱情净化人的心灵。
  • 48、To make a decision is not difficult, the difficulty is to accept the decision.
  • 49、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。
  • 50、幸福的时刻,一半是和你在一起,一半是在梦里;痛苦的时刻,一半是分离,一半是默默地想着你。
  • 51、时间淡漠了记忆,储蓄了陌生,昔时撕心裂肺,却不如现时的安然置陌。
  • 52、When you were away from me, I was afraid, I thought I wouldn't care, but the tears could not deceive myself!
  • 53、恋爱是结婚的过程;结婚是恋爱的目的。