People always get to treasure, and forgotten

    1、Human life's work, choiceness or poor, are formed by his habit each.

  • 2、做了好事受到指责而仍坚持下去,这才是奋斗者的本色。
  • 3、人只有献身社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。
  • 4、搬开别人脚下的石头,自己的路会更宽广。
  • 5、有时候,洒脱一点,眼前便柳暗花明;宽容一点,心中便海阔天空。身边的世界往往比我们想象的要睿智与宽容。
  • 祝福到,祝你一年更比一年好!
  • 6、祝福到,祝你一年更比一年好!
  • 7、有时候,洒脱一点,眼前便柳暗花明;宽容一点,心中便海阔天空。身边的世界往往比我们想象的要睿智与宽容。
  • 8、少壮真当努力,一年过去,何可攀援。
  • 9、不要纠缠过去;如果你老是回味上一章节,那你就没法翻开生活中新的一页。
  • 10、Optimism is a kind of adhesive, attract the confidence and efficiency.
  • 11、人并非为获取而给予;给予本身即是无与伦比的欢乐。

  • 12、In the past, in a year, a young true when mountable climbing.
  • 13、人只有献身社会,才能找出那实际上是短暂而有风险的生命的意义。
  • 14、Don't get bogged down in the past. If you always with a section in the previous chapter, you couldn't open a new page in life.
  • 15、把宽容熔化在真诚的微笑量,可以感受人性的魅力。
  • 16、我从不间断读新科技、新知识的书籍,不至因为不了解新讯息而和时代潮流脱节。
  • 17、Anchor is not afraid to bury myself. When people see it, is it at the time of service to humanity.
  • 18、Away other people at the foot of the rock, his own way will be more broad.
  • 19、日升月落,日历一翻,一天过去了;钟声阵阵,爆竹声声,一年过去了。元旦快乐!
  • 20、感情有着极大的鼓舞力量,因此,它是一切道德行为的重要前提。
  • Potential not make, do not enjoy, cheap not advantage, smart do not run out.

    21、Potential not make, do not enjoy, cheap not advantage, smart do not run out.

  • 22、Human life's work, choiceness or poor, are formed by his habit each.
  • 23、人生应为生存而食,不应为食而生存。
  • 24、May the joy and happiness around you today and always。
  • 25、当你觉得自已充满斗志,充满信心,别人就会觉得你就是值得相信的你。
  • 26、知识、辨别力、正直、学问和良好的品行,是成功的主要条件,仅次于兴趣和机遇。
  • 27、人并非为获取而给予;给予本身即是无与伦比的欢乐。
  • 28、如果可恨的挫折使你尝到苦果,朋友,奋起必将让你尝到人生的欢乐。
  • 29、势不可使尽,福不可享尽,便宜不可占尽,聪明不可用尽。
  • 30、人类一生的工作,精巧还是粗劣,都由他每个习惯所养成。
  • 31、I never stopped to read the new technology and new knowledge in the books, not because they don't understand new information and the trend of The Times.

  • 32、感情的名言感情虽然难以控制,但却是一种强大的动力。
  • 33、勤奋可以弥补聪明的不足,但聪明无法弥补懒惰的缺陷。
  • 34、不管多么险峻的高山,总是为不畏艰难的人留下一条攀登的路。
  • 35、我们向您献上新年的祝福!
  • Sometimes, free and easy a bit, eyes away from her; A little tolerance, in the heart then brighter. Around the world often than we thought it would be wise and tolerance.
  • 36、Sometimes, free and easy a bit, eyes away from her; A little tolerance, in the heart then brighter. Around the world often than we thought it would be wise and tolerance.
  • 37、Difficulties like spring, see you is not very strong. You strong he is weak, you weak he was strong.
  • 38、Conquer fear the quickest, indeed, the method of building self-confidence is to do the thing you fear, until you obtain successful experience.
  • 39、Potential not make, do not enjoy, cheap not advantage, smart do not run out.
  • 40、Optimism is a kind of adhesive, attract the confidence and efficiency.
  • 41、我们向您献上新年的祝福!

  • 42、Conquer fear the quickest, indeed, the method of building self-confidence is to do the thing you fear, until you obtain successful experience.
  • 43、祝福你元旦快乐,一年更比一年好!
  • 44、Nison moonset, a calendar, a day passed; The bell sounds, sound of firecrackers in the past one year。 New Year's day happiness!
  • 45、感情投资是所有投资中花费最少、回报最高的投资。
  • 46、当你觉得自已充满斗志,充满信心,别人就会觉得你就是值得相信的你。
  • 47、If you taste bitter hateful setbacks, friends, stand and will let you taste the joy of life.
  • 48、In the past, in a year, a young true when mountable climbing.
  • 49、健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。
  • 50、在工作的路上,也许我们的工作很平凡,只要你认真做好,平凡的工作也就不平凡。
  • Every night to sit in a chair, exhausted from a day didn't feel real.

    51、Every night to sit in a chair, exhausted from a day didn't feel real.

  • 52、妒忌是一种感情状态,如悲伤一样,可以归结为是正常的。
  • 53、有时候,洒脱一点,眼前便柳暗花明;宽容一点,心中便海阔天空。身边的世界往往比我们想象的要睿智与宽容。
  • 54、人生是海洋,希望是舵手的罗盘,使人们在暴风雨中不致迷失方向。
  • 55、Nison moonset, a calendar, a day passed; The bell sounds, sound of firecrackers in the past one year。 New Year's day happiness!
  • 56、真诚有时使你受损害,但你的心灵是安静的;虚假有时使你占廉价,但你的灵魂深处是不安的。
  • 57、困难像弹簧,看你强不强;你强他就弱,你弱他就强。
  • 58、Potential not make, do not enjoy, cheap not advantage, smart do not run out.
  • 59、Striver in sweat river, will cause the boat sailed to the other side of the ideal.