
  • 1、山围故国周遭在,潮打空城寂寞回。刘禹锡《金陵五题·石头城》
  • 2、天子按剑怒,使者遥相望。鲍照《代出自蓟北门行》
  • 3、Only after a hellish hone, can have the power to create heaven.
  • 4、Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery.
  • 5、Whatever things sell, sell yourself first.
  • Although the tongue soft, but sometimes it is greater than the power of the knife.

    6、Although the tongue soft, but sometimes it is greater than the power of the knife.

  • 7、我们命定的目标和道路,不是享乐,也不是受苦;而是行动,在每个明天,都要比今天前进一步。朗费罗
  • 8、理想和行动要结合起来,只说不行,要紧的是做。
  • 9、信念,你拿它没办法,但是没有它你什么也做不成。撒姆尔·巴特勒
  • 10、理想和行动要结合起来,只说不行,要紧的是做。
  • 11、设立目标,然后把目标细化为每一步的实际行动。
  • 12、People are suffering, lies in the pursuit of the wrong things.
  • 13、科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。
  • 14、Life is alive. Awareness of life, is that a good living.
  • 15、设立目标,然后把目标细化为每一步的实际行动。
  • 16、无限伤心夕照中,故国凄凉,剩粉余红。夏完淳《一剪梅·咏柳》

  • 17、跟着人群走下去吧,就这样微笑的走到尽头。
  • 18、Don't have no matter to anticipate, filled with the old saying, incisive philosophy.
  • Although the tongue soft, but sometimes it is greater than the power of the knife.
  • 19、Although the tongue soft, but sometimes it is greater than the power of the knife.
  • 20、放弃了就不该后悔,失去了就不该回忆。
  • 21、如果你借太多的钱给一个人,你会令此人变成坏人。
  • 22、人的一生可能燃烧也可能腐朽,我不能腐朽,我愿意燃烧起来!奥斯特洛夫斯基
  • 23、笑靥如花,是人格的瑰丽,是心灵的粲然。
  • 24、停止拜访就是停止呼吸,停止增员就是消灭生机。
  • 25、Is the tide flooded into my mind, overflow eyes tears.
  • 26、时俗薄朱颜,谁为发皓齿?俯仰岁将暮,荣耀难久恃。曹植《杂诗·南国有佳人》

  • 27、我不但手气好,脚气也不错!
  • 28、Life in flash of gorgeous, in the ordinary real.
  • 29、微笑了太久,一个哭泣的触点也会让自己垮掉。
  • 30、知识是引导人生到光明与真实境界的灯烛。
  • 31、瞄准天空的人总比瞄准树梢的人要射得高。欧洲
  • Sweat poured out successful flowers, fighting to win victory.
  • 32、Sweat poured out successful flowers, fighting to win victory.
  • 33、燕语如伤旧国春,宫花一落已成尘。李益《隋宫燕》
  • 34、日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事。
  • 35、If you borrow too much money to a person, you can make the person become bad guys.
  • 36、停止拜访就是停止呼吸,停止增员就是消灭生机。

  • 37、People are suffering, lies in the pursuit of the wrong things.
  • 38、Only after a hellish hone, can have the power to create heaven.
  • 39、Science is endless, it is an eternal mystery.
  • 40、The golden age is in front of us, not behind us.
  • 41、We learned to cherish happiness in pain.
  • 42、有了长远的目标,才不会因为暂时的挫折而沮丧。查尔斯·C·诺布尔
  • 43、我们的生活就像旅行,思想是导游者,没有导游者,一切都会停止。目标会丧失,力量也会化为乌有。歌德
  • 44、Difficult to force people to find a way to, difficult environment can exercise the talent.
  • I'm right, what created the results to our life?
  • 45、I'm right, what created the results to our life?
  • 46、Life in flash of gorgeous, in the ordinary real.

  • 47、能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。
  • 48、Only come out the beauty of life, not out of the brilliant.
  • 49、生平未报国,留作忠魂补。杨继盛《就义诗》
  • 50、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。
  • 51、伟大的精力只是为了伟大的目的而产生的。斯大林
  • 52、What is failure? Failure is the first step to something better.
  • 53、Opportunities like a cloud, quietly to go quietly.
  • 54、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.