Turn your face to the sunshine, that there will be no shadow
2023-03-10 05:18:20
- 1、Without a cold biting, plum blossom Pubi how?
- 2、The ideal of life is to live for the ideal。
- 3、成功的道路上充满荆棘,苦战方能成功。
- 5、There is no forever erudition, only ever learning; There is no clever forever, only ever thinking; No wise man forever, only forever of scholars。
- 6、Life is not ideal, life is only a pile of shell。
- 7、黑发不知勤学早,白头方悔读书迟。
- 8、Turn your face to the sun, and there will be no shadow。
- 9、成功的道路上充满荆棘,苦战方能成功。
- 10、树不修,长不直;人不学,没知识。
- 11、How can we see the rainbow without the wind and rain?
- 12、There is no education that will be able to reach the adversity。
- 13、The secret of success is never to change the set。
- 15、自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。
- 16、Without a cold biting, plum blossom Pubi how?
- 17、顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座**。
- 18、Turn your face to the sun, and there will be no shadow。
- 19、Most people, in most of the time, can only rely on their own。
- 20、树不修,长不直;人不学,没知识。
- 21、新想法常常瞬息即逝,必须集中精力,牢记在心,及时捕获。
- 22、People who have no goals will always strive for the goal。
- 23、聪明的人有长的耳朵和短的舌头。
24、Life is rarely a few times, at this time do not fight when。
- 25、There is no forever erudition, only ever learning; There is no clever forever, only ever thinking; No wise man forever, only forever of scholars。
- 26、谁不曾一意孤行,怒发冲冠过怕只怕少了那份执着。
- 27、Tears flow through the eyes of the more bright, the blood of the heart is more strong!
- 28、用宝珠打扮自己,不如用知识充实自己。
- 29、在日常事物的自理中,一盎司习惯抵得上一磅智慧。
- 30、自觉心是进步之母,自贱心是堕落之源,故自觉心不可无,自贱心不可有。
- 31、忘掉今天的人将被明天忘掉。
- 32、To seize the opportunity to walk in front of the people, Nive out of ten will be successful。
- 33、The way you choose, you go down on your knees。
- 35、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。
- 36、任何节约归根到底是时间的节约。
- 37、当我们得到理解的时候,智慧是不人地枯竭的;智慧同智慧相碰,就迸溅出无数的火花。
- 38、在懒汉的眼里,汗是苦的,脏的,在勤者的心上,汗是甜的,在勤者的心上,汗是甜的,美的。
- 39、The way you choose, you go down on your knees。
- 40、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。
- 41、Wake up every day, knock on their own is not the bell, but the dream。
- 42、Have no confidence, even when you are doing something wrong。
- 43、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。
- 45、Who has not been afraid that persist in wilfully and arbitrarily, be up his hat without the dedication。
- 46、When the external pressure increases, it should enhance the internal power。
- 47、An idle youth a needy age。
- 48、Genius is the ability to work without limits。
- 49、Thinking with the brain, heart, with action confirmed。
- 50、聪明的人有长的耳朵和短的舌头。
- 51、Have no confidence, even when you are doing something wrong。
- 52、Learn to forget the pain, to make room for the sun。
- 53、Men do not show cloud Zhi, air negative natural eight feet long。