
  • 1、我以为你很冷,原来你暖的不是我。
  • 2、Active for a long time will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash!
  • 3、I have opened a mouth to you, you didn't help me, I will never open second times to you. No matter who, I thank you for the time I need you to drop the chain.
  • 4、Step back is lonely, step forward is happiness.
  • 5、I spent all my strength to come to you and say I love you, but you just have to say thank you.
  • 你知道的,我会很想你。你不知道的,我每夜都在想你。
  • 6、你知道的,我会很想你。你不知道的,我每夜都在想你。
  • 7、我的世界没有爱,命中注定要分开。
  • 8、心灵这种地方,既然有锁就会有钥匙。

  • 9、Flowers sometimes blossom and sometimes fall. Without nostalgia, the one who should go will go; without demanding, the one who should come will come sooner or later.
  • 10、随欲而安的缈茫,虚空的一如既往。
  • 11、退后一步是孤独,往前一步是幸福。
  • 12、我曾经路过你心口,不是我不停留,是你不收留。
  • 13、Go not into the world don't squeeze, which embarrassed others and humiliate himself!
  • 14、Don't be in contact because I can't hurt.
  • 15、将回忆酿成烈酒入喉,从此不再挽留,不再回头。
  • 16、The heart of this place, since there is a lock will have the key.
  • 17、Next life to be a tooth, when you are not happy, there is always someone to hurt.
  • 18、时间带你看完任何一个人的面具

  • 19、The more you want to retain something, the easier it is to lose something.
  • 随欲而安的缈茫,虚空的一如既往。
  • 20、随欲而安的缈茫,虚空的一如既往。
  • 21、后来,我再也没有说不要走这种好笑的话。
  • 22、我喜欢笑可是再也不笑了,就像我喜欢你可是再也不想和你在一起了。
  • 23、随欲而安的缈茫,虚空的一如既往。
  • 24、我的世界没有爱,命中注定要分开。
  • 25、I always think of you, when you go to sleep.
  • 26、主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃!
  • 27、Nowadays, who can see behind me, I can only laugh desperately.
  • 28、我也曾经很用心,只是后来失了热情。

  • 29、The humble even if I beg you not to leave her over but also a frown.
  • 30、难捱就无谓再拖,好心一早放开我。
  • 31、And then the enthusiasm of the heart can not afford indifference, and then love you can not afford to be left out in the cold.
  • 32、It turned out that the world's shortest spell, is your name.
  • 33、喜欢你是真的要放弃你是假的
  • If the sky is no longer blue, clouds will not be the same.
  • 34、If the sky is no longer blue, clouds will not be the same.
  • 35、如果最后我放弃了你,请你一定要原谅我,因为我全部的热情已被你耗掉了,消失殆尽。
  • 36、The more you want to retain something, the easier it is to lose something.
  • 37、昨日的暖心,高调看开现在。以是莪爱它。我大概为你找到一个盲目的爱情。末了越会被风熄灭…
  • 38、不要随便遇到一个人就对他掏心掏肺的,在你看来,他是朋友,在他看来,你是个口无遮拦的傻子。

  • 39、失望大概就是,入睡前和你说晚安,你没回复,第二天早上醒来依旧没有。
  • 40、我们放下本性,放下准绳,放下自在,只是由于放不下一小我私家。
  • 41、You think that the worst thing in life is losing the love of the people, in fact, the most terrible thing is that you because of Tai Aiyi and lost their own personal.
  • 42、这是第九次分手,我最后一次让你走!
  • 43、本以为念念不忘的东西,却在我们念念不忘的过程中被遗忘。
  • 44、如果天不再是蓝色,云会不会不一样。
  • 45、为你落下一滴泪,故事到最后总会落幕,我真心的付出却不是你要的幸福。
  • 46、只要心念一转,逆境也能成机遇,拐弯也是前进的一种方式。
  • 47、我们放下本性,放下准绳,放下自在,只是由于放不下一小我私家。
  • We put down our nature, the criterion and the freedom, just because we can't put down a person.

    48、We put down our nature, the criterion and the freedom, just because we can't put down a person.

  • 49、For you to shed a tear, the story will end in the end, I really pay is not your happiness.
  • 50、你曾说愿意接受真实的我,于是我摘下面具,看到了落荒而逃的你。
  • 51、我也曾经很用心,只是后来失了热情。
  • 52、后来,我再也没有说不要走这种好笑的话。
  • 53、Lies is to say to the ear, but it is to let the eyes to tears.
  • 54、The heart of this place, since there is a lock will have the key.
  • 55、你说你你在乎我的一切,可是到头来却你那见血的伤害。