13、Regret his mistakes, and strive not to repeat, this is the real repentance。悔恨自己的错误,而且力求不再重蹈覆辙,这才是真正的悔悟。
14、Unless you're a bullfighter, otherwise no one's life-only rebate。除非你是斗牛士,否则没有谁的生活只进不退。
16、It is the master of all God, if want to conquer the world, we have to first conquer himself。自己就是主宰一切的上帝,倘若想征服全世界,就得先征服自己。
18、Never be the same people you do not love to travel together。 Do not do any tricks to meet any kind of stereotypes。决不要同你并不爱的人一起出门旅行。不要搞任何花招去迎接任何一种俗套。
21、The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it。 这个世界是一个美好的地方,值得你为之奋斗。我非常不想离开这个世界。
25、If you have lived in Paris at a young age, that Paris will follow you forever。如果你有幸在年轻时居住过巴黎,那巴黎将会跟着你一辈子。
26、Never be the same people you do not love to travel together。 Do not do any tricks to meet any kind of stereotypes。决不要同你并不爱的人一起出门旅行。不要搞任何花招去迎接任何一种俗套。
28、As long as you do not care about the pros and cons, then life is what can not find ways to overcome them?只要你不计较得失的话,人生还有什么不能想法子克服的?
29、The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it。 这个世界是一个美好的地方,值得你为之奋斗。我非常不想离开这个世界。
30、Young people have a calm elderly, the elderly should be the spirit of young people。青年人要有老年人的沉着,老年人应有青年人的精神。
33、I learned never to empty the well of my writing, but always to stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the springs that fed it。 我懂了一个道理:永远不要倒空我的创作之井,但当创作之井还有一些水的时候应该停止,然后让夜晚补给它的泉水自行将其注满。
34、People are not made for defeat, and a man can be destroyed but not to beat。人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能给打败。
36、Nothing in the daytime is extremely easy emotional, but at night it is another matter。在白天对什么都不动感情是极为容易的,但在夜晚就是另外一回事了。