
  • 1、不讲诚信的人,是可悲的、可怜的、可恨的,也是可怕的。
  • 2、Honesty and trustworthiness is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, which has already been integrated into the blood of our nation.
  • 3、诚信是社会的支撑点,法治是社会的生命灯。
  • 4、If you don't believe in it, you can't do it.
  • 5、一个人的信用和其钱柜里的钞票是成正比的。
  • 人类被赋予了一种工作,那就是精神的成长。
  • 6、人类被赋予了一种工作,那就是精神的成长。
  • 7、人如以诚信为本,就能塑造完美人生。
  • 8、应该热心地致力于照道德行事,而不要空谈道德。
  • 9、Credit is like a mirror, as long as there is a crack, it can not be as connected as before.
  • 10、君子养心,莫善于诚。

  • 11、一个人的信用和其钱柜里的钞票是成正比的。
  • 12、Only sincerity can break the hypocrisy of the world, but in fact can break the hypocrisy of the world.
  • 13、如果要别人诚信,首先自己要诚信。
  • 14、在一个人民的国家中还要有一种推动的枢纽,这就是美德。
  • 15、We should let nature take its course, stand on the truth and seek the brightness of life. We should not fall into the state of reluctance and hypocrisy and turn the real life into disillusionment.
  • 16、真诚才是人生最高的美德。
  • 17、走正直诚实的生活道路,必定会有一个问心无愧的归宿。
  • 18、欲正其心者,先诚其意,意诚而后心正。
  • 君子养心,莫善于诚。
  • 19、君子养心,莫善于诚。
  • 20、人在智慧上应当是明豁的,道德上应该是清白的,身体上应该是清洁的。

  • 21、信用就像一面镜子,只要有了裂缝就不能像原来那样连成一片。
  • 22、Honesty and habit from childhood will surely lead to nature, and trustworthiness from childhood to sunset.
  • 23、诚实人说的话,像他的抵押品那样可靠。
  • 24、您必须保持诚实人的立场,这时常是冒险的人需要的勇气。
  • 25、失去信用是一个人的最大损失。
  • 26、在一切道德品质中,善良的本性是世界上最需要的。
  • 27、对己能真,对人就能去伪,就像黑夜之后白天,影子随着身形。
  • 28、感情有着极大的鼓舞力量,因此,它是一切道德行为的重要前提。
  • 29、诚实是力量的一种象征,它显示着一个人的高度自重和内心的安全感与尊严感。
  • 30、诚信的人,走遍天下有兄弟姐妹;虚伪的人,踏破铁鞋无知己。

  • 31、A weak-willed person will never be honest.
  • 诚信,是一股清泉,它将洗去欺诈的肮脏,让世界的每一个角落都流淌着洁净。
  • 32、诚信,是一股清泉,它将洗去欺诈的肮脏,让世界的每一个角落都流淌着洁净。
  • 33、Integrity magnetic field absorbs elements, integrity key knocks on the door of wealth.
  • 34、Honesty is the foundation, reputation is the gold, humane, sincere cooperation, fair competition, standardized operation, open-minded, innovative and enterprising.
  • 35、不要说谎,不要害怕真理。
  • 36、信用是最大的资本。
  • 37、Honesty, as the foundation of our life, is just like the bud of a big tree, rooted in every family, growing in everyone's heart.
  • 38、Credit is like a mirror, as long as there is a crack, it can not be as connected as before.
  • 39、Honesty and trustworthiness are invisible strength and wealth. In the world, if we lose faith, we will go a long way, but we can not find it home.
  • 40、诚信是人的本钱,没有诚信的人是一个失败者。

  • 41、诚信是沟通心灵的桥梁,善于欺骗的人,永远到不了桥的另一端。
  • 42、Honesty and habit from childhood will surely lead to nature, and trustworthiness from childhood to sunset.
  • 43、精诚所致,金石为开,诚实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根源,做官凭印,做人凭信,失信之后是失败。
  • 44、失真诚是一种心灵的开放。
  • Honesty is a kind of wealth. Having honesty can make the world a better place.
  • 45、Honesty is a kind of wealth. Having honesty can make the world a better place.
  • 46、言不信者,行不果。
  • 47、失足,你可能马上复站立,失信,你也许永难挽回。
  • 48、您必须保持诚实人的立场,这时常是冒险的人需要的勇气。
  • 49、Words must be honest and deeds must be faithful.
  • 50、诚实是智慧之书的第一章。

  • 51、If a person does not believe, he will decline if he does not believe, and if a country does not believe, he will be in danger. One or two times sincerity is equal to one ton of wisdom. Honesty is an open mind.
  • 52、要宣扬你的一切,不必用你的言语,要用你的本来面目。