
  • 1、诚实守信,是中华民族的传统美德,它早已融入我们民族的血液中。
  • 2、(感悟)出自《韩非子·饰邪》大意是:有小聪明的人不可让他谋划政事,只知忠于私利的人不可让他掌管法制。
  • 3、今天付出诚意,明天收获信誉。
  • 4、切勿丢掉诚信,当你回过头再去捡它的时候,它已失去了原有的色彩!
  • 5、原文:小信成则大信立,故明主积于信。赏罚不信,则禁令不行,说在文公之攻原与箕郑救饿也。是以吴起须故人而食,文侯会虞人而猎。故明主表信,如曾子杀彘也。患在厉王击警鼓,与李悝谩两和也。
  • 禁奸之法,太上禁其心,其次禁其言,其次禁其事。


  • 7、诚实是人生的命脉,是一切价值的根基。——(英国)德莱赛
  • 8、Yes, honesty is more valuable than gold, higher than mountains and deeper than water. So we have to preserve our integrity.
  • 9、If a person does not believe, he will decline if he does not believe, and if a country does not believe, he will be in danger. One or two times sincerity is equal to one ton of wisdom. Honesty is an open mind.
  • 10、君子养心,莫善于诚。
  • 11、原文:夫轻诺必寡信,多易必多难。
  • 12、才者,德之资也;德者,才之帅也。司马光
  • 13、家里养几种花,身体越来越健康,省下大笔买药钱!
  • 14、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。
  • 15、Loss, you may immediately stand up, lose faith, you may never be able to recover.
  • 16、如果实行严刑峻法,那么人人畏法不敢犯事,故可以禁止暴乱,若实行儒家的厚德仁政,人就有恃无恐,则难以制止乱事。对法家思想中的合理部分可以批判地继承。

  • 17、强本而节用,则天不能贫。—— 荀况
  • 18、Honesty is a kind of power. It makes the humble and fake shrink back and the honest and kind strong.
  • Honesty and habit from childhood will surely lead to nature, and trustworthiness from childhood to sunset.
  • 19、Honesty and habit from childhood will surely lead to nature, and trustworthiness from childhood to sunset.
  • 20、不踬于山,而踬于垤
  • 21、自古皆有死,民无信不立。孔子
  • 22、Honesty is the foundation, reputation is the gold, humane, sincere cooperation, fair competition, standardized operation, open-minded, innovative and enterprising.
  • 23、《韩非子》8句千古名言,经典犀利,教你看透人性!
  • 24、Honesty, as the foundation of our life, is just like the bud of a big tree, rooted in every family, growing in everyone's heart.
  • 25、诚信是沟通心灵的桥梁,善于欺骗的人,永远到不了桥的另一端。
  • 26、诚信磁场吸要素,诚信钥匙敲富门。

  • 27、If a man is not faithful, he cannot stand in the world.
  • 28、讲求诚信,一诺千金。
  • 29、Honesty is a kind of wealth. Having honesty can make the world a better place.
  • 30、诚信,是一条流了五千年的河,流出了黄面孔,流出了黄土地。
  • 31、心口如犹不失为光明磊落丈夫之行也。——梁启超
  • 诚实自幼养习惯,定能养到成自然;守信从小练内功,一直练到夕阳红。
  • 32、诚实自幼养习惯,定能养到成自然;守信从小练内功,一直练到夕阳红。
  • 33、语出《论语·学而》。与朋友交往,讲话一定要有诚信。
  • 34、(感悟)出自《韩非子·内储说下》。这两句大意是兔子死了,再也用不着猎狗,就把猎狗煮吃了;敌国灭亡了,谋臣再也用不着了,就把谋臣害死。
  • 35、坦白是诚实和勇敢的产物。——马克·吐温
  • 36、感谢您的关注!如对平台建设有任何建议,欢迎您的邮件:

  • 37、言而有信:意思是说话靠得住,有信用。出自《论语·学而》:“子夏曰:‘贤贤易色。事父母,能竭其力;事君,能致其身;与朋友交,言而有信。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣。’”
  • 38、A weak-willed person will never be honest.
  • 39、Integrity magnetic field absorbs elements, integrity key knocks on the door of wealth.
  • 40、知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。
  • 41、Honesty is the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values.
  • 42、Yes, honesty is more valuable than gold, higher than mountains and deeper than water. So we have to preserve our integrity.
  • 43、No faith, no sincerity.
  • 44、The beauty of a word is worth a thousand dollars.
  • 智者宁可防病于未然,不可治病于已发;宁可勉励克服痛苦,免得为了痛苦而追求慰藉。——托马斯·莫尔
  • 45、智者宁可防病于未然,不可治病于已发;宁可勉励克服痛苦,免得为了痛苦而追求慰藉。——托马斯·莫尔
  • 46、出自《左传·文公五年》。所谓“华”同“花”字,形容其言论空虚;而“实”即果实,指的是实际的行为成果。这句话是说,一个人若是徒有虚名而无其实,这样的人肯定会招致他人的怨恨。

  • 47、If we follow the path of honest and honest life, we will surely have a well-deserved end-result.
  • 48、不信不立,不诚不行——晁说之
  • 49、人无信不立,业无信必衰,国无信则危。一两重的真诚,等于一吨重的聪明。诚信是一种心灵的开放。
  • 50、矜伪不长,盖虚不久。
  • 51、人无忠信,不可立于世。
  • 52、Lost the truth, but also lost the beauty.
  • 53、Honesty and trustworthiness are invisible strength and wealth. In the world, if we lose faith, we will go a long way, but we can not find it home.