
  • 1、最幸运是遇见你,最快乐是想到你,最习惯是思念你,最珍惜是亲吻你,最温柔是呵护你,最大享受是看你,最浪漫是拥抱你,最幸福是爱上你。
  • 2、爱情的话语全在双眼之中。
  • 3、As long as you marry well, don't marry early.
  • 4、Forever is a long time, and I love you forever.

  • 5、Years, eventually arrived but a lonely.
  • 不是不死心是死不了心。
  • 6、不是不死心是死不了心。
  • 7、No matter the world of black and white, as long as I have you in my heart.
  • 8、Priced love is false.
  • 9、繁华落尽,如梦无痕。
  • 10、春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。
  • 11、A pair of shoes is worthless without one, so the other half is very important.
  • 12、Forever is a long time, and I love you forever.
  • 13、贫穷一进门,爱情跳窗走。
  • 14、Priced love is false.

  • 15、Life without love is suffering.
  • 16、一个人真爱的时候,甚至会想不到自己是爱着对方。
  • 17、我们一生当中,并不可能只爱一个人,但往往有一个人让你笑得最甜,让你痛得最深,往往有一处美丽的伤口,成为你身体上不能愈合的一部分!由于陌生,所以勇冈冬由于间隔,所以美丽。
  • 18、爱情的话语全在双眼之中。
  • 19、To love a person means to help him return to himself and make him himself more.
  • 我是那样爱你但是不能和你在一起,我是那样思念你但是还是要装得不在意。
  • 20、我是那样爱你但是不能和你在一起,我是那样思念你但是还是要装得不在意。
  • 21、There is a person who can miss you is happy.
  • 22、我们天生怕冷,但我们天生就会拥抱。
  • 23、The germination of love is the end of wisdom.
  • 24、真正的爱情越久越不生锈。

  • 25、时间保留着过去,并没有冲淡任何的记忆。
  • 26、I will confront the death fearlessly if only I can be with you, and I prefer to share my life with you rather than lead a lonely and immortal life.
  • 27、贫穷一进门,爱情跳窗走。
  • 28、There is a person who can miss you is happy.
  • 29、你知道我姓什么吗?自从遇上你,我就幸福了。
  • 30、年华岁月,终究抵不过一句寂寞。
  • 31、追求爱情它高飞,逃避爱情它跟随。
  • 32、Love makes obedience easy.
  • 33、美酒可制成烈醋,至爱能变为深仇。
  • 如果天上落下一滴水,那是我想你而流的泪。如果天上落下两滴水,那是我爱你而心碎。如果天上落下无数滴水,笨蛋想啥呢?下雨啦!


  • 35、Chastity is an asset derived from rich love.
  • 36、Who can I trust and who will be by my side.
  • 37、You say I do not love you, but I love you and how.
  • 38、Pain and joy in love always struggle with each other.
  • 39、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。
  • 40、真正的爱,在放弃个人的幸福之后才能产生。
  • 41、I love the people, not my lover.
  • 42、爱情所需要的唯一礼物就是爱情。
  • 43、True love can only come into being after giving up one's happiness.
  • 44、我知道,我這輩子,都不能把你拋到腦後。

  • 45、爱情是比责任更好的老师。
  • 46、年华岁月,终究抵不过一句寂寞。
  • 47、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
  • Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
  • 48、Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
  • 49、Without flowers in spring and love in life, what kind of world would it be?
  • 50、时间仍在,是我们在飞逝。
  • 51、People are beautiful not because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.
  • 52、I know, in my life, I can't leave you behind.
  • 53、爱情的基本要素就是相信爱情本身是不朽的。
  • 54、爱情不能用常识衡量。

  • 55、Life without love is suffering.