
  • 1、Years, eventually arrived but a lonely.
  • 2、爱上了一个错过的人,今生就无缘再相爱。
  • 3、The heart is not dead.

  • 4、Fall in love with a missed person, this life will not love again.
  • 5、只要嫁得好,不要嫁得早。
  • Some words, put the heart, do not say, no meaning.
  • 6、Some words, put the heart, do not say, no meaning.
  • 7、即使在深切的热爱里面,我们也是孤独。
  • 8、你自认为懂我,应何不知错过便了然。
  • 9、Forever is a long time, and I love you forever.
  • 10、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。
  • 11、Love makes obedience easy.
  • 12、Marry in haste and regret for life.
  • 13、你有没有很想,和谁重新认识一次。

  • 14、People are beautiful not because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.
  • 15、匆忙结婚,后悔终生。
  • 16、Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of life's distress, especially in love.
  • 17、When poverty comes in, love jumps out of the window.
  • 18、只要嫁得好,不要嫁得早。
  • 爱情是比责任更好的老师。
  • 19、爱情是比责任更好的老师。
  • 20、Love, a fragile and gorgeous butterfly.
  • 21、Wine can be made into vinegar, and love can be turned into hatred.
  • 22、可恨的是现实不是童话故事,我们都别傻了好吗?
  • 23、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.

  • 24、Years, eventually arrived but a lonely.
  • 25、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。
  • 26、失恋的时候你以为世界抛弃了你,别傻了世界根本就没需要过你。
  • 27、The basic element of love is to believe that love itself is immortal.
  • 28、People are beautiful not because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.
  • 29、爱情中的苦与乐始终都在相互争斗。
  • 30、即使在深切的热爱里面,我们也是孤独。
  • 31、已经过去很久了,就在今天我又想起你了。
  • Flourishing, like a dream without trace.
  • 32、Flourishing, like a dream without trace.
  • 33、To love a person means to help him return to himself and make him himself more.

  • 34、有时候,说不上来的失落,道不明白的难过,理不清楚的交错。
  • 35、爱情越热烈、越真诚,就越要含蓄。
  • 36、会撒娇的女人肯定温柔。会撒娇的女人,支使起男人来,易如反掌:老公,帮我拎着包裹,你看人家的小手,都勒出红印来了。
  • 37、虽然我现在不能承诺将来一定会给你多大的幸福,但唯一能保证的是只要你不放手,我绝不放弃这段爱情。
  • 38、The only gift love needs is love.
  • 39、Even in deep love, we are lonely.
  • 40、Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
  • 41、我爱的人、不是我的爱人。
  • 42、只要嫁得好,不要嫁得早。
  • 43、此刻,站在这个时间点回望往惜,那时你所想象的困难在现在看来是那么的渺小与可笑至极……

  • 44、爱情所需要的唯一礼物就是爱情。
  • 时间会咬人,你不走会满身伤痕
  • 45、时间会咬人,你不走会满身伤痕
  • 46、Sometimes life does feel empty.
  • 47、爱情,一只脆弱华丽的蝴蝶。
  • 48、有些话,放心里,不必说,没意义。
  • 49、A woman's life is a history of love.
  • 50、Sometimes life does feel empty.
  • 51、要得身体好,娶妻莫过早。
  • 52、I still miss you, my love has gone.
  • 53、亲爱的,人家想要个包包,“我不嘛”“不嘛”
