
  • 1、生活不分学期。你并没有暑假可以休息,也没有几位雇主乐于帮助你发现自我,自己找时间做吧。
  • 2、If you can accomplish nothing, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them。假如你一事无成,不是你父母的错,所以不要对自己犯的错发牢骚,从错误中往学习。
  • 3、If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss。 The boss has no term limit。如果你认为你的老师严厉,等你有了老板再这样想。老板可是没有任期限制的。
  • 4、The world does not care about your self-esteem, but requires you to feel good about yourself before you have a success。这个世界并不会在意你的自尊,而是要求你在自我感觉良好之前先有所成就。
  • 5、人们所认识到的是成功者往往经历了更多的失败,只是他们从失败中站起来并继续向前。
  • For customers to keep their commitments, this service is very important。对客户信守承诺,这一服务准则非常重要。
  • 6、For customers to keep their commitments, this service is very important。对客户信守承诺,这一服务准则非常重要。
  • 7、There is no secret to success, they are only adapted to the development of the times。成功都并没有什么秘密,他们只不过是适应了时代发展的变化。
  • 8、In this world, no one can make you fall。 If your faith is still standing。在这个世界上,没有人能使你倒下。假如你自己的信念还站立的话。
  • 9、When you encountered setbacks in their career, the idea of "retreat", you should be paid attention to, which is the most dangerous!当你在事业上遇到挫折,有“打退堂鼓的念头时,你应该加以注意,这是最危险的时候!
  • 10、Our goal is not to become a device center, but to become a user center。我们的目标不是成为设备中心,而是要成为用户中心。

  • 11、For a good book, your future is likely to be one of them。对书呆子好一点,你未来很可能就为其中一个工作。
  • 12、A lot of people like to delay, their opponent's head is not doing well, but not to do, this is the biggest bad habits。很多人喜欢拖延,他们对手头的事情不是做不好,而是不去做,这是最大的恶习。
  • 13、Microsoft Corp is another company in the courage and boldness There is nothing comparable to this people show。微软公司在用人上所表现出的胆略与气魄是别的公司无可比拟的。
  • 14、增强团队精神是每位公司治理人必须做到的,只有强大的团队才能在市场的浪潮中立于不败之地,才能做至公司。没有强大的团队,新治理人的工作能力怎能得到下属的认可呢?
  • 15、Innovation is the only way to do it。创新是做至公司唯一之路。
  • 16、Our goal is not to become a device center, but to become a user center。我们的目标不是成为设备中心,而是要成为用户中心。
  • 17、We do not understand the technical management staff, because, to seek the balance between technology and governance to do not trouble。我们没有不懂技术的治理职员,由于,往寻求技术和治理之间的平衡尽不费力。
  • 18、We do not understand the technical management staff, because, to seek the balance between technology and governance to do not trouble。我们没有不懂技术的治理职员,由于,往寻求技术和治理之间的平衡尽不费力。
  • 好的习惯是一笔财富,一旦你拥有它,你就会受益终生。养成立即行动的习惯,你的人生将变得更有意义。
  • 19、好的习惯是一笔财富,一旦你拥有它,你就会受益终生。养成立即行动的习惯,你的人生将变得更有意义。
  • 20、When you encounter setbacks in their careers, have beat a retreat motive, you should pay attention to, this is the most dangerous time!当你在事业上碰到挫折,有打退堂鼓的动机时,你应该加以留意,这是最危险的时候!

  • 21、Religion is not very effective, but there are many things waiting for us to do in the early hours of Sunday morning!只是在时间分配方面,宗教并非非常有效,星期天早晨有很多事等着我们去做呢!
  • 22、For customers to keep their commitments, this service is very important。对客户信守承诺,这一服务准则非常重要。
  • 23、This is the best time to enter the business, the next year will be more than the sum of the past year。这是进入商界的最佳时机,未来年将要进行的改变将超过过去年的总和。
  • 24、The world does not care about your self-esteem, only care about the results you have done, and then go to emphasize your feelings。这个世界并不在乎你的自尊,只在乎你做出来的成绩,然后再去强调你的感受。
  • 25、Our top man was away, so I tell you, Microsoft will become a be of little company。把我们顶尖的个人才挖走,那么我告诉你,微软会变成一家无足轻重的公司。
  • 26、When you encountered setbacks in their career, the idea of "retreat", you should be paid attention to, which is the most dangerous!当你在事业上遇到挫折,有“打退堂鼓的念头时,你应该加以注意,这是最危险的时候!
  • 27、如果你已经制定了一个远大的计划,那么就在你的生命中,用最大的努力去实现这个目标吧。
  • 28、Success begins with the idea, but only such an idea, but no action, or no success。成功开始于想法,但是,只有这样的想法,却没有付出行动,还是不可能成功的。
  • 29、If you have already made a big plan, use the best efforts to achieve the goal in your life。如果你已经制定了一个远大的计划,那么就在你的生命中,用最大的努力去实现这个目标吧。
  • 30、No savvy entrepreneurs, the response is not sensitive enough, it is difficult to get their own company to do the fire。没有悟性的创业者,反应就不够灵敏,很难把自己的公司办得火起来。

  • 31、我们总是高估今后一两年内将要发生的变革,总是低估未来10年将要发生的变革。所以,不要让你自己陷入无所作为的窘境。
  • 高中刚毕业你不会一年挣万美元,你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车,直到你将此职位和汽车电话都挣到手。
  • 32、高中刚毕业你不会一年挣万美元,你不会成为一个公司的副总裁,并拥有一部装有电话的汽车,直到你将此职位和汽车电话都挣到手。
  • 33、如果你已经制定了一个远大的计划,那么就在你的生命中,用最大的努力去实现这个目标吧。
  • 34、Innovation is the only way to do it。创新是做至公司唯一之路。
  • 35、If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss。如果你认为学校里的老师过于严厉,那么等你有了老板再回头想一想。
  • 36、在微软诞生的众多绝妙想法都是来自于顶端吗不尽然。
  • 37、Life is not fair, you need to adapt to it。生活是不公平的,你要去适应它。
  • 38、我们没有不懂技术的治理职员,由于,往寻求技术和治理之间的平衡尽不费力。
  • 39、When your efforts are in sync with the times, you will have a negligible impact on society。当你的努力与时代同步时,你就会对社会产生不可忽略的影响。
  • 40、固然行动不一定能带来令人满足的结果,但不采取行动就尽无满足的结果而言。

  • 41、Microsoft Corp is no other company can be compared in courage and momentum for people on the show。微软公司在用人上所表现出的胆略与气势是别的公司无可相比的。
  • 42、Microsoft Corp is another company in the courage and boldness There is nothing comparable to this people show。微软公司在用人上所表现出的胆略与气魄是别的公司无可比拟的。
  • 43、Be kind to those you hate, because you know, you will work for such a person。善待你所厌恶的人,由于说不定哪一天你就会为这样的一个人工作。
  • 44、When you encounter setbacks in their careers, have beat a retreat motive, you should pay attention to, this is the most dangerous time!当你在事业上碰到挫折,有打退堂鼓的动机时,你应该加以留意,这是最危险的时候!
  • Failure is not a bad thing, a failure can teach you a lot, and even more useful than you have learned in college。失败并非坏事,一次失败能教会你很多,甚至比你大学里所学的还有用。
  • 45、Failure is not a bad thing, a failure can teach you a lot, and even more useful than you have learned in college。失败并非坏事,一次失败能教会你很多,甚至比你大学里所学的还有用。
  • 46、不要让这个世界的复杂性阻碍你前进。要成为一个行动主义者。将解决人类的不平等视为己任。它将成为你生命中最重要的经历之一。
  • 47、Bankruptcy is a temporary predicament, poverty is a state of mind。破产是一种暂时的困境,贫困是一种思想的状态。
  • 48、花费数百元买一本书,便可以获得别人的聪明经验。然而,假如你全盘模仿,不加思考,那有时就会画虎不成反类犬。
  • 49、Business development needs the opportunity, but the opportunity for a vision of the leaders, once also enough。企业发展需要的是机会,而机会对于有眼光的领导人来说,一次也就够了。
  • 50、Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity。 Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping they called it opportunity "。卖汉堡包并不会有损于你的尊严。你的祖父母对卖汉堡包有着不同的理解,他们称之为“机遇。

  • 51、Let your impatient customers is your biggest source of learning。让你最不耐烦的客户是你最大的学习来源。
  • 52、Good habits are mainly rely on the people's self constraint, or by the people to see the negative。好的习惯主要是依靠于人的自我约束,或者说靠人对自我欲看的否定。