2023-02-05 11:18:03
- 1、恭喜你找到共度一生的灵魂伴侣,婚姻是人生大事,相信你做出的会是最明智的决定,有了爱的结晶生了可爱的宝宝,别忘了请我吃油饭喔。
- 2、有些人,才遇见一下子,就好像认识了很久似的,什么事都想和他说。
- 3、What you say makes you laugh, but what you don't say makes you jump.
- 4、边学边问,才有学问。
- 5、贪吃贪睡,添病减岁。
- 6、所谓思念,只是一个人的一厢情愿。
- 7、What you say makes you laugh, but what you don't say makes you jump.
- 8、Time is the best doctor and the worst beautician.
9、Monks don't say ghosts. There is no rice in the bag.
- 10、Love is just a kind of crazy.
- 11、想知道个人的内心缺少什么,不看别的,就看其炫耀什么;想知道个人自卑什么,不看别的,就看其掩饰什么。
- 12、Do not believe in forever, do not have expectation, and do not need a promise.
- 13、货买三家不吃亏,路走三遭不陌生。
- 14、至于夏水襄陵,沿溯阻绝。郦道元
- 15、旱刮东风不下雨,涝刮东风不开天。
- 16、幸福安康,温暖过冬。
- 17、Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree.
- 18、【儿童健康歌】若要小儿安,三分饥与寒。
- 20、Dissatisfaction is the upward wheel.
- 21、What you say makes you laugh, but what you don't say makes you jump.
- 22、不怕不知味,就怕后反劲。
- 23、Time is the best doctor and the worst beautician.
- 24、真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。
- 25、这个世界,有两件事我们不能不做:一是赶路,二是停下来看看自己是否拥有一份好心态,好心态是一生的好伴侣,让人愉悦健康。
- 26、Don't make a hairless cattle, don't ride a horse without a fork.
- 27、You are the sun, I am the warm light, we are all right.
- 28、每个人以自己的行为向上帝负责,不能要求别人承担自己的命运
- 30、爱情从爱情中来。
- 31、【人生晚安感悟】所谓平淡是真,背景必须的是无数的斑斓锦缎。
- 32、忘记那个人,不如忘记自己,告诉自己,不是怕他忘记,而是怕他有天重新把你想起。岁月带走的是记忆,但回忆会越来越清晰。真的有天,他回过头来告诉你,他直在惦记你,千万不要相信,因为,他已经不是原来的他,而你,也不再是过去的你。
- 33、真正之才智,是刚毅的志向。拿破仑
- 34、Don't laugh, don't laugh, just laugh life will not pass.
- 35、滴水成河,粒米成箩。
- 36、天上有多少星光世间有多少女孩但天上只有一个月亮世间只有一个你。
- 37、In the first 30 years, I can't wake up, and in the last 30 years, I can't sleep.
- 38、I can lose anything, but I don't want to lose you.
- 40、It is not unfamiliar to buy three goods without losing money and walk three times.
- 41、当你必须为段爱情做承诺时,切其实都已结束;当你必须为段婚姻做承诺时,切才刚开始。
- 42、其它星星都换了方位,北极星依然会在原地,当别人不了解你、不原谅你,甚至离开你,只要我守在原地,你就不会迷路。
- 43、Nothing can't go, I don't believe in happiness, I believe you.
- 44、Love comes from love.
- 45、Entrusted by others and loyal to others.
- 46、爱像水墨青花,何惧刹那芳华。
- 47、这酒杯是甜蜜而悦人的,因为它曾碰过那知心人儿的樱唇。
- 48、终于知道有很多事情,不是丢掉送走分手不再联络,就可以解决的。有了牵挂,一切就输了。
49、Love you, a lot of people, a lot of people I love, only one of you!
- 50、True intelligence is determined ambition.
- 51、不使无缰耕牛,不乘无叉跑马。