
  • 1、The best attack is to attack yourself。
  • 2、It's time to treat the disease。
  • 3、With diligence to achieve the dream, with the wisdom of life。
  • 4、伟大的事业,需要决心,能力,组织和责任感。
  • 5、For fear of suffering a lifetime, not afraid of hardship for a long time。

  • 6、失败是块磨刀石。
  • 7、耐心和持久胜过激烈和狂热。
  • 8、Everything should be used in many ways。
  • 9、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能坚持多久。
  • 10、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。
  • 11、毅力是永久的享受。
  • 12、We can't choose our destiny, but we can change our destiny。
  • 13、Must bear in mind; every day is the best day of the year。
  • 14、For fear of suffering a lifetime, not afraid of hardship for a long time。
  • 15、The best attack is to attack yourself。

  • 16、A low income is a happy, happy is seeking a senior。
  • 17、胜利属于最坚忍的人。
  • 18、A person to show off what, what is missing in the heart。
  • 19、The secret of success is to keep your goals and beliefs。
  • Happiness is not because it has more but less care。
  • 20、Happiness is not because it has more but less care。
  • 21、才气就是长期的坚持不懈。
  • 22、没有一种不幸可与失掉时间相比了。
  • 23、Great strength lies in our hearts。
  • 24、完成工作的方法,是爱惜每一分钟。
  • 25、Happiness is not because it has more but less care。

  • 26、With the active people together, can make us feel high。
  • 27、It's time to treat the disease。
  • 28、A person to show off what, what is missing in the heart。
  • 29、Because of the fear of defeat, will never succeed。
  • 30、No matter how many times the number of times, they have to face life, full of hope。
  • 31、A person afraid of things, is often what he should do。
  • 32、生命没有完结,生命只有前进。
  • 33、With determination, there is power; with perseverance, it will succeed!
  • 世上无难事,只怕有心人。
  • 34、世上无难事,只怕有心人。
  • 35、耐心之树,结黄金之果。

  • 36、没有一种不幸可与失掉时间相比了。
  • 37、耐心等待总会遇到晴朗。
  • 38、Because of the fear of defeat, will never succeed。
  • 39、不经历风雨,长不成大树,不受百炼,难以成钢。
  • 40、面对成功,要有足够的耐心。
  • 41、Play your part and do what you should do。
  • 42、The state is dry out, and not wait。
  • 43、A person to show off what, what is missing in the heart。
  • 44、Happiness is not because it has more but less care。
  • 45、Life is too short to give up tomorrow。

  • 46、A low income is a happy, happy is seeking a senior。
  • 47、The state is dry out, and not wait。
  • 常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门。
  • 48、常常是最后一把钥匙打开了门。
  • 49、Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go。
  • 50、Not to find excuses for failure, only to find ways to succeed。
  • 51、The state is dry out, and not wait。
  • 52、只要你有耐心,总有成功的机会。
  • 53、Play your part and do what you should do。
  • 54、世上无难事,只怕有心人。
  • 55、With the active people together, can make us feel high。

  • 56、顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座**。
  • 57、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。