

  • 2、Confidence breeds confidence, from victory to victory。
  • 3、Life always gives you another chance, the chance to call tomorrow。
  • 4、说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。
  • 5、Only believe in yourself, to let others believe you。
  • A person afraid of things, is often what he should do。
  • 6、A person afraid of things, is often what he should do。
  • 7、蚜虫吃青草,锈吃铁,虚伪吃灵魂。
  • 8、信用是无形的资产。
  • 9、The so-called strong, is both the will, but also to create the opportunity of the people。
  • 10、Not to find reasons for failure, to find ways to。
  • 11、无信则人危,无法则国乱。

  • 12、微小的知识使人骄傲,丰富的知识使人谦逊。
  • 13、做好人容易,做正直的人却难。
  • 14、When we lose, we know we have。
  • 15、He, the safety of the heart; as in me, let it be。
  • 16、诚不避贫富,信无论大小。
  • 17、自古皆有死,民无信不立。
  • 18、I succeed because I am determined to succeed!
  • Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go。
  • 19、Since you look for a road, why go to inquire about how long to go。
  • 20、Not to find excuses for failure, only to find ways to succeed。
  • 21、小信诚则大信立。

  • 22、行一件好事,心中泰然;行一件歹事,衾影抱愧。
  • 23、诚信是一枚凝重的砝码,放上它生命不再摇摆不定,天平立即稳稳地倾向一端。
  • 24、诚信是在衡量自我得失时失去的。
  • 25、Many people lack of beauty, but the quality of confidence。
  • 26、Show your style, and try to win the success with more efforts。
  • 27、与朋友交,言而有信。
  • 28、装饰对于德行也同样是格格不入的,因为德行是灵魂的力量和生气。
  • 29、Life is too short to give up tomorrow。
  • 30、Never give up is the only secret of your dream。
  • 31、The killer of love is not the third, but the time。

    He, the safety of the heart; as in me, let it be。
  • 32、He, the safety of the heart; as in me, let it be。
  • 33、In light of the state of 1000 times, it is a word of faith.
  • 34、诚不避贫富,信无论大小。
  • 35、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。
  • 36、诚实是科学家的主要美德。
  • 37、我们应该老老实实地办事。
  • 38、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。
  • 39、至诚而不动者,未之有也;不诚,未有能动者也。
  • 40、Hard work is your password, you can translate a magnificent epic。
  • 41、With determination, there is power; with perseverance, it will succeed!

  • 42、The state is dry out, and not wait。
  • 43、没有诚实何来尊严。
  • 44、强本而节用,则天不能贫。
  • If there is no friend in life, just like life without sunshine。
  • 45、If there is no friend in life, just like life without sunshine。
  • 46、Play your part and do what you should do。
  • 47、Great strength lies in our hearts。
  • 48、诚信是一种自我约束的品质,不是通过一篇文章或一句话就能检验得出的。
  • 49、诚信是一枚凝重的砝码,放上它生命不再摇摆不定,天平立即稳稳地倾向一端。
  • 50、生命的短促,只有美德能将它留传到遥远的后世。
  • 51、人们的心灵因诚信而变得淳厚朴实纯洁无瑕,人们的也因诚信而走向一个又一个胜利。

  • 52、坦白真爽最得人心。